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Psych AP Unit 1

Psych AP Unit 1- Research

Hindsight Bias tendency to believe, after learning the outcome, that one would have forseen it
Overconfidence overestimate accuracy to one's beliefs and judgements
Generalization taking small samples in out life and making generalizations; "stereotyping"
Curiosity to understand without being mislead
Skepticism doubt; clarity in definition or claim
Humility ability to reject one's own ideas
Theory explanation with set of principles that organizes and predicts observable events
Hypothesis testable prediction that is proves leads to a theory
Predicted Relationship Between Variables within theory what researcher expecting to see as a result of study
Operation Definition statement of procedures used to define research variables
Replication repeating essence of a study to see if basic finding generalized to other subjects and situations
Case Study observation technique where 1 person is studied in depth in hopes to reveal universal principles
Advantages of Case Study well-suited for study of certain phenomena
Disadvantages of Case Study easy for "exceptions" to rule
Impact of Wording affects the way people respond to the question; varies results
False Consensus Effect tendency to overestimate extent to which others share our beliefs/behaviors
Population all people in a group where samples may be drawn for a study
Sample Size larger it is, truer the results
Random Sample fairly represents a population because each member has equal chance of inclusion
Representative Sample people studied reflect demographics of studied population
Cross Sectional Study people of different ages compared with one another
Advantage of Cross Sectional Study large sample, less expensive, quick
Disadvantage of Cross Sectional Study only studied at one point in time
Longitudinal Study same people restudied and retested over long period
Advantage of Longitudinal Study age changes, more reliable and in-depth
Disadvantage of Longitudinal Study small sample and more expensive
Naturalistic Observation subject observed in natural habitat without manipulation by observer
Advantage of Naturalistic Observation minimizes artificiality
Disadvantage of Naturalistic Observation can't explain why/reason for pattern of behavior
Correlation measure of extent to which two factors vary together and how well each factor predicts the other
Correlation Coefficient strength of relationship of two factors on scale of +1.0 to -1.0
Scatterplot graphed cluster of dots representing values of two variables
Positive Correlation increase in one variable leads to predictive increase in another variable
Negative Correlation increase in one variable leads to predictive decrease in another variable
Causation definitively claim that an event results directly from another event; only way to prove = experiment
Third Variable Problem observed correlation may be result of common correlation to third variable rather than relationship between the two studied
Illusionary Correlation false perception of relationship between 2 events when none exists
Perception of Order in Random Events most occurrences in life random, but we focus on exception rather than the rule
Experiment researcher directly manipulated 1st factors to observe effect on some behavior
Placebo Effect inert substance or condition administered instead of active agent
Open Label Placebo when people are aware but it still has same effect as actual medicine
Nocebo negative effect of fake pill if patient believes that it will
Single Blind Study subject does not know what they are tested on; prevents placebo effect
Double-Blind Study subject and researcher do not know whether subject has treatment or placebo; prevents expectation of researcher and subject
Experimental Group exposes subject to treatment to one version of independent variable
Control Group group that serves as comparison for evaluating effect of treatment
Random Assignment assigning subjects to experimental and control conditions by choice
Independent Variable researcher manipulates one or more factors
Dependent Variable effect of behavior or mental process
Confederate person employed by researcher to act in a specific way to impact experiment
Confounding Variables extraneous variable that affects variables being studied so results don't reflect actual relationship
Skewed Distribution due to one or two outlying variables
Normal Curve same number above or below mean
Standard Deviation average amount the scores in a distribution deviate around mean
Statistical Significance low probability that effect in a study happened by chance
Practical Significance dependent variable significantly altered by change of independent variable supports hypothesis
Statistical Inference researcher generalizes results from sample to entire population
Created by: golden_wonwoo
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