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Ch3a Neuropsychology

Neuropsych Test Stack

Sensory Neurons Neurons carrying information from body to brain. From your sensory organs to the brain
Motor Neurons Neurons carrying information from brain to body. From the brain to your Motor activity
Interneurons Neurons that interface between the sensory and motor neurons
Dendrite Short branch-like structure of neuron that accepts the electrical conduction from the previous neuron
Soma Neuron's Cell Body with Nucleus
Axon Long-tail structure carrying electrical conduction away from the soma
Myelin Sheath Fatty insulation covering the axon
Nodes of Ranvier Spaces along the myelin sheath like exposed wiring that help the conduction move down the axon
Axon Terminal Buttons At end of axon these hold the neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters Housed in the ATBs, they are released and fire the conduction over the synapse to the awaiting dendrite
Synapse Space between the neurons
Cl- and K+ Always inside the cell body of the neuron. Ionic charge is neutral
NA+ Outside the cell body of the neuron except during Action Potential
Neutral ionic charge When Na is outside the cell and Cl- and K+ are inside
Positive Ionic charge When Na+ is inside the cell with Cl- and K+
Excitatory State When Na+ is inside cell
Inhibitory State When Na+ is outside the celll
Action Potential Stage When dendrite receives the conduction, Na+, K+ and Cl are inside the cell, ionic charge is positive, voltage state is excitatory
Absolute Refractory Stage When soma opens and Na+ leaving the cell
Resting Stage When Na+ is outside the cell, the ionic charge is neutral, and the voltage state is inhibitory
Reuptake Process Neurotransmitters are swept back into the ATBs
Presynaptic Neuron Sending neuron
Postsynaptic Neuron Receiving neuron
Monoamines Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin: Mood regulation
Serotonin Most important to stay out of depression--too much or too little sleep, too much or too little sleeping, aggressive behavior
Dopamine Mood: Pleasure center when dopamine levels are good. When low, impulse behaviors. Works with voluntary muscles; too little--Parkinson's; too much--Schizophrenia
GABA Regulates anxiety
Endorphins Generated by exercise -- opiate like state and masks pain. Why people can become addicted to exercis.
Acetylcholine Works with involuntary and voluntary muscles. Also indicated in Alzheimer's Disease
Nicotine Agonist--fools neuron that it is going to fire. Causes stress on the heart
Alcohol Poisoning and OD from Illegal substances Antagonist--doesn't allow neuron to fire--heart stops
Glia Cells Ten on each neuron axon, nourish neuron and eliminate waste
All-or-None Law Neuron either fires or doesn't
Glutamate Excitatory neurotransmitter necessary for cognition functions like learning and memory
Norepinephrine Mood and Arousal; normal levels give the fight/flight instinct. Low levels--fear and anxiety
Created by: lmckay
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