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WorGeo Latin America

Terms for Latin America

Columbian Exchange widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, & ideas between the Americas, West Africa, & the Old World in the 1600s
Mangrove a tree or shrub that grows in chiefly tropical coastal swamps, including Central America, that are flooded at high tide
Indigenous produced, growing, living, or occurring natively or naturally in a particular region or environment
Mulattoes commonly refers to a mixed-race ancestry that includes white European & black African roots. Across Latin America, commonly used to describe people of mixed-race background
Cacao seeds from a small tropical American evergreen tree, from which cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate are made
Ecotourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, intended to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife
Santeria a Cuban religious cult developed from the beliefs and customs of the Yoruba people and incorporating some elements of the Catholic religion
Commonwealth an independent country or community, especially a democratic republic
Voodoo a black religious cult practiced in the Caribbean and the southern United States characterized by sorcery and spirit possession
Chiampa is a technique used in Mesoamerican agriculture which relied on small, rectangular areas of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds in valleys
Black Death a severe epidemic of plague and especially bubonic plague in the 14th century
Olmec prehistoric people inhabiting the coast of Veracruz and western Tabasco on the Gulf of Mexico who established what was probably the first Meso-American civilization
Aztec indigenous people dominant in Mexico before the Spanish conquest of the 16th century.
Maya indigenous people of Mexico & Central America who have continuously inhabited the lands comprising modern-day Yucatan in Mexico
Hispaniola island in the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean Sea, divided into the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Created by: ddenson80
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