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unit 2 pt 1

Sensory/Afferent Neurons Carry info from senses to the brain
Motor/Efferent Neurons Carry info from the brain to the muscles
Interneurons Acts as a middle man/ bridge between sensory and motor neurons
Dendrites Receives messages and conducts impulses toward the cell body (tree branch)
Soma (cell body)
Axon Knoblike; transmits messages to the other neurons or muscles or glands
Myelin Sheath Fatty tissue; speeds impulses
Terminal Buttons The branching structures at the ends of axons that release neurotransmitters
Synapses Tiny space between the axon terminal & dendrite
Depolarization Sodium gates open and let sodium into the axon, causing the axon to be more positive that the outside
Action Potential A neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon
Resting Potential The electric potential across the plasma membrane of a neuron when it is in the nonexcited, or resting, state
Reuptake Reabsorptions of the neurotransmitters by sending neuron once message has been received (send & come back)
Refractory Period A period of inactivity after a neuron has fired
All-or-none response A neurons reaction of either firing or not firing
Agonist A substance that binds to a receptor and triggers a response in the cell
Antagonist A molecule that inhibits or blocks a neurotransmitter's action
Excitatory Neurotransmitters that increase likely action
Inhibitory Neurotransmitters that decrease likely action
Acetylcholine (ACH) (I&E) A neurotransmitter involved in learning, memory, and muscle contraction (+ spams) (- Alzheimers)
Norepinephrine (E) A neurotransmitter important in controlling alertness, wakefulness, mood, and attention (fight/flight) (+agitation) (-depression)
Glutamate (E) Transmit information that regulates brain development and determines cellular survival (+migraines/ seizers) (-
Dopamine (E&I) voluntary movement and rewards (+ schizophrenia) (- addiction/ Parkinsons)
Serotonin A neurotransmitter that regulates sleep, mood, appetite, and body temperature
GABA Calming / stop button (-insomnia) (- seizures/anxiety)
Blindsight A condition in which a person can respond to a visual stimulus without consciously experiencing it
Selective attention Focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus; the brain's ability to choose a focus and what to notice
Inattentional blindness Failing to see visible objects when attention is directed elsewhere
Change blindness Failing to notice change in the environment
Circadian rhythms Regular bodily systems that occur on a 24 hour cycle
Tolerance Diminishing effect with regular use of the same dose of drug
Withdrawal The discomfort & distress that follows discontinuing an addictive drug or behavior
Depressants Chemicals that reduce neural activity & other body functions
Stimulants Drugs which intensify neural activity & bodily functions
Barbiturates Drugs that depress central nervous activity; reducing anxiety but impairing memory & judgement
Opiates Opium & its derivatives that depress neural activity temporarily lessening pain & anxiety
NREM 1 Experiences hallucinations & hypnagogic sensations, thea waves, light sleep
NREM 2 Sleep spindles, sleep talking, spend most night sleep here
NREM 3 Slow & large delta waves, bedwetting, sleepwalking & nightmares may occur
NREM 4 Rapid eye movement sleep, vivid dreams, paradoxical sleep, brain is very active
REM cycle Rapid eye movement sleep; a recurring stage of sleep during which vivid dreams occur; also known as paradoxical sleep because the muscles are relaxed but body systems are active
Sleep spindles Sudden bursts of rapid brain wave activity
Wish Fufillment To want to satisfy your own wishes
Manifest Content The remembered storyline of a dream
Latent Content The underlying meaning of a dream
Activation Synthesis Develop and preserve neural pathways
Information Processing File away memories
Insomnia Reoccurring problems in falling or staying asleep
Narcolepsy Uncontrollable sleep attacks
Sleep apnea Temporary sensations of breathing during sleep & repeated momentary awakenings
Night terrors High arousal & an appearance of being terrified
Created by: id184871
Popular Psychology sets




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