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Psychology year 3

Terms and themes studied in year 3 of Psychology

what is somatic therapy Therapy that relates to the treatment of the body as a post of the mind
What is Paraskevidekatriaphobia Irrational fear of Friday the 13th
what is desensitisation Desensitisation or decoupling of an off of the fear associated with an object or situation
name one of Freud’s ways he believes patient avoid addressing underlying anxieties displacement, identification, repression, Fixation and Sublimation
Describe aversion therapy A former behavioural therapy that attempts to break the Association of fear of an object through exposure
What is flooding in therapy A form of aversion therapy that overloads the senses that's breaking the fear
What is the nocebo effect The opposite of the placebo affect where the patient describes negative feelings or adverse physical effects as a result of taking a placebo
What is Cognitive behavioural therapy Any kind of talking therapy which appeals to the insight and rational aspects of the clients recall and management of a problem
Which therapeutic approach believes humans have an inherent desire to improve The humanist approach to therapy
Why is insight so important in therapy Insight describes the work done by the client in order to make sense of understand rationalise plan and manage what ever issue anxiety or desire they brought to therapy
What is dysfunctional assumption Police that relate to taking personal responsibility for the expectations of others particularly parents of children. There is an assumption of photo Phalia
How might a client counter dysfunctional assumption Therapy aims asking challenging questions about why client feels responsibility for thoughts and actions of others
In Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy what assumptions must clients overcome. Name one I have to be perfect I have to treat others with unconditional love I have to always protect others at my own expense
What is the underlying philosophy of stoicism A key principle of the ancient Stoics was the belief that humans should not react to events; but react to judgments about them, and the judgments are up to each individual. Humans live in balance with nature of which they are part. the four virtues are wisdom, courage, temperence and justice
What does the German word Gestalt mean Discount is German for 'whole'
What movement has the motto: Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them This is the motto of stoicism
How does Bandura’s modelling theory work In behaviourism individuals model themselves in terms of behaviour look et cetera against people they admire. It has become more focused with the rise of celebrity culture
‘Human beings have the ability to make choices and therefore have responsibility’ is one of what One of the five postulants of the humanist approach to therapy
What three words are the motto for Humanist Psychology Existence precedes essence
What are the three rules of the therapist’s role in Client Centred Therapy Unconditional positive regard of the client empathy and active listening
What is transpersonal or transcendence Psychology Especially study in psychology of phenomena that appear to be experienced beyond the five senses
What is meant by the worried well People who are essentially well yet have any rational fear or anxiety about being ill or becoming ill
What therapeutic approach do the five postulates relate to Five postulants relate to the human school psychology
When Maslow upped his hierarchy levels from five to seven, what did he add on top of the pyramid Transcendence. Experiences that appear to be beyond the reach of the five senses
What was Privette describing occurring in moments that ‘involve a heightened sense of wonder, awe, or ecstasy over an experience’ Peak experiences
A peak experience involves 3 characteristics: significance, Fulfillment and what else - Spiritual: During a peak experience, people feel at one with the world and often experience a sense of losing track of time.
What is an encounter group Any form of psychotherapy including rational emotive therapy where the client discusses and interacts with other clients in a larger group
What is transactional therapy Based on the work of Eric Berne it invites clients to consider issues from the perspective of a child adult and mature person
What is self-help therapy Any form of therapy that the client undertakes on their own
What did Carl Rogers mean by a state of dis-congruence Expect expressing the gap that exists between self value or self-esteem and an ideal self or aspirant self
What did he call ‘the organised, consistent set of perceptions and beliefs about oneself’ Self-concept
What according to Rogers does Confidence in our own abilities, Self-acceptance and Not worrying about what others think and Optimism high self-esteem
Name one of four factors that Argyle says influences self-esteem reaction of others, comparison with others, social roles and identification
What is this called: ‘I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful. If not, it can't be helped’. The Gestalt prayer
Who described the idea of sharing a collective unconscious Karl Jung. Call you have worked closely with and was mentored by Freud but split from him over the issue of a collective unconscious
Heidegger talked about the role of philosophy as an enquiry to route out untruth. Therapy is seen as doing the same thing on an individual basis. Seeing each person as an individual is called a phenomenological approach to therapy. What does phenomenology mean The client is judged against no other times other than against themselves and is treated as a phenomenon or individual in their own right
Why is trust needed in any client and therapist relationship Because of the gross imbalance of information held about each other int the client/therapist relationship. The client must trust the therapist to keep information confidential
What is the additional activity performed by a therapist that turns them into a counsellor rather than therapist The gym therapist and counsellor are used interchangeably generally speaking counselling involves an element of education aimed at the client concerning their condition and plans
What is an ethic And ethic is a value in action
What is meant by informed consent Consent given by a client where they are informed of the details and consequences and the nature of the arrangement they are entering into.
Who does the ‘heavy lifting’ in therapy The client has all the heavy lifting in terms of deciding issues plans management and what constitutes success
What is ‘a positive physical, social and mental state; it is not just the absence of pain’ Wellbeing
In Selligman’s PERMA model of wellbeing, name one of the 5 segments relationships, purposefulness, Achievement, Positive emotions, Engagement
What is the general differences between alternative and complementary therapy Alternative therapies generally run alongside formal and medical therapies. Complimentary therapy are generally standalone therapy is designed to produce pleasure relaxation and a sense of mindfulness
What is the placebo effect The reported improvement in a condition or alleviation of a symptom following the administration of a valueless medicine.
What is the difference between a patient and a client The difference is in the nature of the relationship. Patients generally take advice and guidance. Clients manage all aspects of their care
What is Munchausen’s syndrome A deliberate causing of injury or harm in order to gain attention from actual care and treatment, normally for a physical condition.
Give three strategies or outcomes to therapy that can be considered under the general heading of a cure Pleasure, Alleviation, Managing behaviour, Relief. Relaxation, Mindfulness, Staying the course, Commitment. Insight, Plan, Cure
To what school of psychology did Abraham Maslow adhere Maslow is part of the humanist school of psychology. His hierarchy of motivation describes inherent desire of humans to always self improve
Who was Freud natural successor until they fell out and he formed his own ideas of psychoanalysis Karl Jung. His ideas over collective unconscious was a major point of difference
How many known phobias are there There are no maximum number as a phobia can be idiosyncratic
Describe three verbs that could constitute a cure through therapy Pleasure, Alleviation, Managing behaviour, Relief, Relaxation Mindfulness, Staying the course, Commitment, Self-discovery
What creates a mood In theory is concerning emotion and mood is caused by the secular continuation of physical reaction cognitive attribution and physical response
what is cognitive bias Having insufficient knowledge to know that the degree of certainty to which one holds an opinion is not backed by sufficient said knowledge
What does LAD stand for Learning acquisition device. Devised by Noamh Chomsky
Who gave us a forgetting curve Hermann Ebbinghaus
What causes dis-congruence This congruence is the gap caused by the difference between self image and ideal self image. Collectively it is called self-esteem and this congruence can be normal through to abnormal depending on the size of the gap and the perceived ability to close it
What is Imposter syndrome The fear that success has been achieved by mistake unfortunately. The sufferer lives in constant fear of being discovered or found out
What is a syndrome A collection of characteristics or symptoms that is recognised as a common condition but for which there may not be a clear or measurable central cause
What is self-esteem an evaluation of And evaluation of the image of self and the degree to which the holder is happy or ashamed in the judgement of it
Who was Narcissus and what is his syndrome A Greek demigod who was born and possibly beautiful such that everyone fell in love with him. His curse was the never see his own reflection which he achieved when stupid it to a pool to drink water. To this day he remains of CEst with his beauty in the reflection
Who said any talking therapy is never better than the vocabulary available to the client. His first name is Ludwig Wittgenstein
What does quis custodiet ipsos custodes relate to Who guards the guardians? It forms part of the session on social institutions and their role in conformity
Who first described transcendence Abraham Maslow
What dies Nullius non verba mean in academic study Society and this means 'take no one's word for it'
Created by: geoffrebbeck
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