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Psych 350: Exam 2


Object Permanence Ability to think about objects we can not see or touch. Develops at 9 months
The 'A' not 'B' task Tendency for babies to reach/look to where objects have been rather than where they are hidden (8-12 months old) Not until 1 years old do they look for current location
Assimilation Translation of incoming information into a previously understood form (Ex: Sucking Reflex)
Accommodation Babies gradually stop assimilation and accommodate new experiences by adjusting their behavior
Equilibration A mechanism that Piaget proposed to explain how children shift from one stage of thought to the next. A balance of accommodation and assimilation
Solidity Idea that one object can't pass through another object
Main finding on solidity Babies understand violations of solidity (Ex. Magic tricks with dolls)
Understanding arithmetic Babies understand the basic addition of objects (Example: Dolls put behind a screen. One is added to another, but baby is only shown one later on. Baby understands this doesn't make sense through looking cues)
Ordinal Relationships Babies will crawl to the cup that appears to have more crackers , even when they are tricked to believe so. Large quantities is a control
Counting By age 3, most babies know how to count to 10, but do not understand the difference between these numbers 9 months at a time.
Implicit Numerical understanding Represents precise numbers of smaller objects and approximate sense of larger objects
Explicit Numerical understanding Integer list is a cultural construction / language is required to represent precise sets of numbers larger than 3
Cross-cultural studies of numbers Not all cultures have created symbols for numbers (Groups along the amazon river/hunter-gatherer groups)
Piaget's Stage Theory Theory of cognitive development, describes how children develop logical thought in age phases.
Core knowledge Continuous develop shows quantitative change. Experience sophisticates our early expectations.
Information processing theories Focus on the specific mental processes that underlie children thinking
Created by: lnamugenyi
Popular Psychology sets



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