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psychology reich ex2

reich exam two

personality a consistent set of behavioral characteristics that people display over time and across situations, and that distinguish individuals from each other
personality characteristics -consistent across time -consistent across situations -distinguishes individuals from each other
trait view we think and behave consistently across situations -traits are not always accurate in predicting behavior
personality traits the definition of personality implies that people have relatively consistent characteristics exhibited in different situations
situationist view our thoughts and behaviors change with the situation -it depends on the situation not internal traits
person-situation controversy questions the consistency of personality traits
interactionist view both traits and situations affect thoughts and behavior
trait theories -different numbers of factors -nearly all have extroversion and neuroticism -useful for conceptualizing personality -not very effective in predicting behavior
traits (OCEAN) extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness
extraversion warmth, gregariousness (social), assertiveness, activity, excitement seeking, positive emotions
neuroticism anxiety, hostility, depression, self confidence, impulsiveness, vulnerability
agreeableness trust, straightforwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty, tendermindedness
conscientiousness competence, order, dutifulness, achievement striving, deliberation, self-discipline
openness fantasy, feelings, actions, ideas, values
three factor theory of personality extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism/nonconformity
psychoticism/nonconformity -loss of touch with reality, -social deviant traits (crimiality/substance addiction), -lack of conventional socialization (respect of rules and feelings of others) -combines agreeableness and conscientousness
What is one way to measure personality? MMPI
Projective tests includes Rorschach and TAT, concerns about validity and reliability
biological tendencies that affect personality -extraverts are less arousable -neuroticism may be related to the sensitivity of emotional parts of the brain -underarousal of nervous system may be related to risk taking or criminal behavior
Eysenck looked to discover origins of personality dimensions, made the pyramid of hierarchy of personality
temperament innate tendencies to behave in certain ways, influences how people act, think and feel, correlation between temperament at infancy and adulthood
Components of temperament sociability, emotionality, impulsivity
sociability preference to be in the company of others or to be alone
emotionality inclination to be aroused in emotional situations when distress, fear and anger are involved
impulsivity ability to respond to stimuli immediately, without reflection or concern for consequences
freud consciousness
conscious mind normal awareness and everyday thoughts
preconscious mind easily brought to consciousness, like your address
unconscious mind hidden thoughts and desires, defenses from childhood abuse
Created by: slstrong90
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