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Expense GL's

Sales Compensation 7000
Supervision Compensation 7010
Delivery Expenses 7020
Finance, Insurance & Service Contracts 7030
Advertising - Media (TV, Radio & Newspaper) 7070
Advertising - Digital 7080
Advertising - Events/Promotional 7090
Advertising Reimbursements 7100
Floorplan Interest 7050
Floorplan Assistance 7130
Policy & Claims Adjustments 7110/7120
Demo's & Company Vehicles 7140
Inventory Maintenance 7150
Personnel Training 7160
Outside Services 7170
Freight 7180
Supplies & Small Tools 7190
Laundry & Uniforms 7200
Depreciation - Equipment & Vehicles 7210
Equipment - Maintenance & Repair 7220
Miscellaneous Expense 7230
Salaries & Wages 7250
Clerical Salaries 7260
Vacation & Time Off Pay 7270
Lease Expense - Non Real Estate 7400
Salaries & Wages - Admin & General 7340
Owners Salaries 7630
Payroll Taxes 7430
Employee Benefits 7440
Pension Fund/Profit Sharing 7450
Advertising - General & Institutional 7460
Stationery & Office Supplies 7470
Date Processing Services 7480
Outside Service - Gen & Inst 7490
Outside Service - Management Fee 7310
Company Vehicles - Administration 7500
Contributions 7510
Dues & Subscriptions 7520
Telephone 7530
Legal & Auditing 7540
Postage 7550
Travel & Entertainment 7560
Meeting Meals 7330
Heat, Light, Power & Water 7570
Furniture, Signs, Fixtures & Equipment - Depreciation, Repair & Maintenance 7580
Insurance - Other than Buildings & Improvements 7590
Taxes - Other than R.E. Play & Inc 7600
Interest - Other than Floor Plan & R.E. Mortgage 7610
Admin Fees 7620
Bonuses - Employees 7700
Bonuses - Owners 7710
Estimated Income Taxes 7800
Created by: Sammich
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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