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Peds test 1

212: gross motor milestones

1 month gross motor skills in prone Head to one side; weight forward on face with extremities flexed and pelvis up; slightly elevates head; turns to either side
2-3 months gross motor skills in prone Props on forearms with elbows behind shoulders @ 2 mo with head bobbing; and in line with shoulders @ 3 months with head held up at 45°-90°;
4-5 months gross motor skills in prone knows midline, Props on forearms well with chest off floor, cervical extension; initially reaches without a weight shift, then shifts towards same side as reach, then shifts away from side of reach @ 5 months; rolls prone to supine;
6-7 months gross motor skills in prone Pushes up onto extended arms; pushes self backwards; holds weight on one hand to play with a toy with other hand
8-9 months gross motor skills in prone Gets into hands and knees position; transitions in and out of sitting to quadruped or prone; creeps on hands and knees
10-11 months gross motor skills in prone Bear walks (hands and feet); creeps up stairs; Climbing
1 month gross motor skills in supine Physiological flexion; random kicking;
2-3 months gross motor skills in supine Asymmetrical posture @ 2 months; symmetrical posture @ 3 months; legs more extended with feet on floor
4-5 months gross motor skills in supine Rolls to side; bridging; feet up off the ground with some pelvic lifting
6-7 months gross motor skills in supine Brings feet to mouth; rolls supine to prone; lifts head in supine
8-9 months gross motor skills in supine gets into sitting
10-11 months gross motor skills in supine Rarely in supine; transitions quickly to a more advanced position
1 month gross motor skills in sitting Forward flexion of trunk; head bobs; full head lag with pull to sit
2-3 months gross motor skills in sitting Head bobs in supported sitting; decreased head lag with pull to sit; head in midline
4-5 months gross motor skills in sitting Head steady in supported sitting; scapular adduction with trunk extension in supported sitting; prop sitting; some attempts at weight shift to reach for a toy
6-7 months gross motor skills in sitting Sits without support with wide BOS ; may prop; static sitting while playing with a toy; weight shift with arm support
8-9 months gross motor skills in sitting Dynamic sitting - easily moves position without loss of balance; transitions into and out of sitting; smaller BOS
10-11 months gross motor skills in sitting Pivots in sitting
12 months gross motor skills in sitting variety of sitting positions
1 month gross motor skills in standing Reflexive standing and walking
2-3 months gross motor skills in standing Hips in flexion in supported standing; @ 2 months may demonstrate poor weight bearing
4-5 months gross motor skills in standing Bears most of body weight in supported standing
6-7 months gross motor skills in standing Stands while holding on; bounces in supported standing
8-9 months gross motor skills in standing Pulls to stand; stands at support surface with one hand support and reaches with other
10-11 months gross motor skills in standing Pulls to stand using ½ kneel; cruises (walks sideways) along furniture; walks with one or two hand support; stands without support briefly; lowers self from standing
12 months gross motor skills in standing Walks without support (usually wide base of support and arms in high guard), lowers self to sitting; may play in squat
Created by: bdavis53102
Popular Physical Therapy sets



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