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Chapter 28

Pregnancy and Parturition PSY 278

What is example of copulation timed with ovulation? ovary releases egg
What are the physiological factors to ensure sperm delivery? copulatory plug. The uterine contractions via oxytocin/ epinephrine and the copulatory lock.
What are the behavioral factor to ensure sperm delivery? mating holds
What hormones are in the follicular phase? LH and FSH
What does LH stand for? luteinizing hormone
What does FSH stand for? foliate stimulation hormone
What hormones is in the ovulation phase? estrogen
What hormones are in the luteal phase? progesterone and related compounds
What are the physiological indicators of the ovulatory cycle? follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase
What hormone in the sperm storage? cryopreservation
What happens in the gestation? duration is the conception to birth
What happens during diapause? a cessation or slowing of early embryo growth ex: blastocyst
What controls diapause? lactation. season, nutrition
What are the three phases of parturition? prepartus, partus, and postpartum
What is prepartus? labor
What happens during labor? varying lengths of contractions, mothers often exhibit signs of discomfort,
What do many females do during labor? seek isolation immediately prior to onset of prepartus
What is the comparisons btw primiparous vs. multiparous? single offspring vs. multiple offspring
What is an example of a partus phase? an African elephant standing
What happens during the postpartum phase? mother's behavior dictated by offspring behavior (movement, calling)
What is maternal licking that is species specific? possible function in stimulating defection/ urination (ingested by mom) and odor reduction in prey animals
What is factors of placentophagy? species-specific and common across wide swathes of mammals
Created by: danimae44
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