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Pharm test two

GI GU womens health, endocrine, psych

G vasopressin B Pitressin Posterior pituitary hormone (ADH); for ADH replacement, tx of diabetes insipidus (& its related fluid loss) SE: vasoconstriction effects; possible water intoxication w/H/A, seizures if excessive anti-diuretic effect causes excessive fluid retention
G somatropin (human GH) B Humatrope Anterior pituitary growth hormone For growth hormone replacement therapy (in child or adult) SE: hypersensitivity; hyperglycemia, insulin resistance
G levothyroxine B Synthroid 778 Synthetic thyroid hormone , for tx of hypothyroidism; tx is usually lifelong, also tx of goiter Best taken before breakfast; takes a few wks for therapeutic effects SE: wt loss, diarrhea, H/A, nervousness, hypertension, tachycardia
G propylthiouracil (PTU) B Anti-thyroid agent; inhibits thyroid hormone synthesis; for tx of hyper-thyroidism May be used prior to thyroidectomy SE: rash, N&V, diarrhea; agranulocytosis (rare); hypothyroidism
G strong potassium iodine solution B Lugol’s solution Anti-thyroid agent; used in prepara- tion for thryoidectomy, causes  thyroid vascularity,thyroid activity Dilute in juice or water before adm; adm after meals SE: H/A, metallic taste, burning sen-sation in mouth; can stain teeth so use straw
G calcitriol B Rocaltrol 781 Vit D analogue, promotes Ca+ absorption, Ca+ bld levels; for management of hypocalcemia For tx of hypoparathyroidism SE: hyper-sensitivity; excessive dosing can cause hyper-calcemia w/weakness, abd pain
G hydrocortisone B Cortef, Solu-Cortef Glucocorticosteroid w/some mineralcorticoid activity For tx of adrenal insufficiency, including Addison’s disease (also anti-inflammatory in lg doses) SE: none in replacement low doses
G fludrocortisone B Florinef Mineral corticosteroid w/some glucocorticoid activity For tx of hypoaldosteronism w/ related Na+ and water loss and K+ retention SE: edema, hypertension
G metformin B Glucophage Oral hypoglycemic/ antidiabetic; biguanide Decreases hepatic glucose production from stored glycogen, increases glucose uptake by muscles SE: appetite, diarrhea; lactic acidosis (rare)
G repaglinide B Prandin Oral hypoglycemic/ antidiabetic; meglitinide Promotes insulin secretion by pancreas; take 15-30 min ac SE: hypoglycemia
G lispro B Humalog (Very) rapid-acting insulin, short duration SubQ; give 5-10 min before meals SE: hyper-sensitivity; hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy
G regular insulin B Humulin R Short-acting (slower than rapid acting) insulin, short durationSubQ, give within 30 min of meals; available in IV (only type in this form), inhalation SE: hypersensitivity; hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy
G NPH insulin B Humulin N Intermediate acting insulin, intermediate duration; for control between meals, overnight SubQ give twice daily (ac breakfast and ac supper); gently agitate vial before use SE: hypersensitivity; hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy
G glargine insulin B Lantus Long duration, steady release w/no peak SubQ give once daily at same time; do not mix w/other insulins SE: hyper-sensitivity; hypoglycemia; lipodystrophy
G glucagon B Pancreatic hormone, raises blood glucose levels Increases hepatic glucose production from stored glycogen; for subQ, IM, or IV use; for tx of insulin overdose, acute hypoglycemia
G terbutaline B Brethine Uterine relaxant (tocolytic); beta adrenergic agonist; also anti-asthmatic (bronchodilator effect) Acts on uterine smooth muscle SE: weakness; can  tachycardia in mother & infant,  systolic & diastolic B/P
G magnesium sulfate B Uterine relaxant (tocolytic); anti-convulsant r/t eclampsia Ca+ antagonist, CNS depressant; tx of choice to suppress pre-term labor SE:  bld levels can lethargy, muscle weakness,  resp
G dinoprostone B Cervidil Prostaglandin; used for cervical ripening before inducing labor SE: allergic react, H/A, N&V, hypotension
G oxytocin B Pitocin 849 Uterine stimulant (oxytocic) for induction of labor Increases intracellular Ca+ in uterine smooth muscle SE: N&V, cardiac dysrhythmias, BP; fetal bradycardia; poss uterine hyperstimulation
G methylergonovin B Methergine Uterine stimulant (oxytocic); used in tx of postpartum bleeding Avoid use in pt w/ hypertension SE: N&V, dizziness, H/A,  BP
G ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone B Ovcon 35 Oral contraceptive; contain both estrogen & progesterone SE:  risk of thromboembolic disorders esp, if hypertensive, if smoker;  risk of breast, ovarian, uterine CAs
G medroxyprogesterone B Depo-Provera Injectable contraceptive Every 3 month dosing; given IM SE: rash, acne, irregular menstrual periods
G estradiol B Estrace Estrogen; used in hormone replacement thpy (HRT) and to treat hormone-sensitive tumors In menopausal HRT, progestin added to estro-gen to counteract hyperplasia effect on endo-metrium SE: N&V,  risk of blood clots, some cancers
G alendronate sodium B Fosamax Bone resorption inhibitor, calcium regulator used in tx of osteoporosis Take med on empty stomach w/full glass of water, no food for 30 min to promote absorption. SE: esophagitis.
G colmiphene B Clomid Ovulation stimulant may  multiple births SE: nausea, abd bloating; breast engorgement, hot flashes
G HPV vaccine B Gardasil Immunizing agent against HPV, leading cause of cervical CA Do not give in presence of acute febrile condition SE: hypersensitivity
G meperidine B Demerol Opioid analgesic, may be used for pain management during labor Not for prolonged use (2 days +) because metabolite normeperidine can accumulate and cause  risk of seizures
Created by: 614714038
Popular Pharmacology sets




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