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NUR 143


Right side HF blood back up in the vena cava, causing cor pulmonale, hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, decrease GI blood flow, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and edema in legs/feet
Left side HF blood backs up in the lungs causing a pulmonary congestion, pulmonary edema, hemoptysis, rales, wheezing, low oxygenation, S3 heart sound "lub-dub-see"
CHF (congestive heart failure) blood backs up into the lung's tissues, Usually begins w left side heart failure, Progresses w right side heart failure
Heart congestion heart is unable to pump blood in sufficient amounts, from ventricles to meet body's metabolic needs.
Diastolic dysfunction inadequate ventricular filling during ventricular relaxation (diastole)
Systolic Dysfunction inadequate ventricular contraction systole
LS Failure (signs/symptoms) restlessness, confusion, orthopnea, tachycardia , exertional dyspnea Cyanosis Late Sign, pulmonary congestion, cough, wheezes, hemoptysis.
HF causes cardiac defet: MI, valve deficiency, congenital heart defects. Defects outside the heart: Coronary artery disease, Pulmonary HTN, Diabetes
ACE inhibitors (PRILS) Inhibits aldosterone secretion Prevents water and Na+ reabsorption Decreases Diuresis PRELOAD Decreases l Ventricular end-volume Decreases heart work Good for HTN, cardiac patients
Beta blockers (OLOL) Reduces heart rate & delays AV node conduction Reduces myocardial contractility and decreases automaticity MONITOR hR if <60 BETAS are the **stars** Reduces SNS and heart's conduction system
ARBS (SARTAN) potent vasodilators, decreases systemic vascular resistance (after load), NO diuretic effect, Good vascular effect
Digoxin (lanoxin) Increases stroke volume increases contractility reduces heart size during diastole decreases venous BP & Vein engorgement Increases coronary circulation Promotes diuresis to improve blood circulation Hold if HR >100, HOLD if HR <40
Digoxin AE (lanoxin) Narrow therapeutic window Hypokalemia increases its toxicity Electrolyte levels must be monitor Cardiovascular dysrhythmia: bradycardia, tachycardia CNS headaches, fatigue, malaise, confusion, convulsion
Digoxin Indications heart failure supra ventricular dysrhythmias Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter
Digoxin Nursing (HALOS drug TOXICITY) assess history, drug allergies, contraindications, assess clinical parameters (weight, I&O, ECG, BP, Apical pulse full minute. Breath sounds, Hold dose <60 or >100 MUST NOTIFY prescriber Serum labs K+, Na+, Mg, Ca, renal & liver fx Anorexia, nausea,
Digoxin Toxicity HYPOKALEMIA (K+=3.5 -5.0) Use of Cardiac Pacemaker Hepatic dysfunction Hypercalcemia Dysrhythmias Hypothyroid, respiratory and renal diseases ANY CRITICAL lab value can be LIFE threatening KNOW YOUR VALUES
Anticoagulants Atrial fibrillation, MI, Unstable angina, Indwelling devices (mechanical heart valves) Major orthopedic surgeries
AC AE (anticoagulants) Bleeding Risk increases w increased dosages May be localized or systemic May Cause HEPARIN-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA (HIT) Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, THROMBOCYTOPENIA
Heparin Antidote (Protamine Sulfate) Monitor: activated partial thromboplastin time aPTIs aPTIs within range levels Pt may start Warfarin several days before discharge while in heparin injections User w caution due to Nephrotoxicity, rotate sites, Heparin given Sub Q in abdomen
Coagulation system (2 pathways) Clot forming cascade Each activated factor serves a catalyst that amplifies the next reaction Result is fibrin, a clot-forming substance Intrinsic pathway (clot formed inside blood vessel) Extrinsic pathway (clot formed outside blood vessel)
AC (anticoagulants) Heparin inhibits clotting factors from activating through certain pathways Warfarin (coumadin) helps a lot by blocking the activation of clotting factors
AC education importance of regular laboratory testing signs of abnormal bleeding Measures to prevent bruising , bleeding or tissue injury Pt TEACHING on injury prevention most IMPORTANT! Bruising is very common
AC nursing wear medical bracelet Monitor intake of foods high in vitamin K (dark leafy green vegetables, etc) Consult physician before taking other drugs or OTC, including herbals. Vitamin K interacts w Coumadin
Coagulation modifiers Anticoagulants (HEPARIN) * Inhibit the action of formation of clotting factors * Prevent clot formation Antiplatelet drugs (ASPIRIN) or CLOPIDOGREL Plavix) * Inhibit platelet aggregation * Prevent platelet plugs
thrombocytopenia deficiency of clotting cells, leads to a lack of platelet action
Warfarin Sodium (Coumadin, Vitamin K) *PO Monitor prothrombin time and INR *"PT-INR" test Warfarin levels w/in range *Vitamin "K" ANTIDOTE to Warfarin toxicity *Patient needs several blood test per week until therapeutic level is reached.
Warfarin nursing many herbal products w potential interactions increase bleeding: Capsicum pepper Garlic Ginger Ginkgo St. John's wort Feverfew
Antiplatelets Anti-thrombotic effects Reduces risk of fatal and nonfatal strokes Acute unstable angina and MI Adverse effects Vary according to drug
thrombolytic AE Bleeding Internal Intracranial Superficial Other effects Nausea, vomiting, hypotension, anaphylactoid reactions Cardiac dysrhythmias: can be dangerous
feberlitic (thrombolytic antidote) Prevent lysis (breakdown) of fibrin Result in promoting clot formation used for prevention & tx of excessive bleeding resulting from hyperfibrinolysis or surgical complications Tx for hemophilia or von Willebrand's disease
Antianginals Nitrates: treat & prevent attacks of angina; acute Tx Nitrates - nitroglycerin Beta adrenergic blockers - metoprolol Calcium Channel Blockers - dilitazem Calcium channel blockers & Beta blockers: prophylactic use for longer-term management
Heart Failure drugs ACE Inhibitors lisinopril (Prinivil) ARB - valsartan (Dinovan) Aldosterone Antagonist - spironolactone Aldactone B-type Natriuretic peptide - nesiritide (Natrecor) Cardiac glycoside - digoxin (Lanoxin) Phosphodiasterase inhibitors primacor
Dysrrhytmia drugs Dysrrhytmia I - lidocaine Dysrrhytmia II - propranolol (linderal) Dysrrhytmia III - amiodarone (Cordarone) Dysrrhtymia IV - diltiazem (Cardizem)
Coagulation Modifier Antiplatelets - aspirin (repeat from pain module) Anticoagulant - heparin Thrombolytic - alteplase (Activase) Antifibrinolytic - aminocaproic acid (Amicar)
Created by: farinag
Popular Pharmacology sets




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