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IPS Quiz 1

Chapters 2, 5, 7 Intro to Public Speaking Key Terms

These journals pertain to a certain area of academic research what are they? Academic Journals
Speakers often do this to sum up long articles on a notecard. what is it Annotate
Poems,Dances, Paintings, Writings are different types of this. Creative Works
Cards for recording and catagorizing important data are called? information cards
the vast number of web pages that are not seen by computer spiders Invisible web or deep web
ordinary people whose knowledge comes from everyday experience Laypeople or peers
the type of site such as .com .edu or .org that tells the sites purpose or tax status Domain
people whose knowledge is based on research, experience or occupation Experts
scholarly databases in the invisible web that librarians are identifying Academic invisible web
people whose knowledge is based on research, experience or occupation Experts
the prevision in the federal copyright that allows free use of materials for educational and research purposes Fair use prevision
the vast number of web pages that are not seen by computer spiders Invisible web or deep web
online public access catalogs OPAC
evidence recorded by a primary source such as letters or autobiographies Original documents
information from people actually involved in the event Primary sources
library specialist who’s job is to help you find research information Reference librarian
culturally significant creations such as buildings, jewelry or tools Relics or artifacts
created by computer robots (spiders) matches subject terms to words in its database Search engine
summaries, interpretations of an event provided by non-participants Secondary sources
books aimed at a general audience Trade books
the online encyclopedia created by internet users *hint its terrible. Wikipedia
journals that pertain to specific occupations Trade journals
created by humans searches the internet by subject categories Subject directory
texts that summarize information in specific subject areas Specialized encyclopedia
cards used to record bibliographic information Source card
Affective effects influences on listeners feelings
Behavior effects influences on the audiences actions
Central ideas synonym for thesis statement
Cognitive effects influence on beliefs, understandings, and other mental processes
General purpose four general purposes are to inform, persuade, to entertain, or to commemorate
Preview short summary of the major points you will develop in the speech
Specific purpose the cognitive affective or behavioral responses a speaker desires
Thesis statement a single sentence that names the subject and establishes the significance
Canon a set of principles, standards, norms, or guidelines
Anticipatory speech anxiety tension experienced at the mere thought of giving a speech. Highest just after the speech is announced.
Canon of delivery rules or standards for presenting a speech. Provide guidelines on the four delivery methods and on non
Canon of disposition or arrangement guidelines for organizing a speech
Canon of invention principles for designing a speech that meets a need of a specific audience.
Canon of memory guidelines to help you remember your ideas. Often called the lost canon
Canon of style principles for choosing effective language in both speaking and writing.
Canons of rhetoric principles, standards, norms, or guidelines for creating and delivering a speech. When you know these principles you will understand the process of speech creation
Cognitive modification identifying negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones
Communication apprehension the fear or dread of negative responses you might experience because you speak out. Commonly described as the “fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons.” Linked to learning style preferences
Connectives words and phrases used to tie the ideas together. Help your listeners keep their place in the speech by linking the various points to one another and to the speech as a whole.
Precise wording & Learning your speech found in style memory and delivery
Extemporaneous delivery preparing a speech carefully in advance but choosing the exact wording during the speech itself
Fight or flight mechanism physiological mechanism your body automatically activates when threatened; helps you fight or flee
Four milestones of anxiety producing events:
Anticipation prespeaking period. Peaks in this period and steadily decreases.
Confrontation beginning the speech
Adaptation completeing the speech
Release after the speech
Freeze become rigid or unable to function in the presence of a threat
Habituation lessening anxiety by successfully repeating an experience over time.
Impromptu delivery speaking with little advanced preparation
Internal monologue self talk. Negative IM contributes to negative stress which occurs when you believe the demands of the situation exceed your ability to cope
Manuscript delivery reading a speech. Helps you remember your ideas but generally more useful for formal talks than for classroom or workspace speeches.
Memorized delivery memorizing the speech by heart then reciting it
Performance anxiety fear of forgetting or of poorly presenting a speech. Nervousness about actually giving a speech.
Process anxiety fear due to lack of confidence in knowing how to prepare a speech. Not how to create a speech.
Physiological anxiety bodily responses to a perceived threat (increased heart rate, adrenaline rush)
Psychological anxiety mental stress about a perceived threat
Public speaking anxiety aka stage fright. Whatever name you prefer, the term refers to the common feelings of dread many people have at the thought of giving a speech.
Style in rhetoric, style refers to language
Visualization rehearsing by using your imagination to envision your speech from start to finish
Created by: lauraguzman
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