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Psych AP Unit 1

Psych AP Unit 1 - History

Structuralist Perspective breaking down mental processes into most basic components
William Wundt Father of Psychology; structuralist perspective
Introspection self-examination of one's own emotional state and mental process
Functionalist Perspective focused on purpose of consciousness and behavior instead of on elements
William James made first psychology textbook; functionalist perspective
Theory of Emotion emotion is the mind's perception of psychological conditions; ex: smile = feel happy
Evolutionary Perspective explains human thoughts and action in terms of natural selection
Nature vs. Nutrure 50% of who we are is how we are born, other 50% is our environment
Sir Francis Galton first to study intelligence in family; evolutionary perspective
Gestalt Psychology our tendency to integrate pieces of information into meaningful wholes
Psychoanalytic Perspective the unconscious motivates our conscious behavior
Sigmund Freud believed repressed sexual urges drove most human development; psychoanalytic perspective
Intelligence Testing "mental age" to see where child should be; predicting achievement
Alfred Binet made first intelligence test
Behavioral Perspective focuses on observable behavior and developing traits through classical and operant conditioning
john Watson observable behavior; father of behaviorism; Baby Albert study
Observable Behavior every action = reaction to stimulus
Ivan Pavolv classic conditioning with dogs
Classical Conditioning unconscious learning
B.F. Skinner operant conditioning; invented "skinner" boxes to study
Operant Conditioning all learning is observable; learning is result of reinforcements and punishments
Humanistic Perspective theory that all people want to achieve most potential in life and human nature is good; unconditional positive regard
Carl Rogers work in therapy-client-centered/reflective; humanistic perspective
Cognitive Perspective examines human thoughts and behavior in terms of how we interpret, process and remember events
Jean Piaget young children's cognitive; contributed to school system; cognitive perspective
Albert Ellis rational emotive behavioral therapy; cognitive perspective
Noam Chomsky theory of generative grammar and universal grammar; cognitive perspective
Biological/Neurological Perspective biological and genetic process in people with specific focus on activities in brain
Socio-Cultural Perspective how those around a person and norms of culture impact behavior
Psychologist person trained in research, practice, or teaching of branches of psychology
Psychiatrist MD specialized in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and study of mental/emotional disorders; can prescribe medication
Created by: golden_wonwoo
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