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Ch. 23 (8 Q's)

Psych exam 2 depression

Mood Pervasive and sustained emotion that colors one's perception of the world and how one functions in it.
Affect: Expression of mood
Blunted mood Thousand mile stare
Flat mood Sadness, lacking expression, typically someone on antidepressants, long face
Inappropriate mood They say they are happy yet they are crying
Labile mood 0-->60 they say they are happy one minute then mad the next minute, tiniest thing can send them from happy to mad then back to happy-- unstable
Restricted or constricted sad, distraught, grieved
Depressive disorders A sad, irritable, or empty mood is present with somatic(body aches) and cognitive changes that interfere with functioning.
Disruptive mood dysregulation Temper-tantrum- younger children if have extreme temper-tantrum that isn't congruent with their chronological age. I.e. ten year old laying in floor having a toddler tantrum
Major depressive disorder When psychiatrist makes this diagnoses patient must have all the characteristics for greater than 2 weeks is a mandatory requirement
Persistent depressive disorder - dysthymia Typically don't come into mental health unit. Patient doesn't know life without depression. eore donkey from winnie the poo. everything is negative
Premenstrual Dysphoric all depressive symptoms, extreme, every 28 days before menstrual cycle, very irritable, and sadness
Substance/medication- induced patients in recovery from substance abuse with deep dark depressive days/symptoms, no energy, can't think, sad, irritable, trying to learn new coping strategies
Diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder One or more moods (either a depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure) in nearly all activities for at least 2 weeks- Disruption sleep, appetite weight, concentration, energy, Psychomotor agitation, Excessive guilt/feelings worthlessness, Suicidal
Diagnostic criteria: Dysthymic Disorder mood disturbance lasts more than 2 years depressed mood daily
Depressive disorders in children and adolescents Anxiety and somatic (body pain) symptoms more likely Decreased interaction with peers; avoidance of play and recreational activities Irritable rather than sad mood; high risk of suicide
Depressive disorders in Older adults Commonly associated with chronic illness; symptoms possibly confused with those of dementia or stroke Suicide peaks in middle age with second peak at age 75
Is the following statement true or false? Children experiencing depression commonly exhibit an irritable mood? True. Children commonly exhibit an irritable mood rather than a sad mood with depression.
What is the difference between anxiety and depression? Anxiety = worry about the future Depression = worry about the past Both are treated the same though
True or false: Depression is twice as common in female adolescent and adult women than in adolescent and adult men? True
Risk factors for depression? Prior episode of depression, Family history of depressive disorder, Lack of social support, Lack of coping abilities, Presence of life and environmental stressors, Current substance use or abuse, Medical and/or mental illness comorbidity  
True or false: In older adults suicide peaks in middle age with second peak at age 75? True - there are two peaks in older adults
True or false: ages 18 and 29 have a three times higher prevalence of depression then those persons age 60 and older? True - 18-->29 are 3x more likely to have depression
Goals of treatment Reduce or control symptoms and, if possible, eliminate signs and symptoms of the depressive syndrome Improve occupational and psychosocial function as much as possible Reduce the likelihood of relapse and recurrence through recovery-oriented strategies
Priority care issues: safety and assessment of suicide risk
Nursing assessment for the biologic domain? physical systems review and thorough history of medical problems medication history physical examination neurovegetative symptoms - appetite/weight, sleep, decrease energy
Which of the following would a nurse identify as a neurovegetative symptom? A. Impaired occupational functioning B. Flat affect C. Disturbed sleeping D. Hyperactivity Disturbed sleeping -Neurovegetative symptoms include appetite and weight changes; sleep disturbance; and decreased energy, tiredness, and fatigue.
Types of somatic therapies? Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Light therapy (phototherapy) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
****What is an atypical characteristic of depression syndrome? *Overeating* or more often-not having appetite
****True or false: First-line treatment antidepressant medications are SSRI and SNRIs True: Patient needs to stay on SSRI for at least a year, won't see any results for at least 6 weeks of continuous use
Nursing assessments for the psychological domain? Mood and affect Thought content Suicidal behavior Cognition and memory
Which of the following would the nurse be alert for in a patient receiving fluoxetine? A. Hypertensive crisis B. Sedation C. Weight gain D. Serotonin syndrome Serotonin syndrome- Fluoxetine is an SSRI and may lead to the development of serotonin syndrome.
True or False? Tricyclic antidepressants (antihistaminic) are commonly associated with sedation and weight gain. True - tricyclic -->sedation and weight gain
True or False? Hypertensive crisis occurs with MAOIs if they are coadministered with food or other substances containing tyramine? True - MAOIs+tyramine = hypertensive crisis - FRESH FOOD ONLY Tyramine foods = party foods, pepperoni, alcohol, aged cheese, wines, etc.
Nursing Interventions for the social domain? Milieu therapy = calm environment Safety: ↑ risk of self harm with feeling better and having increased energy Family education and support; consumer-oriented support groups
Is the following statement true or false? A patient with depression is at greatest risk for suicide when his or her mood is at the lowest point. False. As patients begin to feel better and have increased energy, they may be at greater risk for suicide. When Pt at lowest point, a lot of time too tired
What are the goals of the continuum of care? Maximal level of independence as possible Stability, remission, and recovery
Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) Major depressive disorder symptoms lasting for 2 years (adult) and 1 year (children and adolescents)
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder Recurring mood swings, feelings of sadness, or sensitivity to rejection in the final week prior to menses
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder Severe irritability and outbursts of temper Begins before the age of 10 Similar to pediatric bipolar disorder
A nurse mentions to you that she noticed her patient was started on antidepressants 2 weeks ago and has increase energy, positive sudden mood change and has begun to give away their prized belongings and appear very happy. How should you respond to this? CAUTION! This could be a SUICIDE IDEATION! This patient may be getting ready to commit suicide and the happiness is in response to them thinking the pain and agony of living is about to come to an end.
What is the most important/priority nursing diagnoses for the psychological domain? Risk for suicide!
Nursing assessment for the social domain? Developmental history, family psychiatric history, patterns of relationships, support system, physical/sexual abuse, spiritual/religious background
Lithium Therapeutic level? 0.6-1.2mEq/L
Plasma lithium level for mild SE? <1.5mEq/L
Plasma lithium level in moderate toxicity? 1.5-2.5 mEq/L
Plasma lithium level in Severe toxicity? >2.5mEq/L
Lithium Mild SE? Confusion Tachycardia Polyuria Polydipsia GI upset Metallic taste
Lithium Moderate Toxicity? N/V Severe diarrhea Dry mouth Dizzy Ataxia Slurred speech
Lithium Severe Toxicity 6 signs and symptoms? Cardiac Arrhythmias Hallucinations Oliguria Seizure Coma Death
MAOI should only be used when? MAOIs should only be used "when others won't do"
According to Maslow's Hierarchy pyramid what is a persons most basic necessity level? Biological and physiological (food, sleep, water)
According to Maslow's Hierarchy pyramid list the 5 levels from most important to least important or bottom to top of pyradmid? 1. Physiological needs (food, sleep, water) 2. safety needs (security, employment, health) 3. love and belonging (friendships, intimacy) 4. esteem (respect, status, strength, freedom) 5. self actualization (desire to be the best one can be)
Created by: bolenrocks
Popular Psychology sets



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