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Edema Fluid overload, swelling in 1 or 2 areas of body, retention of excess fluid - Signs/symptoms include increased BP, SOB, poor wound healing, weight gain - Associated Diseases include heart failure, cerebral edema, endocrine issues, kidney/liver disease
Anasarca Swelling over entire body
Diuretics Act on kidneys to increase production of urine. AKA eliminating water from body. Contraindicated in anuric patients
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Commonly used for glaucoma
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors prototype Acetazolamide (Dimox)
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors ADRs Weakness, fatigue, GI Upset (take with food, bland)
CAI extra info Can't take if allergic to sulfa
Osmotic Diuretics Reduce intraocular pressure and reduce cerebral edema
Osmotic Diuretic extra info MANNITOL***Neuro-check every 15 min, check pupils, grips, and LOC***
OD Prototype Mannitol- prevents the selective reabsorption of H20
OD ADRs F/E imbalances Headache Vision problems
Potassium - Sparing Used for HTN, HF, Cirrhosis (liver) increase sodium and H20 in urine, not potassium
PS Prototype Spironolactone
PS ADRs HA (headache), Hyperkalemia, GI
PS to see electrolytes... Test BMP/CMP (basic metabolic panel) to see lab values when taking diuretics - Want hypokalemia
PS contraindicated in... Pts with hyperkalemia
PS extra info relates to heart normal range - 3.5 to 5
Thiazide and related diuretics HTN, HF
TH Prototype Hydrochlorothiazide -potassium sparing
TH ADRs Hypotension, dizziness, weakness, GI, acute gout effects (swelling, redness in big toe), orthostatic hypotension (changing position/ drop in 20 systolic)
How would you keep patient safe? TH Falls risk- -Room environment safe - Bed low - Side rails up - brakes on Patient fall at 4/5am trying to use restroom
Loop Diuretics HF, Cirrhosis, HTN
LD Prototype Furosemide (Lasix) - last 6 hours
LD ADRs ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCES - BMP/BUN-creatine - checks kidney works GI, photosensitivity
Extra info about LDs Push slowly, prevent atotoxicity(ears) Most common IV in hospitals, not K sparing Measure input/output 3 sites in kidney, very effective drug
What should you not drink with diuretics? GRAPEFRUIT JUICE
Client Education Weigh themselves at same time everyday Concering - 2/3 pounds in 24 hrs or 5 pounds in a week Don't take past 3/4pm
Created by: Mplaster
Popular Pharmacology sets




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