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AP 1 - Lecture 11

AP 1 - Shoulder Joint, Clavicle, and AC Joints

a triangular shaped bone which lies against the upper posterolateral chest wall between the 2nd and 7th ribs scapula
Since the scapula has no direct bony contact with the thorax, how is it connected to the trunk of the body? muscles
The scapula along with the clavicle form the what ? shoulder girdle
the scapula is classified a _________bone flat
the scapula consists of : three borders, three angles, two surfaces, and two processes
the three borders of the scapula include the: vertebral/medial border axillary/lateral border superior border
lies parallel to the vertebral column closest to the midline of the body vertebral/medial border
lies adjacent to the axilla or armpit axillary/lateral border
the short upper margin of the scapula extending between vertebral and axillary borders superior border
the superior border ends in a deep depression at the lateral or humeral end called the ________ ________ scapular notch
the three angles created by the three borders of the scapula include the: superior/medial angle lateral angle inferior angle
formed by junction of the superior and vertebral borders superior/medial angle
formed by the junction of superior and axillary borders, ending at the glenoid fossa, referred to as the head of the scapula lateral angle
formed by the junction of the axillary and vertebral borders inferior angle
The anterior surface of the scapula is termed the ______ ______ because of its close proximity to the ribs costal surface
the anterior surface of the scapula consists of the: body, subscapular fossa
the slightly concave triangular portion on the anterior surface of the scapula body
a deep depression on the mid-area of the body, almost entirely filled with subscapularis muscle subscapular fossa
the glenoid fossa articulates with the head of humerus to form the ________ joint (classified as a ball and socket joint) glenohumeral
medial and inferior to glenoid fossa is the: neck of scapula
the posterior surface of the scapula is divided into superior and inferior sections by a large ridge of bone called the: scapular spine
the posterior border of the scapular spine is somewhat thickened and termed the? crest of the spine
the scapular spine separates the posterior surface into two deep depressions called? superaspinatus fossa and infraspinatus fossa
supraspinatus fossa lies superior to the scapular spine and accommodates the _______ muscle supraspinatus
infraspinatus fossa lies inferior to the scapular spine and accommodates the ______ muscle infraspinatus
arises from posterior inferior angle to the lesser tuberosity of humerus and allows the movements of adduction, extension and medial rotation for the shoulder joint - not part of the rotator cuff teres major
arises from the axilllary border and attaches to greater tuberosity of humerus, allows the humerus to rotate laterally - part of the rotator cuff teres major
the two processes on the scapula corocoid and acromion process
anterior beak like process just lateral to the scapular notch corocoid process
serves as an attachment site for muscles of the humerus, which allow flexion and adduction movements of the arm corocoid process
posterior process at the end of the scapular spine acromion process
articulates with the clavicle to form the acromioclavicular joint acromion process
when viewed from a lateral prospective, the scapula resembles the letter ____ Y
the corocoid and acromion processes form the ______ extenisons of the Y upper
the body of the scapula forms the ______ vertical portion of the Y lower
the transcapular "Y" lateral projection of the shoulder is useful for evaluating? dislocations
what type of dislocation has occurred if the head of the humerus lies under the coracoid process? an anterior dislocation
what type of dislocation has occurred if the head of humerus lies under the acromion process? a posterior dislocation
what type of bone is the clavicle classified as? long bone
the clavicle consists of? shaft or body two articular extremities two small tubercles
the shaft of the clavicle lies in an oblique ______ plane, superior to the ____ rib transverse; 1st
the shaft of the clavicle attaches to the 1st rib by the ________ ligament costoclavicular
the shaft of the clavicle is hollowed above and below to create two fossa which accommodate lymph nodes: 1. supraclavicular fossa 2. infraclavicular fossa
the sternal or medial extremity of the clavicle articulates with the manubrium of the sternum to form the? sternoclavicular joint
the only bony articulation between the trunk of body and the upper extremity the sternoclavicular joint (SC joint)
The sternoclavicular joint is classified as a ________ _________ joint surrounded by an articular capsule double gliding
there is an articular disc between the sternum and clavicle which allows for what movements circumduction, elevation, depression, forward and backwards
the acromial or lateral extremity of the clavicle articulates with the acromion of the scapula to form what joint? the acromioclavicular (AC) Joint
the AC joint (acromioclavicular Joint) is classified as a ______ joint gliding
a direct blow to AC joint will cause a ________ separation
what two processes are on the clavicle? deltoid tubercle and conoid tubercle
an attachment site, along with the acromion and scapular spine for the deltoid muscle deltoid tubercle
serves as an attachment site for the coracoclavicular ligament conoid tubercle
name the 3 joints of the shoulder girdle and their classification: 1. scapulohumeral Joint - ball and socket joint (moves in all directions including internal and external rotation) 2. sternoclavicular joint - double gliding joint 3. acromioclavicular joint - gliding joint
the ________ joint, or shoulder joint, is formed by the head of the humerus and glenoid fossa of the scapula glenohumeral
True or False: the glenoid fossa is not really a socket (which is oval shaped and shallow), only covering a third of the head of humerus true
the glenoid fossa is deepened by the ______ ______ which is a _________ rim glenoid labrium; fibrocartilaginous
the glenohumeral joint, or shoulder joint, is strengthened by what to ligaments? corahumeral ligament and glenohumeral ligament
the glenohumeral ligament is actually what three ligaments on the anterior side of the glenohumeral joint? superior, middle, and inferior segments to the glenohumeral ligament
a group of muscles and their tendons that act to stabilize the shoulder joint the rotator cuff
the rotator cuff muscles include the: subscapularis, supraspinatous, infraspinatous, teres minor
located anterior to the subscapular fossa subscapularis muscle
located posterior in the supraspinatous fossa supraspinatous muscle
located posterior in the infraspinatous fossa infraspinatous muscle
located posterior at the lateral border of the body of the scapula teres minor muscle
the tendons of muscles that are referred to as the rotator cuff, attach to the following four insertion sites: greater and lesser tuberosity of the humerus, coracoid process of the scapula, and acromion process of the scapula
what type of imaging enhances soft tissue structures and is the modality of choice when looking for rotator cuff tears of the shoulder joint? MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
the triangular muscle of the shoulder that forms the rounded flesh of the lateral part of the upper arm deltoid muscle
the wide end of the triangle is attached to the ______ anteriorly and the ______ ______ posteriorly clavicle; scapular spine
the apex of the triangle of the deltoid muscle attaches to the shaft of the humerus at the ________ ________ deltoid tuberosity
the prominent muscle on the anterior side of the humerus biceps brachii
the biceps brachii originates in what two places? glenoid cavity (long head) and corocoid process of the scapula (short head)
the long head of the biceps tendon rests in the _________ groove between the greater and lesser tuberosities intertubercular
the short head of the biceps tendon arises from corocoid process of the scapula and with the long head attaches to the _______ tuberosity on the proximal shaft of radius radial
there are ____ bursae associated with the shoulder joint, the most of any joint in the body. 8
synovial fluid filled sacs which relieve pressure and reduce friction in tissue bursae
partial dislocation subluxation
dislocation complete disruption of joint
the majority of shoulder dislocations are _______ anterior
because the glenoid fossa is shallow, the shoulder joint has great freedom of movement but is also more prone to _______ and ________. subluxation and dislocation
what is primarily performed for the evaluation of partial or complete tears of the rotator cuff? shoulder arthrogram
when doing a shoulder arthrogram, after contrast medium is injected into the joint under fluoroscopy, the patient is transported to either which two places? CT or MR section of radiology for imaging
adhesive capsulitis frozen shoulder (clinical symptom of a rotator cuff tear)
when the hand is supinated, the humerus is in _______ rotation external
what is in profile in an AP projection with external rotation of the humerus? the greater tuberosity
when the hand is placed with the palm against the hip, the humerus is in _______rotation neutral
when the humerus is in neutral rotation, the greater tuberosity rotates medially and is superimposed on the ______ of the ________ head of the humerus
when the humerus is in neutral rotation is the greater or lesser tuberosity in profile? neither the greater or lesser tuberosities are in profile
when the posterior aspect of the hand is placed against the hip or the elbow is in the lateral position, the humerus is in ________ rotation internal
when the humerus is in internal rotation, in an AP projection, what is in profile? the lesser tuberosity rotates medially toward the shoulder joint and is in profile
What are the two routine projections for the shoulder? non-trauma and trauma
non trauma routine projections will include two or more of which projections? AP-internal rotation AP external rotation 45 degree oblique-grashey method inferosuperior-axillary position (superoinferior axillary as alternative)
what is the standard kV and mAs for a routine non-trauma projection? 70 kV and 10-16 mAs
routine projections for AC joints include: AP-without weights AP-with weights
AP Projection _______ _______ is only performed if requested by the radiologist/physician with weights
Popular Radiology sets




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