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CI 152 Ed Psych 6

Cognitive: Information Processing Theory

What question was asked by the Information Processing Theory? Are memories permanent?
What does the IPT distinguish between? forgetting and retrieval
A very brief memory from which much input is simply discarded: sensory register (the first area of memory)
Lasts only about 15 seconds or so, with a capacity of 7 to 8 bits of unrelated information: short term memory
May be unlimited in capacity and duration: long term memory
When does a memory become permanent? If one rehearses short term memory or connects it to something already learned.
When things one once had to carefully think through become automatic through repetition they are: reflexive
mechanism controlling the deployment of attention: executive control
Things that are discrepant are effective: dissimilarity
Stimuli which elicit an emotional response are usually effective: emotional value
Doing is more effective than only hearing or seeing: physical involvement
Employing more than one sensory experience in the presentation: multiple coding
Practicing beyond the point at which one can demonstrate the learning: overlearning
What two things are volatile and not permanent? Sensory register and short term memory.
Can hold a great deal of information and has a duration of about 5 seconds before memory is stored or lost: sensory register
Has a longer duration then sensory register, but is of limited capacity, about 7-8 bits of unrelated information: short term memory
What greatly affects the movement of information to long term memory? pace of presentation and number of interruptions (distractions).
Theoretically, the duration and capacity of ?? is unlimited? long term memory
What are three types of long-term memories? semantic, procedural, episodic
These memories involve mostly verbal information (rules, facts, etc.) and are the most difficult to retrieve: semantic memories
These memories are of routines one has to follow and are easier to retrieve than semantic memories: procedural memories
These memories are of things that one has experienced: episodic memories
A way to explain our ability to perform complex acts that we have learned to automate over time: executive control
What can executive control govern? what we attend to, how we process information, what we do physically in certain situations
Created by: Neukay
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