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Chapt 11-13 Suffix

Medical Terminology

abdomin/o abdomen, abdominal cavity
an/o anus
antr/o antrum
appendic/o appendix
aur/i ear
aur/o ear
blephar/o eyelid
celi/o abdomen
cec/o cecum
cheilo lip
cholangi/o bile duct
chole gall bile
choledocho common bile duct
cochle/o cochlea
col/o colon
cocle/o coclea
colon/o colon
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
cor/o pupil
core/o cornea
corne/o pupil
cry/o cold
dacry/o tear, tear duct
dipl/o two, double
enter/o intestine
esophag/o esophagus
gastr/o stomach
gloss/o tongue
hepat/o liver
herni/o hernia
ile/o ileum
infer/o below
irid/o iris
jejen/o jejunum
kerat/o cornea
labyrinth/o labyrinth, inner ear
lacrim/o tear duct, tear
lingu/o tongue
mastoid/o mastoid
myring/o eardrum
ocul/o eye
opthalm/o eye
opt/o vision
or/o mouth
ot/o ear
palat/o palate
pancreat/o pancreas
peritone/o peritoneum
phot/o light
polyp/o polyp, small growth
proct/o rectum
pylor/o pylorus
rect/o rectum
retin/o retina
scler/o sclera
sept/o septum
sigmoid/o sigmoid
staped/o stapes middle ear bone
steat/o fat
stern/o sternum
ton/o tension, pressure
tympan/o eardrum, middle ear
uvul/o, uvula
bi,bin two
hemi half
opia vision
pepsia digestion
ia diseased or abnormal state
ial pertaining to
iasis condition
iatrist specialist, physician
iatry treatment,specialty
ic pertaining to
ior pertaining to
is no meaning
ism state of
logist one who studies and treats, specialist, physician
lysis loosening, dissolution, separating
malacia softening
megaly enlargement
meter measurement
odynia pain
oma tumor, swelling
opia vision condition
opsy view of viewing
osis abnormal condition
ous pertaining to
paresis slight paralysis
pathy disease
penia abnormal reduction in number
pexy surgical fixation
phagia eating, swallowing
phobia abnormal fear of
physis growath
plasia condition of formation
plasty surgical repair
plegia paralysis
poiesis formation
ptosis drooping, sagging, prolapse
rrhagia rapid flow of blood
rrhaphy suturing, repairing
rrhea flow, discharge
rrhexis rupture
salpinx uterine fallopian tube
sarcoma malignant tumor
schisis split, fissure
sclerosis hardening
scope instrument used for visual examination
scopic pertaing to visual examintation
scopy visual examination
sis state of
spasm sudden, involuntary muscle contraction
stasis control, stop, standing
stenosis constriction or narrowing
stomy creation of an artificial opening
thorax chest
tocia birth, labor
tome instrument used to cut
tomy cut into or incision
tripsy surgical crushing
trophy nourishment, development
um no meaning
uria urine, urination
us no meaning
abdominal pertaining to the abdomen
anal pertaining to the anus
aphagia without swallowing
colorectal pertaining to the colon and rectum
dyspepsia difficult digestion
dysphagia difficult swallowing
gastrodynia pain in the stomach
gastroenterologist a physician who studies and treats disease of the stomach and intestines
gastroenterology study of the stomach and intestines
gastromalacia sonftening of the stomach
glossopathy disease of the tongue
ileocecal pertianing to the ileum and cecum
nasogastric pertianing to the nose and stomach
oral pertaining to the mouth
pancreatic pertianing to the pancreas
peritoneal pertaining to the peritoneum
proctologist physician who studies and treats deiseases of the rectum
procotlogy study of the rectum
rectal pertiaining to the rectum
steatorrhea discharge of fat
steatosis abnormal condition of fat
sublingual pertaining to under the tongue
emesis expelling matter fromt he stomach
feces waste from the digestive tract expelled through the rectum
flatus gas in the digestive tract or expelled trhough the anus
gastric lavage washing out of the stomach
gavage process of feeding a person through a nasogastric tube
hematamesis vomiting of blood
hematochezia passage of bloody feces
melena black, tarry stool that contains digested blood
nausea urge to vomit
peristalsis involuntary wavelike contractions thatpropel food along the digestive tract
reflux abnormal baward flow
stoma surgical opening twetween an organ and the surface of the body
vomiting expelling matter from the stomach through the mouth
A&P abdominoperineal resection
BE barium enema
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
ERCP endospcopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
EUS endoscopic ultrasound
FOBT fecal occult blood test
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
H. pylori Helicobacter pylori
IBS irritable bowel sydndrome
N&V nausea and vomiting
PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
UGI upper gastrointestinal
UPPP uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
sclera outer protectivelayer of the ey
cornea transparent anterior part of the sclera
choroid middle layer of the eye, which is interlaced with many blood vessels
iris the pigmented muscular sturcture that allows light to pass through
pupil openin in the center of theiris openin in the center of the iris
lens lies directly behnd the pupil
retina innermost layer of the ey
aqueous humor watery liquid found in the anterior cavity of the eye
vitreous humor jellylike substance found behind the lens in the posterior cavity of the eye
meibomian glands oil glands found inthe upper andlower edges of the eylids that help lubricate the eye.
lacrimal glands and duct produce and drain tears
optic nerve carries visual impulses from the retina to the brain
conjunctiva mucous mebrane lining the elids and covering the anterior portion to the sclera
blepahr/o eyelid
Created by: claudiavie
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