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Asymmetrical Balance Is established when two imaginary halves of a hairstyle have an equal visual weight
Balance Establishing equal or appropriate proportions to create symmetry. In hairstyling
Bang area Also known as fringe area; triangular section that begins at the apex
Concave Profile Curving inward; prominent forehead and chin
Contrasting lines Horizontal and vertical lines that meet at a 90 degree angle and create a hard edge.
Convex Profile Curving outward; receding forehead and chin.
Curved Lines Lines moving in a circular or semi-circular direction; used to soften a design.
Design Texture Wave patterns that must be taken into consideration when designing a style.
Diagonal Lines Lines positioned between horizontal and vertical lines. They are often used to emphasize or minimize features.
Directional Lines Lines with a definite forward or backward movement.
Emphasis Also known as focus; the place in a hairstyle where the eye is drawn first before traveling to the rest of the design.
Form The mass or general outline of a hairstyle. It is three dimensional and has length
Harmony The creation of unity in a design; the most important of the art principles. Holds all the elements of the design together.
Horizontal Lines Lines parallel to the floor or horizon; create width in design.
Parallel Lines Repeating lines in a hairstyle; may be straight or curved.
Profile Outline of the face
Proportion The comparative relation of one thing to another; the harmonious relationship among parts or things.
Rhythm A regular pulsation or recurrent pattern of movement in a design.
Single Lines A hairstyle with only one line
Space The area surrounding the form or the area the hairstyle occupies.
Straight Profile Neither convex nor concave; form a mirror image of one another.
Symmetrical Balance Two halves of a style; form a mirror image of one another.
Transitional Lines Usually curved lines that are used to blend and soften horizontal or vertical lines.
Vertical Lines Lines that are straight up and down; create length in hair design.
Created by: cvis
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