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Psyc exam2

psyc exam 2

Hippocampus Memory processing and learning. (mid, limbic system)
Amygdala Rage and emotional memories. (mid, limbic system)
Thalamus Intergrated sensory input with higher forebrain centers. (mid, limbic system)
Hypothalamus appetite, thirst, sex, temp regulation (mid, limbic system)
Septal area pleasure and reward (mid, limbic system)
Limbic System septal area, hippocamus, amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus
Cerebellum balance and coordination (lower)
Reticular formation arousal, sleep, attention, screen our irrelevant noise. (lower)
Medulla circulation, breathing, chewing (lower)
ponds relays motor info to the cerebellum (lower)
Major brain regions and functions Top= thoughts and plans. Mid=emotions and drives. Lower=basic survival functions.
Methods or brain researching 1)clinical studies of individuals with localized brain damage. 2)Brain stimulations. 3)brain lesions. 4)Brain ablations. 5) Recording electical activity 6) Labeling techniques. 7) High Definition Images.
Historical note: Phrenology- Franz Gall (1758-1828) myth=37 traits(areas on skull). Reality=Brain is multidimesnsional in structure and function.
Left Brain analytic, speech. LD:language based. IQ: Vocab test
Right Brain Global, spatial. LD: designs, maps, emotions. IQ: Block design task.
Sensation stimulation os receptors
Preception processing of Stimulus by higher brain centers, "an experience".
absolute threshold minimum intesity detectable by 50% of the time.
JND Justable Noticable Difference=min detectable change.
Weber's Law Fechener discovered found constance (K)x intensity (I) formula.
Threshold for touch 1%
Threshold for weight 2%
Threshold for hearing 5%
Threshold for brightness 8%
Threshold for taste 20%
Cornea window that lets light in, curved, transparent
pupil opening in center of the eye
Iris ring of muscles, opens and closes pupil, gives eye color
lens focus light on retna
Retna site of electrochemical reactions, light sensitive surface
fovea retinal centa (cones)
Layers of retna rods, cones, deep layer
Rods light/dark detection
Deeper layer of retna Bipolar and ganglion cells
cones color detection
Sequence information travels in the eye for light/dark light-rods (rhodopsin)-bipolar cells-optic nerve-thalamus-visual cortex
Sequence information travels in the eye for color light-cones(iodopsin)-bipolar cells-optic nerve-thalamus-visual cortex
2 theroies of color vision 1)trichromatic 2) opponen process theory
Trichromatic Theory Theory of color vision, 3 cones, then cones are activated and reflect/absorb waves, "after immages"
Opponen-Process Theory theory of color visin, 4 primary colors, some cones get excited while others are surpessed
types of color blindness dichromat-2 forms of lodopsinmonochromat-1 form of lodospin
Outer ear pinna and Auditory canal
Created by: melissanoach
Popular Psychology sets




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