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Flashcards for O2 TX

RCP 120

Nasal Cannula- Liter Flows a. 1 - 6 L/min
Nasal Cannula- Approximate FiO2 range a. 24% - 44% b. Variable FiO2 stability
Nasal Cannula- Advantages a. Comfortable, allows for patient to eat and drink b. Typically meets the majority of needs such as: post-op, COPD, lethargy, weakness, or mild pneumonia, etc.
Nasal Cannula- Disadvantages a. Not a precise FiO2 b. Not effective for mouth breathers c. Does not typically meet high O2 demands
Nasal Cannula- Best Uses a. Mild, immediate needs and long-term chronic needs b. can be used on most patients with little risk and low to mild O2 requirements
Nasal Cannula- Special/Unique information a. Rule of fours b. Humidity not required for flows < 4 L/m c. O2 concentration will vary with patient breathing pattern d. Most common oxygen delivery device used in a hospital setting
Nasal moustache/ Oxymizer- Liter flows a. Nasal moustache i. 3 L/m ii. 4 L/m iii. 6 L/m b. Oxymizer i. 1.5 L/m ii. 2 L/m iii. 3 L/m
Nasal moustache/ Oxymizer- Approximate FiO2 range 22%–35% ; stability: variable
Nasal moustache/ Oxymizer- Advantages a. O2 conservation device, allows patient to cut O2 use in half b. Alternative to simple mask (allow for communication/eating and drinking)
Nasal moustache/ Oxymizer- Disadvantages a. Not recommended for long term high flow use (> 10 L/m)
Nasal moustache/ Oxymizer- Best Uses Home care or ambulatory patients who need increased mobility
Nasal moustache/ Oxymizer- Special/ Unique Information a. Never use with humidity
Simple Mask- LIter Flows a. 6 – 10 L/min
Simple Mask- Approximate FiO2 range a. 35% - 50% b. Variable FiO2 stability
Simple Mask- Advantages a. Meets higher FiO2 demands b. Allows for mouth breather
Simple Mask-Disadvantages a. Does not allow precise FiO2 delivery; flow based b. If the flow is less than patients LPM demand they will rebreathe CO2
Simple Mask- Best Uses a. Rarely used
Simple Mask- Special/Unique Information a. Never use with humidity b. Short term use only c. Never use less than 6 lpm
Partial rebreather- Liter Flows a. > 10 L/min
Partial rebreather- Approximate FiO2 range a. 40% - 70% b. Variable FiO2 stability
Partial rebreather- Disadvantages a. Should be temporary and can cause irritation and dryness to airways/sinuses over time b. Bulky and easily bumped or pulled off of face
Partial rebreather- Best Uses a. Serious situation b. Severe O2 demands only c. Shock d. Blood loss e. Severe infection or asthma f. PE
Partial rebreather- Special/ Unique Information a. Reservoir bag must not collapse during inspiration b. Never use with humidity c. Short term use
Partial rebreather- Advantages a. High level of O2 delivered b. Has large reservoir to keep FiO2 delivery more constant
Non-rebreather mask- Liter Flows a. 12 - 15 L/min
Non-rebreather mask- Approximate FiO2 range a. 60% - 100% b. Variable FiO2 stability
Non-rebreather mask- Advantages a. High level of O2 delivered b. Has large reservoir to keep FiO2 delivery more constant
Non-rebreather mask- Disadvantages a. Should be temporary and can cause irritation and dryness to airways/sinuses over time b. Bulky and easily bumped or pulled off of face
Non-rebreather mask- Best Uses a. Serious situation b. Severe O2 demands only c. Shock d. Blood loss e. Severe infection or asthma f. PE
Non-rebreather mask- Special/ Unique information a. Reservoir bag must not collapse during inspiration b. Never use with humidity c. Short term use
Oxymask- Liter Flows a. 1 - 15 L/m
Oxymask- Approximate FiO2 range a. 24% - 90%
Oxymask- Advantages a. Allows for unrestricted communication b. Reduces feelings of claustrophobia
Oxymask- Special Information a. Mask device with widest range of FiO2 and liter flow b. Can use with bubble humidifier if flow 1 - 6 lpm
Air entrainment mask- Liter Flows a. Varies, > 60 L/min
Air entrainment mask- Approximate FiO2 range a. 24% - 50% b. Fixed FiO2 stability
Air entrainment mask- Advantages a. A true FiO2 (O2 level) delivered b. Higher flow and ventilated mask reduce risk of re-breathing patient’s own CO2 c. Can give you a set FiO2 d. Can be titrated accurately and give therapists a true understanding of patients needs
Air entrainment mask- Disadvantages a. Can be drying to mouth and sinus b. Slightly bulky c. Requires flow rate and FiO2 setting to be matched to achieve accurate FiO2
Air entrainment mask- Best Uses a. Ideal for CO2 retainers or hypoxic drive patients b. Moderate to high demand for O2
Air entrainment mask- Special information a. Never use with bubble humidifier b. Never cover entrainment ports
High Flow Nasal Cannula- Liter Flows a. Adults i. 20 – 35 L/m b. Infants i. 4 – 8 L/m
High Flow Nasal Cannula- Approximate FiO2 range a. 21% - 100% b. FiO2 stability generally fixed, depends on system input flow, patient breathing patterns
High Flow Nasal Cannula- Advantages a. Allows patient to eat and drink b. Vastly adjustable both on flow and FiO2 c. Good alternative for patients who cannot tolerate BiPAP d. Reduces WOB
High Flow Nasal Cannula- Disadvantages FiO2 is often ensured but depends on system, input flow, and patient breathing pattern; infection risk
High Flow Nasal Cannula- Best uses a. Moderate to maximum O2 patient demands b. Only be used for patients with mild – moderate WOB
Nasal Catheter- Liter Flows a. 1 - 6 L/min
Nasal Catheter- Approximate FiO2 range a. 24% - 44% b. Variable FiO2 stability, dependent on the patient’s respiratory rate and tidal volume.
Nasal Catheter-Adavantages Use on adults, children, infants; good stability; disposable; low cost
Nasal Catheter- Disadvantages Difficult to insert; high flow increases back pressure; needs regular changing; polyps, deviated septum may block insertion; may provoke gagging, air swallowing, aspiration
Nasal Catheter-Best uses Procedures in which cannula is difficult to use (bronchoscopy); long-term care of infants
Oxyhood- Liter Flows a. ≥ 7 L/min
Oxyhood- Approximate FiO2 range a. 21% - 100% b. Fixed FiO2 stability
Oxyhood- Advantages Full range of FiO2
Oxyhood- Disadvantages Difficult to clean, disinfect
Oxyhood- Best Uses Infants who need supplemental O2
Trans-tracheal Catheter- Liter Flows 1/4–4 L/min
Trans-tracheal Catheter- Approximate FiO2 range 22%–35%, stability: variable
Trans-tracheal Catheter- Advantages Lower O2 use and cost; eliminates nasal and skin irritation; improved compliance; increased exercise tolerance; increased mobility; enhanced image
Trans-tracheal Catheter- Disadvantages High cost; surgical complications; infection; mucous plugging; lost tract
Trans-tracheal Catheter- Best Uses Home care or ambulatory patients who need increased mobility or do not accept nasal O2
Trans-tracheal Catheter- Special/ Unique information RT assistance recommended...
Face Tent- Liter Flows 12–15 L/min
Face Tent- Approximate FiO2 range 40%–50% ; stability: variable
Face Tent- Advantages Provides concurrent aerosol therapy
Face Tent- Disadvantages Expensive, cumbersome, unstable FiO2 (leaks); requires cooling; difficult to clean, disinfect; limits patient mobility; fire hazard
Face Tent- Best Uses Toddlers or small children who need low to moderate FiO2 and aerosol
Face Tent- Special/ Unique information RT assistance recommended....
Air Entrainment Nebulizer- Liter Flows a. 10 – 15 L/min input b. At least 60 L/min output
Air Entrainment Nebulizer- Approximate FiO2 range a. 28% - 100% b. Fixed FiO2 stability
Air Entrainment Nebulizer- Advantages a. Can be paired with aerosol mask, tracheostomy mask, face tent, or T-piece b. A true FiO2 (O2 level) delivered c. Higher flow and ventilated mask reduce risk of re-breathing patient’s own CO2 d. Can be titrated accurately and give therapist a true un
Air Entrainment Nebulizer-Disadvantages a. Slightly bulky b. Requires flow rate and FiO2 setting to be matched to achieve accurate FiO2 c. Can be a source of contamination (humidity)
Air Entrainment Nebulizer- Best Uses a. Patients with a moderate to high demand for O2
Air Entrainment Nebulizer- Special/ Unique information a. Dial setting on device determines FiO2 b. Never use flows < 8 L/m c. Use sterile water not normal saline in reservoir bottle d. Tandam nebulizer or high flow set-up must be used with O2 > 50%
small-volume nebulizer (SVN) Operate at 6-8 Lpm Fio2 range: NC 24-44%, Simple mask: 35-50% Range: approx. 25-30% of particles are in respirable range depending on liter flow. 60-90 breaths Advantages: many drug solutions, can deliver combinations, Minimal pt. cooperation requi
Large Volume Nebulizer (LVN) Delivers 28-100% O2 @ flows of 10-15 lpm Dial setting on device determines FiO2Total flow output 60 lpm wide FiO2 range Cool bland aerosol Advantage: Deliver humidified gases to provide adequate flow to meet inspiratory demands. Disadvantage: N
breath-actuated nebulizer Liter flow:inhalation flow rate close to 25 L/min to operate the breath-actuation mechanism. FiO2: Advantages:best deposition, less medication waste. Disadvantage:expensive, patient needs to be able to take breaths strong enough to actuate nebulizer.
Ultrasonic Nebulizer (USN) Rate of flow: 0-2 mL per min, or 0-120 mL per hour. Advantages: portable, lightweight, small residual volume, quiet,minimal waste,MMAD- 3.5 Disadvantages: Expensive, not reimbursed by medicare, medicaid, ultrasonic waves may inactivate some drugs, not
Vibrating mesh nebulizer (VM Neb) Diameter of 4-5 um Operate around 128 khz Advantage: Can help stimulate cough and sputum production, nebulized directly to lung parenchyma. Disadvantage: Limited, blockage of particles can result if not cleaned properly, contamination of reservoir devi
Small particle aerosol generator (SPAG) Nebulizer = 7 L/min Drying chamber = 8 L/min. 50 psi - 26 psi Advantage:efficient nebulizer for ribavirin; it is also being used for the delivery of other pulmonary agents. The efficiency of a nebulizer can be defined in large part by delivering a majo
Meter dose inhaler (MDI) Flow rates: between 30 and < 60 L/min ( flow rate of 60 L/min allows for optimum inhalation) Advantages: portable,light, and compact, combination drugs available, shorter treatment times, reproducible dosing, no drug preparation needed, difficult to cont
dry powder inhaler (DPI) Flow rate: minium peak inspi-ratory flow rate of 30 L/min, best achiev-ing inspiratory flow rates of 60-90 L/min Advantages: small and portable , propellant free, breath actuated, built-in dose counter, no drug preparation needed, difficult to contaminat
Breath enhanced nebulizer Liter flow: 6-8 lpm Range: approx. 63-87% of particles are in respirable range, depending on liter flow and nebulizer model Advantages: high output, short treatments, higher dose than T-neb or Mdi is possible, multiple " one-way" valves reduce waste, d
soft Mist Inhaler (SMI) Propellant free Utilizes mechanical energy in the form of a tension spring Depressing the dose release button releases energy from the spring, forcing solution to the mouthpiece and producing a soft mist of aerosol lasting 1.5 seconds. Advantages: Easy
Mini-heart nebulizer Has a 30mL reservoir volume and operates at 1 to 2L/min. Advantages: Disadvantage: Best use:Ideal for interfacing with ventilator circuits and for delivering treatments to CO2 retainers. Bronchodilator rescue therapy in the emergency department. Speci
Respirgard Nebulizer Small Volume nebulizers with only one-way valves and an expiratory filter Used to deliver pentamidine which is used to treat pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Advantages:Ability to aerosolize many drug solutions Ability to aerosolize drug mixtures (>1 dru
Created by: tumi6472
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets



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