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Exam 1 Psychology

Relay station Thalamus
Regulates physiological feedback systems(hunger, thirst, temperature, sexual behavior) Hypothalamus
Connects sensory and emotional information(part of lambic system) Amygdala
Memory Hippocampus
Primary processing area Cerebral cortex
Transfers info between the 2 cerebral hemispheres Corpus callosum
Occipital Lobe Vision
Temporal lobes Hearing and language
Area on temporal lobe, primary function if speech/language comprehension Wernicke’s area
Frontal lobes Personality, thinking, motor cortex(executive functioning)
Area in frontal lobes, primary function is speech production Brock’s area
Parietal lobes Touch, temperature, pain, soma sensory cortex
Strip of frontal lobes that generates commands for movement Motor cortex
Strip of parietal lobes that perceives touch(more sensitive areas of the body have larger assigned portions) Somatosensory cortex
Controls pituitary gland, which controls endocrine glands in body l(pancreas, thyroid, etc.) Hypothalamus
Controlled by right hemisphere; language, verbal skills, speech, reading and writing Left hemisphere of brain
Controlled by left hemisphere; nonverbal, spatial, musical, visual recognition Right hemisphere
Synaptic plasticity The brains ability to crest and change the strength of synapses
Nature-nurture How much of who we are is determined by hereditary vs. environmental influences
Social Psychology study of social behavior & interactions
"just world" Hypothesis The bias or assumption that people get what they deserve, or life is fair
Cells specialized for communication Neurons
Cells that support, insulate, nourish, & regulate neurons Glial cells
Dendrites receive info from other neurons and carry info towards cell body
axon sends info away from cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands
myelin fatty covering that insulates many axons
Type of message(graded potential) that make the neuron more likely to send a message Excitatory graded potentials
Type of message(graded potential) that make the neuron less likely to send a message Inhibitory graded potentials
When the action potential reaches the end of the axon, it releases___________ molecules, which carry the message to the next neuron neurotransmitter
Space between end of axon on one neuron and dendrites of another synapse/synaptic gap/synaptic cleft
NT molecules fit into_____ ____ on the dendrites of the next neuron receptor sites
very short "resting period" after sending an action potential in which a neuron cannot send another action potential refractory period
mental illness is often related to problems in how ________ communicate with one another neurons
Agonists mimic the effect of a NT
Antagonists Block the effect of a NT
NT that is associated with movement, memory, alzheimer's disease, and nicotine Acetylcholine
NT that is associated with sleep, learning, mood, depression, and the "fight or flight" reaction Norepinephrine
NT that is associated with mood, depression(SSRIs), appetite, and sleep Seratonin
NT that is associated with Movement, parkinson's(too little), Schizophrenia(too much) and motivation(reward/pleasure) Dopamine
NT that is associated with Huntington's(too little), Epilepsy, Anxiety(too little) and is the main inhibitory NT GABA
NT that is the main excitatory NT, strengthens connection between synapses, and is associated with neuron loss after stroke Glutamate
NT that is associated with pain perception and opiate drugs Endorphins
2 major divisions of nervous system CNS(brain and spinal chord), PNS(somatic nervous system--voluntary behavior, sensory and motor neurons)
2 types of Autonomic Nervous system(mostly involuntary) Sympathetic(increases arousal), parasympathetic(decreases arousal)
3 major subdivisions of hindbrain Medulla, Pons, Reticular formation(extends into midbrain), Cerebellum
Medulla(hindbrain) controls vital functions
Pons(hindbrain) connects brain and spinal chord
Cerebellum(hindbrain) coordinates movement
major structures of midbrain Substantia Nigra, Reticular Formation
Substantia Nigra(midbrain) movement
Reticular Formation(midbrain) sleep and arousal, attention(filtering of info)
Created by: KED53430
Popular Psychology sets




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