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Geo. Ch9 voc.

9th grade World Geo. Vocab

large system of mountain ranges located along the Pacific Coast, of Central, and South America. Andes Mountains
the cowboys of Argentina and Uruguay. Gauchos
grassy treeless areas used for livestock grazing and farming. Llanos
savannas with flat terrain and moderate rainfall that make them suitable for farming. Cerrado
grasslands and rich soil. Pampas
river mainly in Venezuela and part of south america's northernmost river system. Orinoco River
the second largest river in the world. Amazon River
a river in Central South America that starts in Brazil. Parana River
wide lower course of a river where the current is met by the tides. Estuary
the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles and the Bahamas. West Indies
a forest region located in the Tropical Zone with many types of trees. Rain Forest
it is among the largest snakes in the world. Anaconda
a sharp tooth meat eating fish. Piranha
they cut trees, brush and grasses and burned the debris to clear the field. Slash and Burn Techniques
is an ancient technique for growing crops on hillsides or mountain slopes. Terraced Farming
are factors that “push” people to leave rural areas. (leave) Push Factors
are factors that “pull” people toward cities. (bring in) Pull Factors
it is the basic support system to keep an economy going. Infrastructure
Created by: P.V.A.
Popular Geography sets



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