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Abnormal Psychology

Chapter 6

Agoraphobia exaggerated fear of being in situations from which escape might be difficult. “Fear of marketplace”
Anxiety A diffuse emotional reaction that is out of proportion to threats from the environment. “anticipation of future problems”
Anxious apprehension An unpleasant combination of thoughts and feeling often associated with anxiety disorders- high levels of diffuse negative emotion, sense of uncontrollability, and a shift in attention to primary self-focus
Compulsions Repetitive, ritualistic behaviors that are aimed at the reduction of anxiety and distress or prevention of some dreaded event. Compulsions are considered by person to be senseless or irrational. Person feels compelled to perform compulsion; attempts to re
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) One of the anxiety disorders, it is characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance), & associated w/symptoms of arousal (restlessness/muscle tension/sleep disturbance).
Obsessions Repetitive, unwanted, intrusive cognitive events that may take form of thoughts, images, or impulses. Obsessions intrude suddenly into consciousness and lead to an increase in subjective anxiety.
Panic Attack Sudden, overwhelming experience of terror or fright. While anxiety involves a blend of several negative emotions, panic is more focused
Panic Disorder Form of anxiety disorder in which person experiences recurrent, unexpected panic attacks.
Phobia Persistent and irrational narrowly defined fears that are associated w/specific object or situation.
Preparedness Model The notion that organisms are biologically prepared, on the basis of neural pathways in their central nervous systems, to learn certain types of associations (Aka biological constraints on learning).
Social Anxiety Disorder (Aka Social Phobia) a form of anxiety disorder in which the person is persistently fearful of social situations that might expose him or her to scrutiny by others, such as fear of public speaking.
Specific Phobia Marked and persistent fear of clearly apparent, circumscribed objects or situations, such as snakes, spiders, heights, or small enclosed spaces. Exposure to the stimulus leads to an immediate increase in anxiety, and the phobic stimulus is avoided (or end
Thought Suppression The process of consciously attempting to stop experiencing a particular thought, impulse, or mental image. This pattern of thinking is often associated with OCD.
Worry A relatively uncontrollable sequence of negative, emotional thoughts and images that are concerned with possible future threats or danger.
Created by: pocegued2
Popular Psychology sets




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