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psychology chapter 2

operational definitions statements of procedures that specify how concepts can be observed and measured
theories are based on _________ evidence empirical
hypothesis a specific, testable prediction based on theory
reactivity questioning whether individuals changed their behaviors because they knew they were being observed
observer bias errors in observation that occur because of an observer's expectation
naturalistic observation observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations, where the observer does not manipulate or control anything
case-study in-depth examinations of someone in the hope of revealing universal principles
self-report methods methods of data collection in which people are asked to provide information on experiences, attitudes, and behaviors (surveys & questionnaires
random sample a sample that fairly represents the whole population because all individuals have an equal chance of being selected
convenience sample a sample consisting of people who are conveniently available for the study
volunteer bias people who feel strongly enough to volunteer may have different opinions than those who didn't volunteer
correlational studies a method that describes and predicts how variables are naturally related in the real world (cannot draw cause-and-effect relationships)
correlational coefficient indicates the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables
positive correlation as one variable increases, the other does as well
negative correlation as one variable increases, the other decreases
zero correlation changes in one variable have no effect on the other
directionality problem the researchers may find a relationship between two variables but they are unsure which once caused the other one to change
third variable problem a problem that occurs when researchers cannot directly manipulate another variable
independent variable the variable that is changed or manipulated
dependent variable the variable that is being observed
experimental group the group that is being given the treatment
control group participants that are not subjected to the independent variable but may receive placebo treatment
confounding variables an uncontrolled variable that changes with the independent variable
internal validity the extent to which an experiment controlled its confounding variables
external validity the extent to which the findings of the experiment apply naturally, in the real world
random assignment the act of assigning participants to the experimental group and control group, but doing it in a way where each participant has the equal opportunity to be a part of each group
placebo effect the expectations of the participants in a study can influence behavior
single-blind study a study where the participants do not know if they're in the experimental group or the control group
experimenter's bais influence of the experimenter's expectations on the results of a study
double-blind study neither the experimenter or the participants know if they're in the control group or the experimental group
confound anything that affects an independent variable and a dependent variable
institutional review boards (IRB's) people responsible for reviewing proposed research to ensure that it meets the accepted standards of science and it doesn't hinder the emotional and physical well-being of participants
construct validity the extent to which variables measure what they're supposed to measure
descriptive statistics stats that summarize the data collected in a study
central tendancy a measure that represents the typical response of the group as a whole (mean, median, mode)
variability in a set of numbers, how widely dispersed the values are from one another
standard deviation a statistical measure of how far away each value is from the median
inferential statistics a set of procedures that enables researchers to decide whether differences to two groups are only by chance or whether they reflect true differences in the populations being observed
meta-analysis the study of studies (provides stronger evidence)
Created by: bellabarkley
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