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What rx are aminoglycosides? Amikan, Gentamicin, Streptomycin, Tobramycin
Peak and trough of Tobramycin? Trough 1-2, Peak 5-10
What are the effects of aminoglycosides? Muscle paralysis, otoxic hearing loss (perm/temp), cirrhosis, nephrotoxic
What should you monitor aminoglycosides for? Superinfection, cdiff, thrush, vaginal discharge
What are penicillins? Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Pipercillin
What are penicillin effects? angiodema (swollen lips+tongue), SJS
What does penicillin increase the effectiveness of? Coumadin
Is penicillin safe in pregnancy? Yes.
What rx are cephalosporins? Ceftaroline, Rocephin, Ancef, Keflex
What is the most commonly used cephalosporins? Ancef, Keflex
What are the effects of cephalosporins? SJS
Can you take cephalosporins if you are allergic to penicillin? No
What should you avoid when taking cephalosporins? Alcohol, OTC - to avoid Antabuse like reaction
What are carbapenem rx? Primaxin, Azactam (most common)
What are the effects of carbapenems? Decreases valproic acid levels, decreases hemoglobin and hematocrit levels
What should you monitor carbapenems for? Cdiff, superinfection, vitamin K
What drinks should you avoid taking carbapenems with? fruit juice. carbonated beverages
What are fluroquinolones/quinolones rx? Cipro, Levaquin
What are the effects of fluroquinolones/quinolones? crystalluria, SJS, tendon rupture, redman
What do test do you need prior to taking fluroquinolones/quinolones? Culture & Sensitivity
What do fluroquinolones/quinolones do? Inhibit intracellular enzyme, essential for duplication, transcription, repair of bacteria DNA
What side effect can fluroquinolones/quinolones have? Super infection
What are cyclic lipopeptide rx? Zyvox
What are lipopeptides used to treat? MRSA, VRE
What are effects of lipopeptides? Cdiff, vein irritation, insomnia, optic neuropathy, alteration in taste, blurry vision
What will lipopeptides decrease? Glucose level
What should you monitor for when taking lipopeptides? Thigh and calf pain (lactic acidosis)
What should you monitor for when taking lipopeptides when pts are taking MAOI, SSRI, TCA? Serotonin Syndrome
What are sulfonamides rx? Bactrim, Septra
What should you wear when taking sulfonamides? Sunscreen (even on cloudy days)
What are effects of sulfonamides? SJS, stomatitis (mouth, lip, tongue inflammation)
What should you monitor for while taking sulfonamides? Jaundice
What does sulfonamides increase? Dilantin levels (treats seizures, normal Dilantin level 10-20)
What is an effect of sulfonamides? Leukopenia – fever, sore throat, fatigue, cough (may be confused for a cold)
What is the topical application for sulfonamides? Silverdine
What platelet count is affected when taking sulfonamides? Thrombocytopenia – platelet count less than 100,000
What are tetracyclines rx? Tetracycline (do NOT give to renal disease pts), Doxycycline (okay for renal pts)
What does tetracycline treat? Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme disease, acene (adults & children)
What are the effects of tetracycline? Vertigo, thrombophlebitis, photosensitivity
When should you administer tetracycline? 1 hour before or 2 hours after meal
What drink should you avoid taking tetracycline with? Do not give with dairy products, iron supplements, MVIs, calcium supplements, antacid, laxatives (binds to it and won’t absorb)
Who should NOT be prescribed tetracycline? Do not give to anyone under the age of 8 due to teeth discoloration - Must be avoided in pregnant (causes fetal teeth development, and brittle bones) and nursing women
What does tetracycline increase the risk of? effect of oral anticoagulants (increase blood cloths, thicker blood)
What does tetracycline decrease the risk of? effects of oral contraceptives (blocks contraceptive, gets pregnant)
What are macrolide rx? Erythromycin, Zithromax (Azithromycin), Biaxin (Clarithromycin)
What are effects of macrolides? GI bleed (Bright red bleed= Active bleed, Coffee Brown= Old bleed), Tinnitus (Ringing in the ear)
What culture should be done prior to taking macrolides? Culture and sensitivity prior to starting when given IV
What medications does macrolides increase the effectiveness and levels of? Tegretol (aka Carbamazepine) Digoxin, Coumadin and Theophylline
What are lincosamide rx? Lincocin, Clindamycin (Cleocin) Most common
What are the effects of lincosamides? Blood dyscrasias (Abnormal material in the blood), Decreased leukocytes, eosinophils and platelets, vertigo, hypotension, Pseudomembranous colitis (antibiotic associated colitis, Cdiff
What should you consider when taking lincosamides? Avoid alcohol-based products and areas with open flames, wait 30 minutes after bathing and shaving to apply topically
What is glycopeptide rx? Vancomycin IV ONLY (Range 15-20, every 12hrs)
What does rapid infusion of glycopeptide (Vancomycin) cause? RMS (Redman)
What are effects of glycopeptide? Redman, nephrotoxicity, neutropenia, deafness (reversible)
What is glycopeptide used to treat? multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections and enterococcal infections, which are resistant to beta-lactams and other antibiotics.
What are antifungal rx? Amphotericin B, Diflucan, Monistat, Nizoral, Mycostatin
What pts should not take antifungals? Renal disease pts
What are the effects of antifungals? Malaise (Tired), lack of appetite, dyspepsia (heart burn), facial edema, hepatoxicity, nephrotoxicity
Where should you store antifungals? Away from sunlight, cover package/tubing
What pts should use caution taking antifungals? Pts using steriods
What method should pts use with antifungals? Swish and Swallow (good hand hygiene)
What should pts avoid using while on antifungals? Toothpicks (increase bleeding of gums)
What should you monitor while taking antifungals? Fever & chills after IV administration
What are antihelmintics rx? Provan, Vermox, Albendazole, Praziquantel
What do antihelmintics treat? amebiasis, roundworms, hookworms and pinworm
What are effects of antihelmintics? Abnormal bloating, anorexia
What kind of sample is done for antihelmintics? Stool, blood, urine, sputum or tissue from infected host for ova/larva
What should a pt on antihelmintics practice? Handwashing (stop spread)
What actions should be taken for a pt on antihelmintics? Treat entire family, wash utensils in hottest water
When is Vermox (antihelmintics) most effective? When chewed and taken with fatty meals
What are Antimalarials/Antiprotozoals rx? Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine), Quinine (qualaquin)
What do Antimalarials/Antiprotozoals treat? Prevention and/or treatment of malaria
What are effects of Antimalarials/Antiprotozoals? Tinnitus, orthostatic hypotension, increased thirst, leg cramps
What test is given to African Americans/Mediterraneans prior to starting Antimalarials/Antiprotozoals? G6PD
When should Antimalarials/Antiprotozoals be taken? Same day, same time
What are antiparasitic rx? Lindane, RID, NIX
What do antiparasitic treat? Hair lice, pubic lice, body lice and scabies
What effects of antiparasitic? Buring application on skin, dizziness
What should your skin be when applying antiparasitic? Skin must be cool & dry
What are antiviral rx? Zovirax, Adefovir, Famvir, Valtrex (wear gloves applying)
What do antivirals treat? Shingles, Chicken pox, herpes
What are effects of antivirals? Anorexia, orthostatic hypotension
What should be avoided while taking antivirals? Unprotected sex
What are Antiretrovirals rx? PI (protease inhibitor) – Kaletra, Crixivan, Ritonavir RTI (reverse transcriptase inhibitor)– Combivir, Sustiva
What do antiretrovirals treat? HIV/AIDS
What does HAART stand for? Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy, using multiple agents at the same time
What are effects of anitiretrovirals? Insulin resistance, spontaneous joint bleeding, anemia, insomnia, paresthesia, body fat redistribution
What is the viral load in antiretrovirals? Viral load over 200 you have aids
What are Anti-tubercula rx? Isoniazid (INH) is the only drug recommended for prophylactic treatment, recommended duration of 1 year
What laws have been passed if you have TB? You can't be sent to prison/jail until you have completed TB therapy
What are effects of Antitubercula/INH? NVD, hepatitis, slurred speech, hallucinations, peripheral neuropathy
What should you avoid while taking antitubercula/INH? NO bananas, alcohol or aged cheese
Created by: linfra7480
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