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abacavir ziagen
didanosine videx, videx EC
emtricitabine emtriva
lamivudine epivir
stavudine zerit
zidovudine retrovir
tenofovir viread
atazanavir reyataz
darunavir prezista
fosamprenavir lexiva
indinavir crixivan
lopinavir/ritonavir kaletra
nelfinavir viracept
ritonavir norvir
saquinavir invirase
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etravirine intelence
nevirapine viramune
enfuvirtide fuzeon
maraviroc selzentry
raltegravir isentress
azithromycin zithromax
doxycycline vibramycin
erythromycin e-mycin
levofloxacin levaquin
ofloxacin floxin
ceftriaxone rocephin
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plus azithromycin zithromax
acyclovir zovirax
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valacyclovir valtrex
benzathine bicillin L-A
tinidazole tinadamax
metronidazole flagyl, metreogel vaginal 0.75%
clindamycin clindesse
clotrimazole gyne-lotrimin
fluconazole diflucan
miconazole monistat
terconazole terazol
interferon alfa-2b intron A
interferon alfa 2-a pegylated pegasys
lamivudine epivir-HBV
telbivudine tyzeka
entecavir baraclude
adefovir hepsera
tenofovir viread
interferon alfa 2-b pegylated PegIntron
ribavirin rebetol
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ledipasvir/sofosbuvir harvoni
Created by: LACCSP19
Popular Pharmacology sets




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