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Exam 2


sensory memory is a brief and almost identical representation of the stimuli that exists in the observable environment. This type of memory is as if the representation exists in your mind in the absence of the stimuli itself.
working memory is the active processes and structures involved in holding information in mind and simultaneously using that information, sometimes in conjunction with incoming information, to solve a problem, make a decision, or learn new information.
long-term memory refers to the ability to remember rather extensive amounts ofinfor-mation from a few seconds to a few hours to decades.
episodic memory is the general class ofmemory having to do with the conscious recollection of information from a specific event or point in time
procedural memory implicit memory - involves retrieval of information without conscious or intentional recollection
semantic memory concerns learn-ing and remembering the meaning of words and concepts not tied to specific occurrences of events in time.
source memory refers to the ability to remember the source of a familiar event as well as the ability to deter-mine if an event was imagined or actually experienced.
prospective memory involves remembering to remember something in the future, such as an action or event
meta-memory knowledge about how memory works and what we believe to be true about it
rehearsal is the process that information is held in working memory, either by repeating items over and over or by making meaningful connections between the information in working memory and information already known.
semantic elaboration the process of rehearsal of a stimulus representation in words
encoding is the process of getting information into the memory system.
retrieval Getting information back out of memory
processing resources refers to the amount ofattention one has to apply to a particular situation
automatic processing places minimal demands on attentional capacity and gets information into the system largely without us being aware of it
effortful processing requires all of the available attentional capacity
interference internal or external stimuli that affects memory/attention
inhibitory loss popular hypothesis that older adults have reduced processing resources because they have difficulty inhibiting the processing of irrelevant information
implicit memory (sometimes called procedural memory) involves retrieval of informa-tion without conscious or intentional recollection.
explicit memory (sometimes called declarative memory), is intentional and conscious remembering of information learned and remembered at a specific point in time.
crystallized intelligence the knowledge you have acquired through life experience and education in a par-ticular culture
fluid intelligence consists of the abilities that make you a flexible andadaptive thinker, allow you to make infer-ences, and enable you to understand the relations among concepts
structure of intelligence organization ofinterrelated intellectual abilities
interindividual variability acknowledges adults differ in the direction of their intellectual development
psychometric approach view represented by psychological research on intelligence that focuses on performance on standardized tests;
mechanics of intelligence concerns the neurophysiological architecture of the mind
pragmatics of intelligence con-cerns acquired bodies of knowledge available from and embedded within culture
Created by: kc311
Popular Psychology sets



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