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Med Prep Final

Final Test for Med Prep Medical Terminology

Ophthalmo*scope Instrument to visually examine the eye
Olig*ur*ia Pertaining to not enough urine
A*trophy Process of not having nourishment; a wasting
pseudo*neur*oma False nerve tumor
macro*cyt*hem*ia Pertaining to (red) blood cells being larger than normal
Hepat*itis Inflammation of the liver
Ceph*algia Head pain
procto*log*ist Specialist in the study of the rectum
hyper*glyc*emia Excessive sugar in the blood
gastro*enter*itis Inflammation of the stomach and intestine
chole*cyst*ectomy Surgical removal of the gall bladder
tachy*card*ia Pertaining to fast heart rate
trache*ostomy A new surgical opening in the trachea
hydro*phob*ia Pertaining to the fear of water
osteo*pathy Disease process in the bone
pneumo*graph An instrument for recording respiration
Dys*pnea Painful, difficult, or labored breathing
encephal*itis Inflammation of the brain
phlebo*plasty Surgical repair of the vein
septi*cide Causing death of infection, poison
nephro*gene*tic Pertaining to being produced in or by the kidney
rhino*stic*ure Condition of narrowing of the nose, nasal passages
meno*rrhag*ia Pertaining to monthly flow
arterio*scler*osis Condition of hardening of the arteries
psycho*log*ist Specialist in the study of the mind
poly*dactyl*ous Condition of having many fingers and or toes
Pyo*rrhea Flow of pus
inter*cost*al Pertaining to between the ribs
ambi*later*al Pertaining to both sides
angio*mega*lly Pertaining to enlarged vessels
neo*kinet*ic Pertaining to new movement
trans*derm*al Pertaining to across the skin
a*phas*ia Pertaining to not being able to speak
myo*gram Muscle recording
litho*lysis Dissolving of stone
hemat*ur*ia Pertaining to blood in the urine
cranio*tomy Surgical incision into the skull
thermo*meter Instrument to measure heat
broncho*scopy Process of visually examining the bronchus
oto*scope Instrument to visually examine the ear
bi*later*al Pertaining to both sides
an*esthes*ia Pertaining to no sensation
hypo*pnea Decreased breathing
oste*oma Bone tumor or mass
epi*derm*is Pertaining to on top of the skin
micro*scope Instrument to visually examine small things
cyan*osis Condition of being blue
erythro*cyte Red (blood) cell
hyster*ectomy Surgical removal of the uterus
hemi*plegia Paralysis of half the body
lipo*lysis Dissolving or breaking down of fat
blephar*itis Inflammation of the eyelid
ankylo*sing spondyl*itis Inflammation of the spine causing stiffness and or deformity
andr*oid Man like
circum*cise To cut around
Created by: MrsBuss
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