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MRI handout


coverings of brain and spinal cord, consist of 3 layers meninges
consists of two membranes and outer periosteal, and immer meningeal dura mater
is close to the inner surface of the skull and usually adherent to it outer periosteal
3 membranes that surroundes and protects brain meninges
stronges and outermost membrane dura mater
provide venous drainage from the brain dural sinuses
seperates the cerebral hemispheres falx cerebri
spreads out like a tent, forms partition between cerebrum and cerebellum tentorium cerebelli
middle laywer which is trabecular (cobweb-like) in structure arachnoid membrane
inner layer, which closely invests the brain, dipping in the furrow pia mater
sperates the pia mater from the arachnoid mater subarachnoid space
contains cerebrospinal fluid that circulates around the brain and the spinal cord and provides further protection to the central nervous system subarachnoid space
in living animals the spaces between the meningeal layers are filled with cerebral spinal fluid
the left and right hemispheres are divided by longitudinal fissure
cerebral hemispheres have to distinct features riges (gyri) and Furrows (sulci)
composed mostly of nerve cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers gray matter
white fatty material composed chiefly of lipids and lipoproteins myelin
composed mostly of myelinated fibers. is internal white matter
bridge of myelinated nerve fibers. Carry impulses from one hemisphere to another Corpus callosum
provides a pathway for the circulation of the cerebral spinal fluid throughout the CNS ventricular system
four fluid-filled cavities ventricles
first ventricles, each communicates with ventricle III lateral ventricle
communication from lateral ventricles to ventrical III through an interventricular foramen called monro
connected to fourth ventricle ventricle III
canal that connects 3 and 4th ventricle aqueduct of sylvius (aka cerebral aqueduct)
located in diencephalon ventricle III
located in the hindbrain fourth ventricle
fourth ventricle connects to the central canal of the spinal cord
brain is divided into how many parts 6
6 parts of brain are called cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
divided into thalamus and hypothalmus diencephalon
midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata are often called brain stem
largest brain division cerebrum
coordination of muscular activities are controlled by cerebellum
cerebellum contains gray and white matter
positioned superiorly and anteriorly in the cranial cavity cerebrum
cortex is composed of gray matter
corpus callosum and fornix are white matter
lies between the cerebrum and midbrain diencephalon
large and lies superior to the hypothalamus thalamus
transmits impulses to higher brain regions and motor impulses from the cerebrum to the rest of the body also transmits inpulses to the limbic system thalmus
responsible for emotion limbic system
responsible for regulation and maintenance of internal homeostatsis hypothalamus
refers to the body's ability to regulate physiologically it's inner enviroment to ensure it's stability in response to fluctuations in the ouside envirometn and weather human homeostatsis
extends inferiorly from the hypothalamus stalk known as infundibulum
at distal end of the infundibulum pituitary gland or hypophysis
extends inferiorly between the diencephalon and the pons midbrain
both sesory and motor nerve fibers, carry impules between spinal cor and brain are found here midbrain
middle section of the brainstem above the medulla pons or bridge
regulates breathing and arouses the cerebrum to the conscious state pons
most inferior portion of the brainstem mudulla oblongata
connects the brain to the spinal cord as it exits the cranium through the foramen magnum of the occipital bone medulla oblongata
Created by: 1145508893
Popular Radiology sets




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