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PGS341 Ch.2 Question

The first 22 pairs of chromosomes are called _____ Autosomes
_____ reflects the combined activity of a number of distinct genes Phylogenetic inheritance
Individuals with _____ have an extra 21st chromosome, usually inherited from the mother Down syndrome
When a fertilized egg has defective autosomes, the usual result is that _____ The fertilized egg is aborted spontaneously
The term _____ refers to the fact that the same genotype can be associated with many different phenotypes Reaction range
Nonshared environmental influences tend to make siblings _____ Different from each other
The period of the zygote ends _____ At 2 weeks after conception (when the zygote is completely implanted in the wall of the uterus)
Body structure and internal organs are created during the period of the _____. Embryo
_____ is called the age of viability because this is when most body systems function well enough to support life. Between 22 and 28 weeks
In the last few months of prenatal development, the fetus has regular periods of activity and _____, which are the first signs of fetal behavior. The eyes and ears respond to stimulation
General risk factors in pregnancy include a woman's nutrition, _____, and her age. Prolonged stress
_____ are some of the most dangerous teratogens because a pregnant woman is often unaware of their presence. Environmental hazards
During the period of the zygote, exposure to a teratogen typically results in _____. Spontaneous abortion of the fertilized egg
Two techniques to determine whether a fetus has a hereditary disorder are amniocentesis and _____ Chorionic villus sampling
In the third stage of labor, the ____ is delivered. Placenta
Two problems with using anesthesia during labor are that a woman can't use her abdominal muscles to help push the baby down the birth canal and ____ The pain-relieving medication crosses the placenta and affects the baby
Home delivery is safe when a pregnant woman is healthy, has had a problem-free pregnancy, expects to have a problem-free delivery, and ____ When trained health care professionals are present to deliver the baby
When the supply of oxygen to the fetus is disrupted because the umbilical cord is squeezed shut, _____ results Hypoxia
Created by: 817229501
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