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MTTC - Elementary Ed


this is the exact spot where coordinates meet; the grid system allows the location of every place on the planet to be identified absolute location
another name for lines of latitude because they circle the earth in parallel lines that never meet parallels
another name for lines of longitude meridians
this is the parallel (latitude) 23 1/2degrees north of the equator Tropic of Cancer
this is the parallel (latitude) 23 1/2degrees south of the equator Tropic of Capricorn
the parallel 66 1/2degrees north of the equator Arctic North
the parallel 66 1/2degrees south of the equator Antarctic South
a system of satellites that orbit the Earth and communicate with mobile devices to pinpoint the mobile device's position; accomplished by determining the distance between the mobile device and at least 3 satellites Global Positioning System (GPS)
the process of determining position based on distance measurements from 3 satellites trilateration
shows natural features (mountains, rivers, deserts, etc.); color is used to designate the different features physical map
a type of physical map that shows the relief and configuration of a landscape (hills, valleys, fields, roads, etc.); includes natural and human-made features topographic map
a map on which lines are stretched/straightened for the sake of clarity, but retain their essential geometric relationship; this type of map is used to show the routes of a subway system topological map
map that uses state, county, and country boundaries; points/dots for cities and towns; various other symbols used for features (i.e. airports and roads) political map
aka biomes; forests, grasslands, deserts, and tundra are the 4 main types vegetation zones
tropical, dry, temperate, continental, and polar are the 5 main types climate zones
the number of people living in each square mile or kilometer of a place; calculated by dividing population by area population density
the identification of the dominant religions of a place, whether Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Shinto, Taoism, or Confucianism (all of which originated in Asia Religion
the identification of the dominant or official language of a place Language
there are ____ major language families 12
The _________ family (that includes English, Russian, German, French, and Spanish) is spoken over the widest geographic area Indo-European
_______ __________ is spoken by the most people Mandarin Chinese
formed from millions of tiny, tube-shaped polyps coral reefs
reefs that surround ("fringe") an island fringing reef
over the centuries, a fringe reef grows so large that the island sinks down from the weight, and the reef becomes a barrier around the island barrier reefs
water trapped between the island and the reef lagoon
the sinking island when it goes under, leaving the coral reef around the lagoon atolls
formed by the movement of geologic plates; as the plates collide, they push up the crust to form ___________ mountains
the process of geologic plates colliding, pushing up the crust to form mountains; 3 types - folded mountains, subduction, and volcanic mountains orogeny
formed if the collision of continental plates cause the crust to buckle and fold (ex: Appalachians, the Alps, and the Himalayas) folded mountains
process where the collision of plates causes a denser oceanic plate to go under a continental plate; strong horizontal forces lift and fold the margin of the continent (ex: the Andes) subduction
type of mountain formed when an oceanic plate is driven under another oceanic plate (location ex: Japan and the Philippines) volcanic mountains
the maximum, sustained level of use of an environment that can incur without sustaining significant environmental deterioration that would eventually lead to environmental destruction carrying capacity
how things or people are grouped in a given space anywhere on earth; applies to the placement of settlements that are located to make the distribution of goods and services convenient spatial organization
the study of landforms geomorphology
a science that considers the relationships between geological structures and surface landscape features physiography
a landscape feature or geomorphological unit; includes pits, peaks, hills, plateaus, mountains, etc. landform
bodies of salt water that are smaller than oceans and are somewhat surrounded by land like a lake seas
bodies of water in a depression on the earth's surface lakes
a channeled flow of water that start out as a spring or stream formed by runoff from precipitation; flow from higher to lower ground; usually empty into a sea or ocean rivers
artificial waterways constructed by humans to connect 2 larger water bodies canals
a low series of hills found between a plain and a mountain range foothills
a long depression located between hills or mountains; usually products of river erosion valleys
elevated landforms that are fairly flat on top; can be as high as 10,000 feet above sea level; usually next to mountains plateaus
flat areas of upland; name is derived from the Spanish word "table"; smaller than plateaus and often found in arid/semi-arid areas mesas
extensive areas of low-lying, flat, or gently undulating land; called lowlands when they're near the seacoast plains
accumulations of silt deposited at river mouths into the seabed; eventually converted into very fertile, stable ground by vegetation, becoming important crop-growing areas deltas
can be low areas that catch water from rivers; can be large hollows that dip into a central point and are surrounded by higher ground; or can be areas of inland drainage in a desert when the water can't reach the sea and flows into lakes or evaporates basins
climate that has 4 seasons (including hot summers, cold winters, and sufficient rainfall for raising crops); found in US, Russia, and Canada humid continental climate
steppe regions; found in the interiors of Asia and N. America where there are dry flatlands prairie climates
very humid areas in the tropical areas of Japan, China, Australia, Africa, S. America, and the US; the moisture provides long summers and mild winters subtropical climates
a climate near/surrounded by water; warm ocean winds provide moisture, mild temperatures year-round, and plentiful rain; W. Europe, parts of US, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, and Australia marine climates
the study of climate, water, and land & their relationships with each other and humans; locates and identifies the earth's surface features & explores how humans thrive in various locations according to crop and goods production physical geography
the study of influence of the environment on human behaviors as well as the effect of human activities (farming, building, grazing livestock, etc.) on the environment; identifies & compares the features of different cultures cultural geogpraphy
the placement of the hemispheres and the continents physical location
the divisions within continents that designate various countries; made with borders, which are set according to boundary lines arrived at by legal agreements political locations
There are 3 types of ___ ___________: conical, cylindrical, and azimuthal map projections
this type of map projection superimposes a cone over the sphere of the earth, with 2 reference parallels secant to the globe and intersecting it; no distortion along the standard parallels, but distortion increases further from the chosen parallels conical map projection
any map projection where meridians are mapped using equally spaced vertical lines and circles of latitude are mapped using horizontal lines cylindrical map projection
a stereographic projection onto a plane so centered at any given point that a straight line radiating from the center to any other point represents the shortest distance azimuthal map projection
Created by: jmeeker
Popular Geography sets



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