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Mods 9-11

Nervous, Endocrine, & Old Brain

neuron a nerve cell
soma body of the neuron
dendrites attached to the soma; receives messages from other neurons
axon "tail" of the neuron, sends messages along to axon terminals to be transmitted to other neurons
myelin sheath protective fatty layer surrounding the axon. Speeds neural transmission
action potential a neural impulse
terminal branches end of the axon; this is where neurotransmitters are produced into the synapse to connect with other neurons
synapse space between two neurons
AcH Neurotransmitter that enables muscle action, learning, & memory. Implicated in Alzheimer's disease
Dopamine Neurotransmitter that influences movement, learning, motivation, & attention. Undersupply linked to Parkinson's; oversupply linked to schizophrenia
serotonin Neurotransmitter linked to mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal. Undersupply linked to depression
Norepinephrine helps control alertness and arousal. Undersupply can depress mood
GABA inhibitory neurotransmitter. Undersupply linked to seizures, tremors, and insomnia
Glutamate excitatory neurotransmitter; oversupply can cause migraines or seizures
endorphins naturally-occurring pankilling neurotransmitters. Oversupply with opiate drugs can suppress the body's natural supply
agonist any drug that increases the supply of a neurotransmitter
antagonist any drug that blocks or inhibits a neurotransmitter's action
afferent neurons sensory neurons, relay information from sensory organs to brain
efferent neurons motor neurons, relay instruction from motor cortex of brain back to rest of body
somatic nervous system responsible for moving of skeletal muscles
autonomic nervous system part of the peripheral nervous system, controls involuntary internal bodily processes
sympathetic nervous system fight or flight; arouses the body
parasympathetic nervous system rest & digest; calms the body, conserves energy
central nervous system brain & spinal cord
peripheral nervous system the sensory and motor neurons that connect the CNS to the rest of the body
adrenal glands part of endocrine system, help trigger fight or flight
pituitary gland master gland of the endocrine system, secretes human growth hormone, directs other glands to produce hormones
pancreas part of endocrine system; regulates level of sugar in the blood
EEG Measures electrical activity in the brain
PET scan Measures glucose usage in the brain
CT scan Shows structure of the brain
MRI scan Shows structure of the brain in greater deatil using magnetic imaging
Medulla Base of brainstem, regulates heartbeat and breathing
Reticular formation Neural network inside the pons, responsible for alertness & arousal
Thalamus Relays information from sensory organs to the cerebral cortex
Amygdala Emotional center of the brain. Responsible for aggression & fear
Hippocampus Processes explicit memories
Hypothalamus Body's "thermostat"--regulates drives such as temperature, hunger, thirst, and sleep
Created by: ashley_yang
Popular Psychology sets




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