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AP Psych Vocab U4
AP Psych Vocab Unit 4 for Mrs. Hajdik's class
Question | Answer |
Associative Learning | Learning that certain events occur together. The events may be two stimuli or a response & its consequence. |
Behaviorism | The perspective that psychology should be an objective science that studies behavior without mental processes. |
Instrumental Learning | A process in which an organism performs some learned task which is needed in producing a desired result by conditioning (rewards or punishments). |
Law of Effect | E.L. Thorndike: Behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely, & behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely. |
Learning | Refers to relatively permanent change to behavior or knowledge that is due to experience. |
Operant Conditioning | Changing behavior choices in response to consequences. |
Observational Learning | "Social Learning.” Learning by watching others in a social context. |
Classical Conditioning | Learning to link two stimuli in a way that helps us anticipate an event to which we have a reaction. |
Acquisition | Initial stage of learning or conditioning. NS must come before/precede the US (Ex. Bell before food) |
Conditioned Response (CR) | A learned response to a previously neutral stimulus. |
Conditioned Stimulus (CS) | An originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response. |
Extinction | The diminishing of a conditioned response. If the US stops appearing with the CS, then the CR goes away. |
Neutral Stimulus | A stimulus which does not trigger a response |
Spontaneous Recovery | A return of the conditioned response despite a lack of or pause of further conditioning, following a rest period. |
Discrimination | The learned ability to only respond to a specific stimulus, preventing generalization. |
Generalization | The tendency to have conditioned responses triggered by related stimuli. |
Taste Aversion (Garcia Effect) | the avoidance of a certain food following a period of illness after consuming that food. |
Unconditioned Response (UCR) | an unlearned naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus. |
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) | a stimulus which triggers a response naturally, before/without any conditioning. |
Learned Helplessness | A decrease in responding that occurs after exposure to uncontrollable aversion events. “Escape Conditioning” |
Insight Learning | Sudden awareness of the solution to a problem. “AHA!” moment. |
Continuous Reinforcement | Giving a reward EVERY SINGLE time. Behavior is acquired quickly. |
Negative Punishment | TAKE AWAY/SUBTRACT something PLEASANT/DESIRED. Ex: Take away cellphone |
Negative Reinforcement | taking away something unpleasant/undesirable after a response. |
Partial/Intermittent Reinforcement | Giving rewards PART of the time. Behavior takes longer to acquire but persists longer without reward. |
Positive Punishment | ADD something UNPLEASANT/AVERSIVE Ex: Spank a child |
Positive Reinforcement | adding something pleasurable after a response. |
Primary Reinforcer | Unlearned/innately reinforcing stimulus. Example: Food when hungry. |
Punishment | Consequences that make target behavior less likely to occur in the future. |
Reinforcement | Any event that strengthens a behavior it follows. |
Secondary (unconditioned) Reinforcer | Get their power through learned association w/ primary reinforcers. Example: Money to buy food. |
Shaping | Reinforcers guide behavior toward closer & closer approximations of the desired behavior. |
Latent Learning | Learning that occurs but its not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it. |
Ratio Schedule | Rewards per # of responses. Examples of ratio: Rewards, responses, products, etc. |
Interval Schedule | Time has gone by. Examples of interval: Minutes, seconds, hours, weeks, days, months, seasons etc. |
Fixed Interval Schedule | reinforce a response only after a specified time has elapsed |
Fixed Ratio Schedule | reinforce a response after a specified number of responses |
Variable Interval Schedule | reinforce a response at unpredictable time intervals |
Variable Ratio Schedule | reinforce a response after an unpredictable number of responses |
Schedules of Reinforcement | the precise rules that are used to present (or to remove) reinforcers (or punishers) following a specified operant behavior. |