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U2 vocab

ADVERSE unfavorable, negative; working against, hostile
adverse Some people suffer an _____ reaction if they eat peanut butter or anything with peanuts.
CONSTRAIN to force, compel; to restrain, hold back
constrain You can't _____ me against my will.
CONTEMPORARY (adjective) belonging to the same period of time as oneself (noun) a person of the same time
contemporary His novel used a _____ style but had a historical setting.
GROUNDLESS (adjective) without any good reason or cause; unjustified
groundless Kate's _____ fear of hurting herself during exercise has left her weak and out of shape.
MIMIC (noun) a person who does imitations (verb) to imitate; to make fun of
mimic Troy continually entertains his friends because he can _____ any accent he hears
PREASEVANCE continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition
preaservence It took an entire marking period of _____ through countless obstacles for hard-working Stateliners to achieve honor roll.
PROACTIVE acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes
proactive Students who are _____ make a plan for thie success and use tools to stay organized.
ARID (adjective) extremely dry; uninteresting, dull
arid The arid climate of the desert is the perfect place for the cactus to bloom.
CONFRONT (verb) to meet face-to-face, especially as a challenge; come to grips with
confront If we confront our bullies we take away their power to control us.
DEPICT (verb) to portray; to represent or show in the form of a picture.
depict The illustrator’s ability to depict the victim’s stories explained the war from a whole new perspective.
HYPOCRITE (noun) a person who pretends to be what he or she is not or better than he or she really is; a two-faced person
hypocrite She really is a hypocrite since she yells at everyone to choose healthy while she only drinks soda eat Takis.
SERENE (adjective) peaceful, calm; free of emotional upset; clear and free of storm; majestic, grand
serene The most serene sound for many people is waves on a summer beach.
TENACITY The determination to continue what you are doing.
tenacity Turbo the snail demonstrated great _____ in finishing the race against a racecar without his power of speed.
CONFORMITY acting in accordance with some specified standard
conformity being the same and doing the same as everybody else.
Beacan Someone or something that gives hope to others
beacan The Statue of Liberty was a beacon of hope for millions of immigrants seeking freedom, safety, and a new life in the United States .
ASSAILANT noun) a person who attacks violently
assailant The jogger was injured by an unknown _____ who left him immoblie at the side of the roa
BILLOW noun) a large wave OR (verb) to rise like a large wave
billow Fans cheered enthusiastically when they saw their team’s flags ____ over the stadium
INCOMPREHENSIBLE (adjective) impossible to understand
incomprehensible Our school’s intercom system is so old that this morning’s announcements were almost _____.
MAXIMUM (noun) the greatest possible amount OR (adjective) reaching the great possible amount
maximum To ease the patient’s suffering, the doctor prescribed the _____ dosage of painkillers.
SHEEPISH adjective) embarrassed, timid
sheepish His _____ grin made the crowds cheer all the more for his unlikely victory
PERSEVERANCE continued effort to do something despite difficulties
perseverance It took months of planning and ------- through countless obstacles for the Allies to achieve victory in the war.
GRIT mental toughness and courage
grit Through resourcefulness and -----, the Pilgrims, true pioneers, survived the harsh conditions of their first winter.
GENOCIDE The deliberate and systematic destruction of a religious, racial, national, or cultural group
genocide Hitler and his Nazis shocked the world with their "Final Solution," which was the first publicly documented _____in modern history.
HOLOCAUST the systematic government killing of six million Jewish people and others by Nazi Germany during World War II
holocaust Survivors of the _____ share their stories so that the voices of the victims make sure the world never repeats the same unforgivable murders.
DISINTEREST (adj.) fair-minded; free from selfish motives; indifferent
disinterest A judge must remain _____in order to render and even handed and logical decision.
ENCOMPASS (v) to encircle, go or reach around; to enclose; (v) to include with a certain group or class
encompass Oceans _____ about three-fourths of the surface of our planet.
MANIPULATE (v) to handle or use skillfully; to manage or control for personal gain or advantage
manipulate Scientists should not_____ data.
RUFFLE (v) to wrinkle, make uneven OR (v) to annoy, upset OR (v) to flip through OR (n) material used for trimming edges OR (n) a low drumbeat
ruffle His sarcastic comments always _____ my feelings.
STAMINA (n) strength needed to keep going or overcome physical or mental strain; staying power
stamina Marathon runners a great deal of_____to cover the many miles.
AVERT To see coming and ward off; avoid
avert The best way to _____ summer school and avoid stress is by completing assignments on time and participating in class.
Created by: user-1581656
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