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Peds test 1

212: Normal development

development occurs from ___ to ___ head to toe
what position is 1st head control gained in? prone
what creates finer and faster control of body during development? completed myelination
what part of body is controlled first? head
what part of body is controlled last? toes
___ function must come before ____ function proximal, distal
____ control is required for a purposeful grasp trunk
trunk/shoulder control is required before a child can _____ write
what must come before mobility? stability
what grasp comes before a pincer grasp? gross grasp like palmar/paw grasp
gait starts with a ____ BOS before it can progress to a ____ BOS and heel strike wide, narrow
what is the most difficult appendage to control? tongue
what muscles do you need for tongue control? facial muscles, tongue, plus cervical and postural control
what is considered the finest motor development speech
at birth, children are ____ asymmetrical
controlled symmetry child is able to purposefully move into a position where both sides look the same.
controlled asymmetry one side works independent of the other, enabling the child to reach for something.
where does a newborn bear weight while in prone? the head
a child must have ____ ____ for normal development tummy time
reflex obligatory response to stimulus (not under voluntary control)
automatic reactions automatic (unconscious) reaction with similar motor components but that is adaptable to the need or situation (can have voluntary control superimposed)
voluntary movement conscious, volitional, purposeful movement
skill coordination of automatic and voluntary movements, delicate adjustments, economy and accuracy of movement, need for an intact feed forward system
____ moves down the spine first, ____ quickly follows. Must have both extension and flexion before ____ can occur. Extension, flexion, rotation
what plane of motion does an infants spine move in first? Sagittal Plane first - extension and flexion
what plane of motion does an infants spine move in second? Frontal Plane second - lateral flexion
what plane of motion does an infants spine move in last? Transverse Plane last - rotation
reciprocal interweaving - Two steps forward, one step back - Focus on one developmental skill while others regress - A child may focus on walking for a while, then decrease time spent on walking and begin to talk.
Earlier stages prepare later stages, ____ stages improve ____ stages. No need to perfect one activity before moving to the next. later, earlier
Walking will improve ____, sitting improves prone prop. crawling
Infants ____ constantly while awake and demand change in position. An atypical child must be placed in numerous positions. move
when does ambulation begin? 10-15 months
after what age does ambulation become very difficult to teach? age 5
The ____ ____ and traditions of the family and community influence the process of development cultural settings
Created by: bdavis53102
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