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Pharm Ch.1-9

Module 1

Methylphenidate Generic name for Ritalin
Thrombocytopenia Decreased platelets
neutropenia Decreased white blood cells
Myelosuppression decreased bone marrow function
Dopaminergic levodopa is in this pharmacologic class
Late EPS dyskinesia abnormal involuntary movements
Parkinson's disease progressive loss of motor skills
Akathisia restlessness, agitation caused by medication
Alzheimer's disease progressive loss of memory and cognitive skills
Phenobarbital oldest and most commonly used antiseizure medication
Blood-brain barrier synthetic dopamine cannot cross this
NOREPINEPHRINE neurotransmitter that gives you energy
Traditional antiepileptics pharmacological class for phenytoin
Immunomodulators interferon beta pharmacological class
NMDA Antagonists Namenda pharmacological class
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) protein that destroys acetylcholine
Amyloid Plaques Alzheimer’s is caused by these plaques in the brain
Aricept brand/ trade name of donepezil
Skeletal muscle relaxants baclofen pharmacological class
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor donepezil is in this pharmacological class
Cholinergic crisis overstimulation at the neuromuscular junction due to excess of acetylcholine
pharmacological this classification is based on the mechanism of action
metabolism conversion of a medication a form that is more readily excreted from the body
pharmacotherapeutics studying the use of drugs to treat disease
generic non-proprietary name
pharmacology the study of the chemical, biological and physiological effects of drugs
drug any chemical that alters body composition
adverse effects unintended and detrimental effects
chemical the name of the chemical structure of the drug
therapeutic index measures the margin of safety
tolerance decreased responsiveness over the course of therapy
tachyphylaxis rapid decrease in response to a drug
parenteral medicine or liquid that is injected under the skin
agonist mimics the response of the endogenous substance
pharmacodynamics study of the way drugs affect the body
antagonist prevents the endogenous substance from binding
hormones why medications act differently in different genders
peak when the medication is at its strongest concentration
controlled substances medications determined by the FDA and DEA to be at risk for abuse
action how a drug works in the body
buccal inside the cheek
pain management the fifth vital sign
toxicity when a drug level exceeds the therapeutic range
excretion elimination of medication from the system
therapeutic this classification is based on the therapy that the drug provides
effectiveness was it successful in producing the desired result
pharmacokinetics how drugs move through the body
onset when medication starts working
duration the length of time that medication stays in the body
first pass metabolism where drug concentration is reduced before it reaches systemic circulation
Idiosyncrasy An abnormal sensitivity to a drug. It usually refers to an individual patient’s unique response to medication
Synergism The joint action of agents in which their combined effect is more intense than their individual effects
Toxic effect An adverse drug effect that can be harmful or life-threatening
Dependence A state of reliance on a drug, either psychological or physiological, that may result in withdrawal symptoms if drug use is discontinued
Antagonism The combined effect of two drugs that is less that the effect of either drug taken alone
Metabolism The process by which drugs are broken down into useful by-products by enzymes in the liver. It is also known as biotransformation.
Absorption The process by which a drug is taken into circulation
Contraindications Situations or conditions under which a certain drug should not be administered
Cumulation The compound effect of an agent taken over time in individual small amounts
Side effect An adverse effect of a drug on another organ system that is not related to the main target of the drug
Allergic reaction An acquired, abnormal immune response to a substance that does not normally cause a reaction. It may develop within 30 minutes of administration of therapy
Excretion The kidney is responsible for filtering out drugs from the blood. Drugs are also excreted through the lungs, sweat glands, and intestines.
Mechanism of action The way in which a drug produced its effects
Anaphylaxis A severe allergic response to medication, including respiratory distress
Distribution The process by which the circulatory system transports drugs to the affected body parts
Prophylaxis A procedure or medication used to prevent a disease rather than to treat an existing disease
Half life The amount of time required to 50% of the drug to be eliminated from the body
Efficacy A drug’s therapeutic value
Potency A measure of the strength or concentration of a drug required to produce the desired effect
Effective dose 50 The dose that will produce an effect in 50% of the subjects tested
Indication Purpose or reason for using a drug
Analgesic Drug that relieves mild to severe pain
Generic name A drug’s official name
Pharmacokinetics The study of what the body does to drugs
Trade name Brand or proprietary name
Pharmacology The study of drugs
Drug Enforcement Agency A federal agency whose mission is to enforce the controlled substance laws and regulations of the United States
Toxicology The study of poisons or poisonous effects of drugs
Anticholinergic A drug that blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses
Pharmacodynamics The study of what drugs do to the body
Hypnotic A drug that induces sleep or relaxation
Pharmacotherapeutics The study of how drugs are used to treat disease
Excretion The manner in which the drug is eliminated from the body
Food and Drug Administration A federal agency whose responsibility is to protect the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human drugs
Distribution The process of transporting a drug from its administration site to its site of action
Subscription Part of the prescription which are instructions to the pharmacist dispensing the medication
Signa Part of the prescription which are patient instructions
Therapeutic index measure of a drug's safety
Low therapeutic index high doses needed to produce therapeutic effects in some people may be large enough to cause death
Plasma protein Transports drugs through the bloodstream
Therapeutic range the range of drug level between the minimum effective concentration (MEC) and the toxic concentration
Therapeutic index Measures the margin of safety of a drug
Peak level Full therapeutic effects are achieved
Toxicity Excessive dosage leading to negative physiological effects. (Effects can be irreversible and life threatening)
Paradoxical effect not the intended effect
Potentiative effect occurs when one drug intensifies the effects of another
Created by: MM28
Popular Pharmacology sets




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