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BRONCH CARCIN/O CARDI/O CYTO- DERMA- GASTRO GYNE/O HISTIO- HEPATI- MALIGN- NEPHRO- NEURO- ONCO- OSTEO- Medical Prefixes You Should Know Prefixes change the meaning of the original word: A prefix (in front of a word) can put an unknown w
CYTO- cell cytotoxic = toxic to the cell
DERMA- skin dermatitis = inflammation of the skin
GASTRO stomach/abdomen Gastroenteritis = inflammation of the stomach and intestines
GYNE/O female Gynecology = branch of medicine related to the female reproductive system
HISTIO- tissue histology = study of tissue
HEPATI- liver
BRONCH airways Bronchitis = inflammation of the airways
CARCIN/O cancer carcinogenic = cancer causing
CARDI/O heart pericarditis = heart inflammation
CYTO- cell cytotoxic = toxic to the cell
DERMA- skin dermatitis = inflammation of the skin
GASTRO stomach/abdomen Gastroenteritis = inflammation of the stomach and intestines
GYNE/O female Gynecology = branch of medicine related to the female reproductive system
HISTIO- tissue histology = study of tissue
HEPATI- liver hepatoblastoma = liver cancer
MALIGN- bad / harmful malignant = growing, spreading
NEPHRO- kidney nephrotoxic = harmful to the kidneys
NEURO- nerves neuroblast = an immature nerve cell
ONCO- mass / tumor oncology = the study of cancer
OSTEO- bone / bony tissue osteosarcoma = bone cancer
Medical Prefixes You Should Know
Prefixes change the meaning of the original word: A prefix (in front of a word) can put an unknown word into perspective.
For example, if a word begins with “aden-” or “adeno-”, it should always relate to the glands.
The 50 Most Common Medical Prefixes
Ab- Away from
Ad- Toward
Acro- Top; extremities
Acu- Sharp; severe
Ante- Before; forward
Anti-, Anter- Opposing; against
Bi- Two; double
Brachio- Arm
Chemo- Chemical
Co-, con-, com- Together; with
Cranio Skull
Cyto- Related to cells
De- Down; from
Di- Twice; two
Dia- Throughout
Ecto- Outside
Encephal/o Brain
Estro- Female
Epi- Upon
Extra-, Extro- Beyond; outside of
Hemi- Half; half of
Hemat/o- Blood
Hyper- Above; excessive; beyond
Hyp-, Hypo- Below; beneath; deficient
Inter- Between
Intra- Within; inside
Intro- Into; within
Macro- Large
Meso- Middle
Micro-, Micr- Tiny; small
Mono/Uni One; single
Morto- Death
My/o- Muscle
Neur/o- Nerve
Ocul/o- Eye
Onco- Tumor
Or- Mouth
Post- After; following; behind
Pre-, pro- In front of; before
Pulmon- Lungs
Retro- Behind; backward
Secto- To cut
Semi- Half
Stetho- Chest
Topo- Place; position
Trans- Through or across
Tri- Three
Ultra- Excessive; beyond
The 50 Most Common Medical Suffixes
Studying medical suffixes is great because there are a lot fewer to memorize than prefixes! Medical suffixes typically indicate whether the word is a procedure, disease, condition, or part of speech (e.g. verb, noun, adjective).
For example, if you hear the word “adenocarcinoma”, the “oma” will inform you that a tumor is present. In this case, a cancerous tumor.
Some common medical suffixes include:
-ary Pertaining to
-ase Enzyme
-ation Process
-cele Hernia
-clasis To break
-constriction Narrowing of
-dilation To expand; stretch
-dynia Pain; discomfort
-ectomy Removal
-edema Swelling; inflammation
-ema Condition
-emia Related to blood
-eurysm Expanding; widening
-genesis To form
-globin Protein
-graphy Recording of something
-ia Condition
-icle Small, possibly microscopic
-ism Process or condition
-itis Swelling; inflammation
-lysis Breakdown; deterioration; separation
-mania Obsession
-mortem Death
-oma Mass; tumor; cyst
-one Hormone
-opsy Display of
-ostosis Condition of bone
-paresis Weakness; failing
-partum Birth
-pathy Emotion or disease
-phasia Speech
-phylaxis Protection
-poiesis Formation
-pnea Breathing
-rrhea Discharge
-rrhexis Burst
-schisis To split
-scopy Examination
-somnia Sleep
-spasm Muscle contraction
-stasis To control; stop
-stoma/-stomy Create a new opening
-tomy Process of cutting; making an incision
-tresia Opening
-tropia To turn
-tropin To trigger
-type Image, designation
-uria Urine
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
How Many of These Medical Terms Can You Define?
Now that you’ve learned some common root words (and the 100 most common medical prefixes and suffixes), you can start to move onto some common language used in healthcare.
Although this list is far from exhaustive, it can still be used as the basis for a quickfire medical terminology test:
Abatement: A reduction in the severity of symptoms.
Abiotic: Unrelated to living organisms (physical, not biological).
Abortive: When a disease is cut short.
Abrasion: Damage to the skin caused by friction.
Abruption: A sudden separation or breaking off.
Ambulatory: Also referred to as outpatient care.
Analgesia: The removal of pain while a patient is conscious.
Benign: An abnormal but non-threatening growth or tumor.
Compression: The application of pressure to stop bleeding or prevent further injury.
Etiology: The cause of a certain disease or condition.
Exacerbation: Deterioration/worsening of a medical condition
Hematemesis: Vomiting of blood
Hematology: Study, treatment, and prevention of blood diseases and conditions
Idiopathic: Condition with an unknown cause.
Intractable: Medical conditions that are difficult to treat or cure.
Microbiology: Related to bacterial and viral infections
Neurology: Related to the disorders of the brain, spinal cord, or general nervous system
Referred pain: Pain felt in an area different from the actual source.
Remission: Signs of the disease disappear temporarily or permanently.
Stimulus: Triggers a physical and/or behavioral change.
Subcutaneous: Either injected or naturally existing under the skin.
Syndrome: A set of symptoms that indicate a certain condition, disease, or abnormality.
Urology: Related to problems with the urinary tract or the reproductive system (in men)
If you’re unfamiliar with some of these words, consider researching their roots with some extra help. You can also learn to say some tongue-twisting medical terms like a true professional. Additionally, check some useful tools and resources for medical te
The Best Tips for Learning Important Medical Words
Photo by Lukas from Pexels
Medicine clearly has its own language, and understanding medical terminology lays a great foundation for practicing in any allied healthcare field.
Mastering this language is a complex task, but with the appropriate learning resources, valuable tricks, and dedication, there’s no reason why you can’t learn medical terminology quickly and effectively.
Use a Medical Dictionary to Look Up Medical Terms
Using an online medical dictionary is a fantastic way to enrich your understanding of meanings and use of medical terms. If a word is tripping you up, see where it’s derived from and how it’s pronounced. Is it used outside of the medical world? Can it be
Make or Use Flashcards to Learn Medical Terms
Science has discovered that people remember more when they write things down, which makes creating flashcards a great technique. If you’re trying to remember a term with a visual clue, why not use that on one side? If you simply want to test your current
Play Medical Terminology Games
There are a variety of online medical terminology games that can help you memorize your vocabulary words. Multiple choice, memory, and matching games shake things up a bit when things start to feel a bit overwhelming.
Nowadays, there are plenty of Android and iPhone medical apps that are designed exclusively for future healthcare workers.
Get Ahead in Your Future Allied Healthcare Career
Are you an allied healthcare student or considering a medical career? We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the medical terminology guides, classes, and books that will take your education to the next level.
Would you like to explore even more ways to make learning more enjoyable? Check out these medical YouTube channels and stay tuned to the latest news in the medical field.
Medical Assistant
Created by: melissa.castro
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