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Psychology People

wilhelm wundt 1832-1920 - generally agreed as founder of psychology, 1879 - started as professor of physiology then studied the mind using introspection
william james 1842-1910 - wrote Principles of Psychology (1890), highly influential text that marked beginning of modern psychology functionalism- the human mind as it is today evolved as a result of successive adaptations by our distant ancestors, accord with views of Darwin
sigmund freud 1856-1939 psychoanalytic theory impact of unconscious mind reservoir of though emotions, desires, and feelings outside conscious awareness believed humans driven by selfish "animal" biological impulses not rations,1st to attempt comprehensive theory of personality
J.B. watson 1878-1958 strong advocate for behaviorism, helped establish it a as major school of thought & conducted a famous experiment with Little Albert
B.F. skinner 1904-1990 - laid groundwork for operant conditioning approach of B.F. Skinner
carl rogers 1902-1987 humanistic psychologist, founder of client centered therapy
abraham maslow 1908-1970 - humanistic psychologist who created Maslow's hierarchy of needs, focused on positive qualities in people, supported investigating peak experiences
mary calkins 1863-1930 admitted to Harvard graduate seminar by William James all the men dropped out Finished PhD but was denied a degree & given one from sister school for women Later became a memory researcher & 1st female president of the American Psychological Association
margaret floy washburn 1871-1939 Received the first female psychology PhD and wrote the influential book The Animal Mind. She became the second female President of the APA. Titchener was her graduate advisor
charles darwin 1809-1882 English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882)
dorothea dix 1802-1887 A reformer/pioneer in movement to treat the insane as mentally ill Improved conditions in jails/ insane asylums Persuaded many states to assume responsibility for the care of the mentally ill Served as Superintendant of Nurses for Union Army in Civil War.
stanley hall 1846-1924 Influenced development of psychology in America was the 1st president of APA Founded the first American psychology laboratory at John Hopkins University First American to earn a Ph.D. in psychology. studied evolutionary psychology and child development
ivan pavlov 1849-1936 physiologist who played important role in behaviorism, not a psychologist - discovered classical conditioning during research on digestive systems of dogs
edward titchener 1867-1927 used introspection to search for the mind's structual elements
jean piaget Cognitive Approach Cognitive development in children
Paul Broca Broca's area, language production in the left frontal lobe.
Carl Wernicke (1848-1904) Found another "language center" located in the left hemispheres temporal lobe. Wernicke's Aphasia. Speech comprehension. If damaged people can't make sense when they speak.
Roger Sperry American psychologist who researched the brain and specialized in split-brain patients
Michael Gazzaniga Field cognitive neuroscience Studied the neural basis of mind and human split-brain research. Researched how the cerebral hemispheres communicate with one another.
Ernest Hillgard Studied how that a hypnotic trance includes a "hidden observer" suggesting that there is some subconscious control during hypnosis.
Gustav Fechner 1801-1887; Field: perception; Contributions: stated that the magnitude of a sensory experience is proportionate to the # of JND's that the stimulus causing the experiences above the absolute threshold
David Hubel psychologists; sensation and perception--discovered feature detectors, groups of neurons in the visual cortex that respond to different types of visual stimuli
Ernst Weber 1795-1878; Field: perception; Contributions: just-noticeable-difference (JND) that eventually becomes Weber's law; Studies: 1st study on JND
Torsten Wiesel Along with David Hubel discovered feature detector groups of neurons in the visual cortex that respond to different types of visual images
Albert Bandura
Hermann Ebbinghaus 1850-1909 created the forgetting curve
Elizabeth Loftus
Created by: Addi678
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