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Utile Musica

aria solo piece from an opera
artista/musicista musician
ballabile dance music
drano cut (from an album)
cantante singer (m or f)
cantautore singer-songwriter
canzoncina pop song
canzone song
casa discografica record label
celebre famous
colonna sonora soundtrack
coro chorus/choir
cuffie headphones
dal vivo live (music)
disco di platino/d'ora platinum/gold record
esordire/esordio to debut/debut
genere type of music (or literature)
in classifica on the charts
inno nazionale national anthem
la lirica lyric opera
lettore cd CD player
musica da camera chamber music
musica leggera/classica pop/classic music
orecchiabile catchy
palco stage
alla radio on the radio
registrazione tape; recording
registratore tape player
ritmo rhythm; beat
ritornello refrain/chorus in a song
singolo single from an album
suoneria ring tone
suono sound
tastiera keyboard
testo words (to a song)
"tormentone" an over-played song
voce (f) voice (soprano, tenore, baritono)
abbassare/alzare il volume to lower/raise the volume
applaudire to applaud
ascoltare to listen
comporre to compse
eseguire to perform a musical piece
esibirsi to perform on stage
fischiare to boo a performer (lit. to whistle)
scaricare to download
suonare to play an instrument
suonicchiare to play a little or poorly
archi stringed instruments
batteria drums
chitarra guitar
fisarmonica accordian
flauto flute
pianoforte piano
sassofono saxophone
tastiera keyboard
violino violin
Created by: MarieB
Popular Italian sets




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