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MH Unit 6


Facies facial expressions
Posture The way a person holds the body, which indicates feelings
Dress Refers to the way a person clothes and cares for the self
Apraxia Impaired ability to perform purposeful acts, absence of loss motor power, sensation, coordination
Motor Activity The way in which a person moves the body
Lability Rapidly shifting and changing emotions; state of being unstable/unchangeable
Parkinsonism neurological disorder- tremor, muscle rigidity, hypokinesia, shuffling gait, and difficulty chewing, swallowing, and speaking due to changes in EPS associated with antipsychotic drugs
Avolition Lack of motivation
Tardive Dyskinesia Slow rhythmical, automatic stereotyped movements, either generalized or specific, tongue protrusion, lip smaking
Akinesia Complete or partial loss of muscle movement
Akathisia Extreme motor restlessness and may complain of muscle quivering
Word Salad speech marked by a group of disconnected words
Level of awareness client's wakefulness or consciousness
Ambivalence Alternating and opposite feelings occurring in the same person about the same situation
Delusions of Grandeur Exaggerated false beliefs about one's abilities or importance
Deja Vu Feeling of having experienced a new situation previously
Flight Ideas A continuous stream of words in which the client switches rapidly from one topic to another
Perseveration Repetition of the same word in response to different question
Preoccupation of thought Connecting all the occurrences and experiences to a central thought, usually one with strong emotional overtones
Delusion of persecution False belief that others are seeking to hurt/ damage the person, either physically or by insinuation
Confabulation Filling in the gaps in memory with statements that are untrue
Blunted or flat affect normal range of emotions is missing
Loose associations poorly connected or poorly organized thoughts
Constricted Personalities are tightly controlled
Circumstantiality Frequent digressions on the way to an eventual conclusion
Tangentiality Frequent digression until initial reason for beginning a discussion is forgotten
Delusion of Reference False belief that the person is center of others' attention and discussion
Blocking Cessation of thought production for no apparent reason
Paranoia Unwarranted suspiciousness and distrust in others
Acting out Active expression of emotion through inappropriate behavior
Depersonalization Feeling detached from one's surroundings . Estranged, unreal, or automated
Created by: bvjklolita2015
Popular Psychology sets




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