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RADT 465 Procedures

ARRT registry review covering procedures

Which of the elbow fat pads is not visible radiographically in the lateral projection of the normal elbow? Posterior (Lange Q&A p.37
The proximal radius and ulna are seen free of superimposition in which of the following projections? Lateral oblique elbow (Lange Q&A p.37)
Which of the following positions is used to demonstrate vertical patellar fractures and the patellofemoral articulations? Tangential Patella (Lange Q&A p.38)
Double-contrast examinations of the stomach or large bowel are performed to better visualize the Gastric or bowel mucosa (Lange Q&A p.39)
The RPO position (Judet Method) of the right acetabulum will demonstrate the Anterior rim of the right acetabulum (Lange Q&A p.39)
How should a chest examination to rule our air-fluid levels be obtained on a patient with traumatic injuries. Include a lateral chest examination performed in dorsal decubitus position (Lange Q&A p.40)
Traumatic rib fractures resulting in their detachment from the rib cage is termed? Flail chest (Lange Q&A p.41)
The relationship between the fractured ends of long bones is called Apposition (Lange Q&A p.41
In the PA axial oblique projection of the cervical spine, the CR should be directed 15 degrees caudad to C4 (Lange Q&A p.41)
Narrowing of the upper airway, as seen in pediatric croup, can be best visualized in the LAO (Lange Q&A p.42)
Which of the following projections/positions will best demonstrate a subacromial or subcoracoid dislocation? PA oblique scapular y (Lange Q&A p.42)
The sternal angle is at approximately the same level as the T5 (Lange Q&A p.43)
What is the relationship between the midsagittal and midcoronal plane Perpendicular (Lange Q&A p.43)
Which of the bony landmarks is in the same transverse plane as L2-L3 Inferior costal margin (Lange Q&A p.44)
Which of the fracture classifications describes a small, bony fragment pulled from a bony process? Avulsion fracture (Lange Q&A p.44)
That portion of the humerus which articulates with the ulna to help form the elbow joint is the Trochlea (Lange Q&A p.45)
In myelography, the contrast medium generally is injected into the Subarachnoid space between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae (Lange Q&A p.45)
The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures is the Bregma (Lange Q&A p.45)
The lumbar vertebral process is represented by which parts of "scottie dog" seen in a correctly positioned oblique lumbar spine? Lateral (Lange Q&A p.45)
Which of the following positions is used to demonstrate the lumbosacral zygapophyseal articulation? 30 degrees RPO (Lange Q&A p.45)
Which of the following conditions is limited specifically to the tibial tuberosity? Osgood-schlatter disease (Lange Q&A p.46)
Aspirated foreign bodies in older children and adults are most likely to lodge in the Right main stem bronchus (Lange Q&A p.46)
The laryngeal prominence is formed by the Thyroid cartilage (Lange Q&A p.47)
The thoracic zygapophyseal joints are demonstrated with the Midsagittal plane 20 degrees to the IR (Lange Q&A p.47)
The uppermost portion of the iliac crest is at approximately the same level as the Fourth lumbar vertebra (Lange Q&A p.47)
The articular facets of L5-S1 are best demonstrated in a/an 30 degree oblique (Lange Q&A p.48)
Posterior displacement of a tibial fracture would be best demonstrated in the Lateral projection (Lange Q&A p.48)
Which of the following positions best demonstrates the proximal tibiofibular articulation? 45 degree internal rotation (Lange Q&A p.48)
At what level do the carotid arteries bifurcate? C4 (Lange Q&A p.48)
Which of the following conditions is often the result of ureteral obstruction or stricture? Hydronephrosis (Lange Q&A p.49)
Which of the following conditions is characterized by "flattening" of the hemidiaphragms? Emphysema (Lange Q&A p.49)
The outermost wall of the digestive tract is the Serosa (Lange Q&A p.49)
In which position of the shoulder is the greater tubercle seen superimposed on the humeral head? Internal Rotation (Lange Q&A p.50)
In which type of fracture are the splintered ends of bone forced through the skin? Compound (Lange Q&A p.51)
Which type of ileus is characterized by cessation of peristalsis? Paralytic (Lange Q&A p.51)
The most distal portion of the pharynx is the Laryngopharynx (Lange Q&A p.52)
Which part of the mandible will be best visualized with the patient's head in a PA position and the CR directed 20 degrees cephalad Rami (Lange Q&A p.52)
Foot motion caused by turning the ankle outward is termed Eversion (Lange Q&A p.53)
Which position will provide an AP projection of the L5-S1 interspace? Patient supine with CR 30-35 degrees angle cephalad (Lange Q&A p.53)
Subject/object unsharpness can not result from this Anatomic object of interest is/are in the path of the CR (Lange Q&A p.53)
Persistent connection between the fetal aorta and pulmonary artery is called A patent ductus arteriosus (Lange Q&A p.54)
The cartilaginous portion of growing bone found at the extremities of long bones is the Epiphysis (Lange Q&A p.54)
The ileocecal valve normally is located in which body region? Right iliac (Lange Q&A p.54)`
The type of cancerous bone tumor occurring in children and young adults and arising from bone marrow is Ewing Sarcoma (Lange Q&A p.54)
In which position/projection will the talocalcaneal joint be visualized? Plantodorsal projection of the oscalcis (Lange Q&A p.55)
Which type of fracture of pediatric fracture specifically involves the bony growth plate? Saller-Harris (Lange Q&A p.56)
Which of the barium-filled anatomic structures is best demonstrated in the LPO position? Hepatic/right colic flexure (Lange Q&A p.57)
What does the trapezium articulate with? First metacarpal (Lange Q&A p.58)
For the average patient, the CR for a lateral projection of a barium-filled stomach should enter Midway between the mid coronal line and the anterior abdominal surface (Lange Q&A p.58)
All elbow fat pads are best demonstrated in which position? Lateral (Lange Q&A p.58)
Which examination is used to demonstrate vesicoureteral reflux? Voiding cystourethrogram (Lange Q&A p.60)
The inhalation of liquid or solid particles into the nose, throat, or lungs, is called Aspiration (Lange Q&A p.60)
Arteries and veins enter and exit the medical aspect of each lung at the Hilus (Lange Q&A p.60)
Which position/projection would best demonstrate cartilage degeneration in the knees AP erect (Lange Q&A p.61)
The adult cranial bones contain a layer of cancellous tissue between their inner and outer layers called Diploe (Lange Q&A p.62)
Which type of articulation is evaluated in arthrography? Diarthrodial (Lange Q&A p.63)
Lateral deviation of the nasal septum may be best demonstrated in the Parietocanthial (water's method) projection (Lange Q&A p.65)
The tissue that occupies the central cavity of the adult long bone body/shaft is Yellow Marrow (Lange Q&A p.66)
The innominate bone is located in the Pelvis (Lange Q&A p.67)
An intrathecal injection is associated with which examination? Myelogram (Lange Q&A p.68)
Which position best demonstrates the right zagapophyseal articulations of the lumbar vertebrae? RPO (Lange Q&A p.69)
Which projection of the elbow will demonstrate the coronoid process free of superimposition? Medial oblique (Lange Q&A p.69)
What is the name of the condition that results in the forward slipping of one vertebra upon the vertebra below it? Spondylolisthesis (Lange Q&A p.69)
What is the most significant risk for breast cancer? Gender (Lange Q&A p.71)
Created by: 18Fieldsms
Popular Radiology sets




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