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Peds test 1

212: developmental domains from book

functional movement complex activity directed toward performing a behavioral task
stages of child development prenatal, neonatal, infancy, toddler, preschool, school age
lanugo Fine hair on the body of the fetus
what indicates malnutrition on a growth chart consistent measures below 10th percentile
linear postural control and locomotion innate, genetically determined behaviors
nonlinear postural control and locomotion coordinating many degrees of freedom of the body, with skill emerging as the result of interactions with the environment
protective reflexes allows to withdrawal from noxious stimuli
primitive reflex dominant first few weeks then wean off
fetal movement indicates development of ___ CNS
when does movement begin in prenatal stage? 7-15 weeks, -head moves toward body and startle at 8-9 weeks
when is hand to face movement seen in prenatal stage after 10 weeks
when are head movements seen in prenatal stage? 11 weeks
how many weeks before fetus makes breathing movements? 12 weeks
do new movements appear in the second trimester? no, but development continues, incidence of hiccups, stretches, and startles decrease
what movements develop first in fetus? arm, leg, mouth, trunk
what movements increase in 3rd trimester? facial movements
___ to ____ development of extremities in 3rd trimester distal to proximal
decrease in what movements in 3rd trimester generalized movement (body takes up more space), hand to face or head movement
when do sleep cycles begin in fetus 26-28 weeks
neonate is dependent on ___ for survival others
What indicates malnutrition on a growth chart? Consistent measures below 10th percentile
linear postural responses innate, genetically determined behaviors
non linear postural responses coordinating many degrees of freedom of the body, with skill emerging as the result of interactions with the environment
protective reflexes allows to withdrawal from noxious stimuli
protective reflexes use ____ patterns - Can be different between parents ex. Lower vocal tone for father, higher for mother, - sucking, kicking, vocal
primitive reflexes dominant first few weeks then wean off
examples of primitive reflexes - Rooting replaced by active visual search - ATNR easily overcome - Moro not present unless startled - Postural reactions begin
Rolling is initiated by _______ the shoulder girdle --> later initial movement at pelvis
which way do western children typically roll first? prone to supine, now supine to prone more often
why are western children starting to roll supine to prone first? Because of SIDS back to sleep campaign
when do western children start to roll 3.6 months
what can happen if child does not have enough tummy time motor delays (tripod sitting, crawling, creeping, pulling to stand)
how do infants first sit supported, with spine in "c" curve and heads flexed while supported by parent
how does infant begin to right self in supported vertical positions combo of visual, proprioceptive and labyrinthine inputs --> righting reactions
labyrinthine input righting reaction used to maintain upright head position
when do infants learn to sit independently 6 months
where is balance controlled in sitting hips
when will infant learn protective UE ext (parachute) 6 months
when can infant protect self in all directions while sitting 9 months - backwards is last
creeping up on all fours
Not all babies learn to ____ before _____ and it makes no difference crawl, creeping
crawling army crawl down on belly
reciprocal creeping pattern diagonal/ contralateral pattern Opposite arm and leg flex and ext together
when can infant ascend stairs 11 months - descend shortly after (typically crawl backwards)
secondary problems if child does not have tummy time - torticollis, - plagiocephaly (head deformity), - delayed development of rolling, crawling and creeping
when should tummy time start before 11 weeks while awake
prone positioning while awake is not a risk for ____ SIDS
infants can typically pull to stand, but they cannot _____ get back down, - will cry for help
when can infants stand with assistance 7.6 months
when can infants stand independently? 12 months (+ or - 3)
cruising using an edge of an object to walk
cruising is controlled by the ____ arms
what does early walking look like wide base, arm held in "high hand guard", hip abd, flexed and slight ER, no heel strike or push off
when does independent walking start 12 months (+ or - 3)
3 requirements for locomotion progression, postural control, adaptation
progression Ensured thru... a basic locomotor pattern that produces and coordinates rhythmic patterns of muscle activation in the legs, trunk, and arms that successfully move the body in the desired direction
postural control involves the org. of multiple systems in the body to achieve both orientation and stability
orientation aligning body segments relative to one another and the environment to achieve the requirements of locomotion under all task and environmental conditions
stability controlling the center of mass relative to the moving base of support and includes three aspects: steady-state, reactive, and anticipatory balance control.
adaptation Ability to adapt gait, specifically the strategies used to accomplish progression and postural control the changing task and environment demands
____, ____ and____ are critical for environmental exploration, learning and feeding Reach, grasp and release
by when can arm extend and fingers flex to allow for grasp? 2 months
2 components of grasp 1. Transportation phase- hand to target 2. Grasp phase- anticipates object
when does successful, goal directed reaching occur 16 weeks
reaching starts _____ first (w/one hand or both) symmetrically - both
ulnar palmar grasp occurs at 6 months
radial palmar grasp 6-7 months
when is release of objects well developed 9 months
three jaw chuck grasp using distal pads of thumb, index and middle finger - 10 months
superior pincer grasp thumb and index finger used to pick up small items 12 months
when does precise release of objects occur 12-15 months
progression of grasp Bottle w/ 2 hands --> raking scooping --> ulnar palmar grasp --> radial palmar grasp --> 3-jaw-chuck grasp --> superior pincer grasp
Created by: bdavis53102
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