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Psychology Review

Critical Thought looking pass the superficial layer & asking fairly
Psychology the study of the brain & interaction of the body
Bias anything that affects the way we think or believe
Hindsight Bias We take new information and apply it to the whole situation
Over Confidence not open minded; dismissive certain oppotunities
Case Study psychologist study a small group of people in small amount of timeadvantage: you figure out how the mind worksdis: personal bias and & screw up the results
Survey questionaire to figure out about what alot of people thinkdis: wording - some words have emotion or connotation; representive sample - isn't precise.
Natural Observation study people without their knowledgedis: psychologist doesn't have control
Correlations relationship between 2 or more things-positive/negative-predict behavior but doesn't explain causes
Illusory Correlations we think there's relationship but it doesn't exist.
Nervous System survival - hunter/gatherer-body control itself
Central Nervous System brain - where decisions are madespinal cord - information super high way (getting info to & from the brain)
Somatic Nervous System controls voluntary movements; ex:joints, muscles, tendons [Pheripheral Nervous System]
Autonomic Nervous System controls involuntary movements; ex: breathing, heart, blinking [Pheripheral Nervous System]
Sympathetic Branch (under the autonomic nervous system) - fight or flight mechanism [extends energy]
Parasympthatic Branch (under the autonomic nervous system) - mend or restore the body's energy; sleep
Neuron basic unit of your brain
Nucleolus is the brain (process) of the neuron
Dendrites recieve the information from other neurons
Axon sends the information
Terminal Buttons sending the signal to other neurons
Myelin Sheath fatty tissue that protects & covers the axon
Synapse the gap between neurons
Neurotransmitters flow back & forth through synapses that allows neurons communicate
Receptor Sites these receieve neurotransmitters (located on dentrite)
Vesicles the mini circle in terminal buttons - sacs that holds neurotransmitters
Threshold in order of neuron has certain number of neurotransmitter must recieve before its send a message
Electrical Impulse once threshold is reached, it sends the "impulse" down the neuron to release all transmitters
Fissure Serval Indentions/Creaves that seperate the lobs
logitudinal (corpus callosum) connects the two hemisphere in our brain
Frontal Lobe voluntary movement, speech, decision making- last part of the brain to form- alcohol/speed greatly affect this area
Motor Cortex its where voluntary movement is controlled
Parietal Lobe contains sensory cortex-process the info. from the sense of touch
Occipital Lobe vision care, safety precaution-sends info. from the opposite eye to occipital lobe
Temporal Lobe auditory/hearing center-process info. from the opposite ear
Cerebral Cortex out covering of the brain
Nature is the idea of biology/genetics affects the way our behavior. [DNA]
Identical Twins identical - share the same embryoOnce seperated at birth - live in different environment; remarkly have same personality.
Fraternal Twins don't share the same embryo
Adopted Kids have more common with their biological parents than their adopted parents
Temperament how intense and how long you're going to be mad-little changes over time
Nuture the idea of environment affects the behavior
Peer Group friends can affect your behavior more than parents
Alcoholism, Drug, Smoking affects from the family; more affect by peer group.
Cultural Norm accept behavior ex: arranged marriage, body lang, yes/no, moral things
Personal Space prefer buffer zone
Gender Roles we have accepted behaviors for each gender
Language re-enforce gender roles some words are masculine & some words are feminine
Social Learning Theory we learn gender roles by watching and imitating
Gender Schema Theory gender acts as a lens through which we look at the world
Physical Development [Infancy & Childhood] ~childhood - starts from birth to puberty~growth is rapid through infancy to toddlers - significant pace~3-12 yrs. growth is slow
Jean Piaget Swiss Psychologist; studied on his boys to see how our mind grows in stages; four stages; Cognitive Growth
Sensorimontor Stage -birth to age 2-experience the world by their senses-any senses that triggers takes all their attention
Object Permance is the idea of cant see something, its still there; develops around 8 months ex: peek-a-boo
PreOperational Stage -age 2 to 6/7-the ability to verbalize but cant think logically
Created by: ashe2005
Popular Psychology sets




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