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Chapter 13

Human Development

Chapter 13 Physical and Cognitive Development in Emerging and Young Adulthood
proposed transitional period between adolescence and adulthood emerging adulthood
How has entrance to adulthood changed in industrialized societies? More people have higher education, 1st marriage and childbirth are pursued later, women entering college and working
What does it mean to be an adult? Accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, becoming financially independent
What factors affect the timing of entrance to adulthood? Entering college, working, living away from home, getting married, having children
What is the leading cause of death in young adulthood? Accidents
Summarize the typical health status of young adults in the United States. At the peak of health, strength, energy, endurance, sensory and motor functioning; tend to be overweight, eat poorly, not exercise
How can a person’s diet affect the likelihood of cancer and heart disease? Excess fat consumption especially saturated fats increases cardiovascular risks, cholesterol levels, related to coronary heart disease; good diet can help protect against certain cancers, such as high soy, fish, vitamin E
What are reasons for the obesity epidemic? Eating poorly, lack of exercise, increase in snacking, availability of inexpensive fast foods, supersized portions, high-fat diets, labor saving technologies, sedentary recreational pursuits, television, computers
What are the benefits of exercise? Maintain desirable body weight, build muscle, strength and hard and looks, lower blood pressure, protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, several cancers, osteoporosis, relieve anxiety and depression, lengthens life
Why can sleep deprivation be harmful? Affect cognitive, emotional functioning, make mistakes, become impatient/aggravated when waiting, upset with others, fall asleep at wheel, impair verbal learning, memory, higher-level decision-making, speech articulation, increased distractibility
What are the trends and risks involved in smoking? 5 million smoke worldwide, lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, chronic lung disease, circulatory problems, cervical cancer, heart disease
What are the trends and risks involved in alcohol use? More 18 than 20-year-olds drink, 70% of 21 to 25-year-olds used alcohol in last month, cirrhosis of liver, gastrointestinal disorder, ulcers, pancreatic disease, cancer, heart failure, stroke, damaged nervous system, psychosis, addiction
What are the 2 interrelated aspects of social environment that can promote health? Social integration, social support
active engagement in a broad range of social relationships, activities and roles social integration
material, informational and psychological resources derived from the social network on which a person can rely for help in coping with stress social support
What differences in income, education and race/ethnicity affect health and mortality? Higher income and education tend to be healthier and live longer due to environmental and lifestyle factors, African-Americans tend to be less healthy than Americans
How can relationships affect physical and mental health? Good relationships-healthful behaviors, more likely to survive heart attack, less likely to be anxious or depressed, psychological benefits, eat sensibly, get exercise; bad relationship-depression, bad physical, mental health
chronic disease involving dependence on use of alcohol, causing interference with normal functioning and fulfillment of obligations alcoholism
What are common mental health problems in emerging and young adulthood? alcoholism, drug abuse/use, antisocial behavior, depression
What physical condition is the typical young adult in? peak of health, strength, energy, endurance, sensory and motor functioning, can still have physical problems like diet, obesity, activity, sleep, smoking, alcohol use or mental problems like alcoholism, drug use/abuse, antisocial behavior, depression
What factors affect health and well-being? SES, race/ethnicity, relationships, physical and mental health
disorder producing symptoms of physical discomfort and emotional tension for up to 2 weeks before him and stroke. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
painful menstruation or cramps dysmenorrhea
inability to conceive after 12 months of trying infertility
What are some trends in sexual behavior and attitudes among emerging and young adults? Most believe premarital sex is okay and engage in it, many engage in oral sex, engage in fewer risky behaviors, casual sex is common
Discuss the spread of STDs and ways to control it. About 1 out of 4 people have an STD, highest rates in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, control with antiviral therapy, condoms
What are the symptoms of PMS? Fatigue, headaches, swelling, tenderness of breast, swollen hands/feet, abdominal bloating, nausea, cramps, constipation, food cravings, weight gain, anxiety, depression, your ability, mood swings, cheerfulness, difficulty concentrating or remembering
What are the likely causes of PMS? Hormone surge of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, serotonin
What are ways to manage PMS? Aerobic exercise, frequent small meals, lots of complex carbs, low salt and caffeine, regular sleep routine, calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, medication such as ibuprofen
What are the common causes of male and female infertility? Male-too few sperm, ejaculatory duct blocked, sperm unable to swim, genetics; woman-failure to produce ova, mucus in cervix-prevent sperm from penetrating, disease of uterine lining, deterioration in quality of ova, blockage of fallopian tube
What are several means of assisted reproduction? What issues do they raise? Hormone treatment, drug therapy, surgery; fertility drugs-multiple, high-risk births; male fertility treatment-producing sperm with chromosomal abnormalities
What are some sexual and reproductive issues in emerging and young adulthood? Sexually transmitted diseases, menstrual disorders, infertility
type of logical thinking that may emerge in adulthood, involving continuous, active evaluation of information and beliefs in the light of evidence and implications reflective thinking
mature type of thinking that relies on subjective experience and intuition as well logic and is useful in dealing with ambiguity, uncertainty, and consistency, contradiction, imperfection and compromise postformal thought
What did Jan Sinnott propose as the criteria for postformal thought? Shifting gears, problem definition, process-product shift, pragmatism, multiple solutions, awareness of paradox, self-referential thought
What are Schaie’s 7 stages of cognitive development? Acquisitive stage, achieving stage, responsible stage, executive stage, reorganizational stage, reintegrated stage, legacy-creating stage
Differentiate between reflective and post formal thinking. Reflective- make connections between different facts, postformal thought-use emotion and logic to solve problems, see shades of gray
Why might postformal thought be especially suited to solving social problems? Transcend a single logical system, choose among conflicting ideas they both have valid truth, sees shades of gray, multiple solutions
knowledge that is not formally taught or openly expressed tacit knowledge
Why might Sternberg’s 3 kinds of intelligence be especially applicable to adults? Can affect how well a person will succeed, can predict job performance, know good ways to get ahead at work
Salovey and Mayer’s term for ability to understand and regulate emotions; an important component of effective, intelligent behavior emotional intelligence
What are the 4 related skills to emotional intelligence? Ability to perceive, use, understand, manage emotions of self and others to achieve goals
What is emotional intelligence and how is it tested? Ability to understand and regulate emotions of self and others, tested with the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)
What is distinctive about adult thought? Reflective thinking, postformal thinking, cognitive development, emotional intelligence
How can experience affect adult moral development? More experienced can cause people to develop morally because they are able to evaluate situations from their own perspective and their responsibility for others
How can culture affect adult moral development? Western cultures believe in justice and rights even if breaking the law for a good reason whereas Eastern cultures such as Chinese believe in society's harmony and discuss dilemmas openly.
State Gilligan's original position on gender differences in moral development and summarize research findings on the subject. Original-women have different morals than men, not focused on justice and fairness, responsibility of showing care and avoid harm; research has found no correlation, has not found this to be true
How does moral reasoning develop? Mostly with experience but some impact of culture
What factors affect who goes to college and who finishes? Who goes-gender, SES, race/ethnicity
How can college affect cognitive development? Opens mind up to new values, new perspectives, new ways of seeing things
degree to which a person's work requires thought and independent judgment substantive complexity
hypothesis that a positive correlation exists between intellectuality of work and leisure activities because of a carryover of cognitive gains from work to leisure spillover hypothesis
What are some recent changes in the workplace? More varied work, less stable, not working in office as much, flexible working schedules, more demanding, need more education,
What is the impact of combining work and school? It can benefit a full-time college student to go to work but it can have a negative impact if they work more than 15 to 20 hours a week
What is the relationship between substantial complexity of work and cognitive development? More complex work influences the intellectual level of leisure activities
List proposals for easing the transition to the workplace. Improve dialogue between educator/employer, modify school/work schedule, design work-study program, more part-time work, relate what is learned at work and in school, improve training, tutoring, scholarships, financial aid, health insurance
How do emerging adults make the transitions to higher education? Family support, being adaptive, actively engage in studies, close but autonomous relationship with parents, network among peers and instructors
How do emerging adults make the transitions to work? Confidence in general and at work, personal characteristics such as innovative, flexibility, purposefulness, something urgency, positive personal relationships, links between schooling and employment
How do these experiences affect cognitive development? Opens the mind up to new ideas and beliefs and values, able to see other perspectives more easily, complexity at work can lead to higher level of leisure activities
What is emerging adulthood? Late teens through mid-20s, transitional period to adulthood
How is life different for young people in advanced technological societies? Adulthood not clearly marked, follows longer and more varied route than in past
What marks a young person becoming an adult? Multiple milestones, culture specific criteria, accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, becoming financially independent
How are sensory and physical abilities in emerging and young adulthood? Excellent
What is the leading cause of death for young adults? Accidents
What is mapping of the human genome enabling? Discovery of genetic basis for certain disorders
What can affect health and survival in young adulthood? Lifestyle factors such as diet, obesity, exercise, sleep, smoking, substance use or abuse
How can SES affect health? Higher SES is related to higher income, education and health
What relationships tend to be associated with physical and mental health? Social relationships, especially marriage
What mental health conditions become more prevalent in adulthood? Depression, alcohol abuse
What are the most common substance disorders in young adulthood? Alcohol abuse, alcoholism
How many U.S. young adults have sexual relations before marriage? Almost all
What are sexual concerns in young adulthood? STDs, menstrual disorders, and fertility
In the United States, who has the highest rates of STDs? Emerging adults, particularly women
What is the most common cause of infertility in men and women? Men-low sperm count, women-blockage of the fallopian tubes
What issues are involved in the new assisted reproduction options? Ethical and practical issues
Contrast between reflective thinking and post formal thought. Reflective thinking-emphasizes complex logic, post formal thought-involves intuition and emotion as well as complex logic
What 2 forms of thinking do some researchers believe come after formal operations? Reflective thinking, post formal thought
What 7 stages of age-related cognitive development did Schaie propose? Acquisitive, achieving, responsible, executive, reorganizational, reintegrative, legacy creating
According to Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of intelligence, which 2 elements of intelligence become important during adulthood? Experiential, contextual
What can play an important part in the life success? Emotional intelligence
According to Kohlberg, what influences moral development? Experience, cannot exceed limits set by cognitive development
Contrast Kohlberg's theory and Gilligan's theory of moral development. Colbert-emphasizes justice, Gilligan-emphasizes care
What is the validity of Gilligan's research on moral development? Later research has not supported a distinction between men's and women's moral outlook
What are the current trends of emerging adults going to college? Go to college, 2 or 4 year institution, more women than men, minority participation growing
According to Perry, how do college students thinking trends change? Rigid to flexibility to freely chosen commitments
What relationship has been found between substantial complexity at work and cognitive growth? More complex means more cognitive growth and more complex leisure activities
How can higher education affect work? Changes in the workplace call for higher education, expand workplace opportunities and earnings
How can transition to the workplace be eased? Measures to strengthen vocational education and its links with work
Created by: love_fire_roses
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