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IVC 4 Study

IVC 4 Study Game

Provides a record four functions of art
gives visible or other form to feeling four functions of art
reveals metaphysical or spiritual truths four functions of art
helps people see the world in new and innovative ways four functions of art
enjoyment another function of art
political and social commentary yet another function of art
therapy function of art
drawing foundation of two dimensional art
chalk flexible medium with a wide variety of tonal areas created. Heavy or light applications
charcoal a burnt wood product, is like chalk in that it requires paper with a rough surface to adhere.
graphite a form of carbon, like coal. the harder the lead, the lighter and more delicate it's mark.
pastel essentially a chalk medium in which colored pigment and non greasy binder have been combined
pen and ink fairly flexible. shading can be done by diluting ink. line and texture possibilities
wash and brush similar to watercolor, ink diluted and applied via brush
oils most popular of the painting media. wide range of color possibilities, slow drying allowing reworking.
watercolor broad category that uses water as a thinner. transparent paint ususally applied to paper.
gouache watercolor medium in which gum is added to ground opaque colors mixed with water. final product, in contrast to watercolor is opaque
tempera opaque watercolor medium whose use spans recorded history. ground pigments and their color binders such as gum or glue, but is best known as its egg tempera form. Colors appear almost gemlike in their clarity and brilliance
acrylics modern synthetic product. Most are water soluable and the binding agent for the pigment is an acrylic polymer.
fresco wall painting technique in which pigments suspended in water are applied to fresh wet plaster
relief printing the image is transferred to the paper by cutting away non-image areas and inking the surface that remains.
intaglio opposite relief printing. ink is transferred to the paper not from the raised areas but rather from the grooves cut into a metal plate.
line engraving cutting grooves into the metal plate with special sharp tools. sharp and precise results
etchings removes the surface of the plate by exposing it to an acid bath. the plate is covered by a thin waxlike substance called a ground, the artist scratches away the ground to produce the desired line
drypoint the surface of the metal plate is scratch with a needle. drypoint leaves a ridge called a burr on either side of the groove resulting in a fuzzy line
aquatint allows the artist to create areas of solid tone on an etching plate as well as gradation of tone from white through a range of grays to black
lithography starting with a smooth stone. draw the image on the stone with grease. cleaned then repainted with a grease based ink. the ink adheres only to the areas the artist chose
seriograph silk screening
5 elements of visual art line, form, color, mass and texture
4 principles of visual art repetition, balance, unity and focal area
line (visual art) basic building block of a visual design is
form (visual art) this and line are closely related both in definition and in effect. it is the shape of an object within the composition
color (visual art) hue, value and intensity
hue (visual art) specific color with a measurable wavelength
value (visual art) relationship of blacks to whites and grays
intensity (visual art) degree of purity of a hue, also known as chroma or saturation
mass (space) (visual art) only three dimensional objects have mass. two dimensional objects give the illusion of mass
texture (visual art) apparent roughness or smoothness
repetition (visual art) how the basic elements in the picture are repeated or alternated
rhythm (visual art) ordered recurrence of elements in a composition
harmony (visual art) elements appear to join naturally and comfortably
variation (visual art) relationship of repeated items to each other
symmetry (visual art) the balancing of like forms, mass and colors on opposite sides fo the vertical axis of the picture
unity (visual art) all elements of a composition work together toward meaning.
focal area (visual art) looking at a picture our eyes are drawn to the areas of greatest importance
perspective (visual art) tool to indicate spatial relationships of objects in pictures.
linear perspective (visual art) the phenomenon of standing on railroad tracks and watching the two rails apparently come together
atmospheric perspective (visual art) indicates distance through the use of light and atmostphere
verisimilitude plausibility
chiaroscuro (visual art) light and shade, used by artists to make their forms appear three dimensional
contrasts (visual art) warm or cool colors
dynamics (visual art) stimulating a sense of movement and activity.
medium, line, form, color, repetition, balance, focal area, deep space, reaction visual art analysis
full round (sculpture) three dimensional sculpture
relief (sculpture) sculpture attached to background
linear (sculpture) construction with thin, elongated items such as wire or neon tubing
subtraction (sculpture) carved works
addition (sculpture) adding materials (built sculpture)
substitution (sculpture) material that can be transformed from plastic, molten or fluid state to solid
manipulation (sculpture) modeling (clay being shaped)
found (sculpture) objects in nature that stimulate and aesthetic response
ephermeral (sculpture) designed to be transitory, makes a statment then ceases to exist
compositions comprises the same elements and principles as composition in the pictural arts, mass, line, form, balance, repetition, color, proportion and unity
mass (sculpture) literal and consists of actual volume and density
line and form (sculpture) elements of a sculpture direct our eye from one point to antoher
color (sculpture) just as important but not as varietal
texture (sculpture) roughness or smoothness of a surface
proportion (sculpture) the relative relationship of shapes to one another
repetition (sculpture) rhythm, harmony and variation consititute this in sculpture
articulation (sculpture) the manner by which we move from one element to the next
dimensionality, method of execution, mass, line and form, texture, repetition, reaction sculpture analysis
Art Song (Music) a setting of a poem for a solo voice
Cantata (Music) choral work with one or more soloists and instrumental ensemble
Concert Overture (Music) independent composition for orchestra
Concerto (Music) extended composition for a voice. dramatic contrast of musical ideas and sound in which the soloist is the star. three movements in which the first is fast, the second slow and the third fast,
Fugue (Music) polyphonic composition based on one main theme or subject
polyphonic (Music) two or more melodic lines of relatively equal importance performed at the same time
Mass (Music) Sacred choral composition
Motet (Music) polyphonic choral work, shorter than a mass, employing a sacred Latin Texas
Sonata (Music) outgrowth of baroque, instrumental composition in several movements written for one to eight players
oratorio (Music) a large-scale composition using a chorus, vocal soloists and orchestra
Suite (Music) comprises a set of dance inspired movements written in the same key but differing in tempo meter and character
Symphony (Music) four movements a large work. Opening usually sonata form, each movement self-contained with its own set of themes.
Sound (Music) anything that excites the auditory nerve
Pitch (Music) physical phenomenon measurable in vibrations per second
Dynamics (Music) Degrees of loudness or softness
pianissimo very soft
piano soft
mezzo piano moderately soft
mezzo forte moderately loud
forte (Music) loud
fortissimo (Music) very loud
tone color (Music) timbre is the characteristic of tone that allows us to distinguish a pitch played on a violin, for example, from the same pitch played on the piano
duration (Music) the length of time in which vibration is maintained without interruption
rhythm (Music) recurring pulses and accents that create identifiable patterns.
Beat (Music) the individual pulses we hear. may be grouped into rhythmic patterns by placing accents every few beats.
Meter (Music) Normal musical practice is to group clusters of beats into units called measures. when these groupings are regular and reasonably equal they comprise simple meters
Tempo (Music) the rate of speed of the composition
Melody (Music) a succession of sounds with rhythmic and tonal organization
Harmony (Music) when two or more tones sound at the same time.
Largo (Music) Very Slow
Grave (Music) Very Slow
Lento (Music) Slow
Adagio (Music) Slow
Andante (Music) Moderate
Andantino (Music) Moderate
Moderato (Music) Moderate
Allegretto (Music) Fast
Allegro (Music) Fast
Vivace (Music) Very Fast
Presto (Music) Very Fast
Prestissimo (Music) Very Fast
Tonality (Music) Key, employs major and minor scales
Texture (Music) this aspect of musical relationships is treated differently by different sources.
Monophony (Music) Single musical line
Polyphony (Music) many sounding and occurs when two or more melodic lines of relatively equal interest are performed
Homophony (Music) when chords accompany one main melody
Musical Form (Music) the musician must attempt to create a coherent composition of sounds and silences. mainly using repetition
binary form (Music) consists of two parts, the opening section and the second part often acts as an answer to the first AB
Ternary form (Music) three part development ABA
Ritornello (Music) developed in baroque, tondo in classical period. employ a continuous development that returns to modified versions of the opening theme after separate treatment of additonal themes.
Sonata Form (Music) first movement of the sonata, the second section the development. so ABA or AABA
Fugue (Music) a polyphonic development of one, two or somethimes three short themes. Has 1) Counterpoint and 2) a clear dominant-tonic relationship, that is, imitation of the theme at the fifth above or below the tonic.
Canon (Music) contapuntal form based on note for note imitation of one voice by another. (a round)
Opera (Music) The combination of drama and music into a single artistic form constitutes opera
Grant Opera (Music) refers to serious or tragic opera, ususally five acts
Opera Comique (Music) any opera that has spoken dialogue
Opera Buffa (Music) a comic opera which usually does not have spoken dialogue.
Operetta (Music) spoken dialogue but it has come to refer to a light style of opera characterized by popular themes, a romantic mood and often a humorous tone. Can be more theatrical than musical
Form, Sound, Rhythm, Tempo, Texture, Ensemble,Reaction Music Analysis
Tragedy (Theatre) a play with an unhappy ending
Comedy (Theatre) defies thumbnail definitions. can include biting satire or low comedy
Tragicomedy (Theatre) mixed form of theatre, mood shift light to heavy, or plays in which endings are neither exclusively tragic or comic
Melodrama (Theatre) mixed form of theatre, uses stereotypical characters involved in serious situations in which suspense, pathos, terror and occasionally hate are all aroused. Portrays forces of good and evil battling in exaggerated circumstances.
Performance Art (Theatre) a type of performance that combines elements from fields in the humanities and arts, from urban anthropology to folklore and dance to feminism.
Plot (Theatre) stucture of the play.
Exposition (Theatre) provides necessary background information
Complication (Theatre) a fundamental dramatic device
Denouement (Theatre) the final resolution of the plot
Foreshadowing (Theatre) Preparation for subsequent action
Discovery (Theatre) revelation of information about characters, their personalities, relationship and feelings
Reversal (Theatre) any turn of fortune
Character (Theatre) psychological motivation of the persons in the play
Protagonist (Theatre) main character of a play
Themes (Theatre) ideas that comprise the intellectual content of a play
Genre (Theatre) tragedy, comedy, melodrama
Genre, Plot, Protagonist, Character, Thought (theme), Theatre form, Visual elements, Language, Reaction Theatre Anaylsis
Ballet (Dance) the most formal type of dance
Modern Dance (Dance) broad variety of highly individualized dance worked limited to the twentieth century, and anti-balletic philosophy
Folk Dance (Dance) a body of group dances performed to traditional music
Mise-en-Scene (dance) the interrelationship of the dance with properties, settings and the floor of the theatrical environment.
Genre, Formalized movement, Line, form and repetition, Rhythm, Mime and pantomime, Idea content, Music, mise-en-scene, reaction Dance Analysis
Rap elements rhythm, tempo, beat, harmony, texture
Created by: mthacker
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