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verbs related to pastimes
Italian | English meaning |
giocare | to play a sport |
suonare | to play an instrument |
pescare | to go fishing |
mangiare | to eat |
pranzare | to have lunch |
cenare | to eat dinner/to dine |
guardare | to watch |
ascoltare | to listen |
scrivere | to write |
leggere | to read |
uscire | to go out |
dormire | to sleep |
navigare su internet | to surf the net |
telefonare | to phone |
fare sport | to do sport |
fare shopping | to go shopping |
spendere i soldi | spend money |
andare in citta` | to go to the city |
andare al cinema | to go to the cinema |
ballare | to dance |
cantare | to sing |
andare in bicicletta | to go bike riding |
uscire con gli amici | to go out with friends |
mandare SMS | to send SMSs |
pregare | to pray |
giocare a calcio | to play soccer |
giocare a pallacanestro | to play basketball |