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Pharm Quizzes

The nurse recalls the potential side effects of sympathomimetic therapy and advises the patient education to (select that all apply) Take medication early in the day to avoid insomnia Report side effects such as dyspnea and palpitations Do not “double up” on doses
The nurse recalls that the general mechanisms by which drugs affect neurotransmitter activity to alter autonomic nervous system (ANS) response include (Select all that apply) affecting the synthesis of the neurotransmitter binding to the receptor site on the neuron influencing the release of the neurotransmitter influencing the storage of the neurotransmitter
The nurse has an order to administer atropine, an anticholinergic drug, and understands that this medication is contraindicated for which patient The patient with glaucoma.
The nurse is reviewing the medications a physician has ordered and notices the drug bethanechol (Urecholine), a cholinergic drug, for this patient with urinary retention. This patient also has an enlarged prostate gland secondary to a malignant tumor. W Hold the drug and contact the physician
A nurse is assessing a patient who has a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder, and knows it is important to determine whether the patient has which of symptoms specific to this condition? Inability to concentrate at work & complete usual assignments.
Which of these interventions would the nurse expect to see listed as the first priority in the plan of care for a patient who has situational anxiety? Instruct the patient on the use of coping strategies to address situations that cause anxiety.
The nurse notes that Sertraline (Zoloft) is prescribed for a patient with depression and recalls that this drug is a more desirable treatment for depression than a drug from the tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) class because: the drug has less sympathomimetic and anticholinergic effects
The patient who is receiving escitalopram (Lexapro) for treatment of generalized anxiety disorder questions the nurse: “I am just nervous, not depressed. Why am I taking an antidepressant medicine?” What is the best response by the nurse? “The same brain chemicals are involved with anxiety as well as depression, so these medications also treat anxiety.”
The nurse is admitting a patient to the Psych unit with a diagnosis of depression. Which data collected from the initial history and assessment would the nurse determine required additional medical evaluation history of hypothyroidism. (Symptoms of depression may be attributed to medical &neurological disdrs, AWA thyroid gland problems SA hypothyroidism. Physical causes shd be r/o prior to eval by the psychiatrist to confirm the diagnosis of depression.)
Which of the following laboratory tests would be important to monitor for the patient prescribed lithium (Eskalith)? Select all that apply BUN & creatinine, Drug level, CBC, serum sodium. Bec lithium salts are removed by the kidneys, the nurse shd monitor the pt’s BUN & creatinine to eval renal function. Drug level, CBC, & elec esp serum Na+ shd also be monitored AWA hepatic function.
The nurse is assessing the patient for pain. Since the patient describes the pain as "burning and shooting", the nurse determines this pain may be classified as: neuropathic pain (Neuropathic pain is caused by injury to nerves and is typically described as burning, shooting, or numbing pain)
The nurse receives the patient in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) following a procedure requiring general anesthesia. The priority assessment made by the nurse relates to the patient's: respiratory status (General anesthesia causes relaxation of all muscles, including respiratory muscles, requiring mechanical ventilation. A patient's respiratory status must be monitored closely following general anesthesia).
The nurse administers morphine sulfate 4 mg I.V. to a patient for treatment of severe pain. Which assessment requires immediate nursing intervention? Respiratory rate 8/minute (Opioids activate mu and kappa receptors that may cause profound respiratory depression. Respiratory rate should remain above 12).
The nurse administers naloxone (Narcan) to a patient with severe respiratory depression and suspected drug overdose. After 20 minutes the patient remains unresponsive. The nurse understands that the most likely explanation for this is: the patient did not use an opioid drug (If opioid antagonists fail to act to quickly reverse symptoms of respiratory depression, the overdose was likely due to a non-opioid substance).
The nurse is reviewing discharge instructions for a patient who is to start sumatriptan (Imitrex) for migraine headaches. What is important for the nurse to include in the teaching plan for this medication? Select all that apply. Avoid foods containing tyramine such as aged cheese. Do not drive until the effects of medication are known.
The nurse is caring for a patient in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) who received viscous Lidocaine to numb the throat before a gastroscopy was performed. Priority nursing assessment includes: return of gag reflex (Since the throat has been anesthetized with viscous Lidocaine, the nurse would monitor for return of the gag reflex, especially prior to drinking or eating).
The nurse working in a mental health clinic is assessing a pt during a f/p visit when the pt admits to not taking the rx antipsychotic drug for the past @ wks bec it was causing sexual dysfunction. The nurse explains that continuing the medication as rx i Symptoms of psychosis are likely to return (Symptoms of psychosis are likely to return, exhibited by agitation, distrust, and frustration. The other options describe adverse reactions of antipsychotic pharmacotherapy).
The nurse is aware that nursing considerations and patient education regarding the administration of haloperidol (Haldol) for a patient exhibiting psychotic behavior include: Select all that apply. Older adults are more likely to have adverse effects. This medication should not be stopped abruptly Haloperidol interacts with many drugs.
The nurse is obtaining a patient history and asks about prescribed medications and recreational drug use. When the patient discloses using heroin, the nurse identifies that this controlled substance belongs in what DEA Schedule: Schedule I (Schedule I drugs have no accepted medical use and are considered to have the highest potential for abuse).
Drug abuse can also occur with legal, over-the-counter (OTC) remedies and formulations. True (Drug abuse can also occur with legal, over-the-counter (OTC) remedies and formulations. That is why the nurse should also provide patient education regarding OTC drugs as well as prescription medications).
An older adult receives levodopa, carbidopa, and entacapone (Stalevo). The nurse is concerned primarily about which problem with this patient? muscle twitching (Muscle twitching may indicate toxicity. Constip, not diarrhea, is a SE of levodopa, carbidopa, & entacapone (Stalevo). Dark urine is a norm finding asso w/ this med. Hypotension, not hyperten is poss w/levodopa, carbidopa, & entacapo
The nurse should question the use of barbiturates for the treatment of seizure activity if prescribed for which of the following patients? 30-year-old pregnant female (Barbiturates cross the placental barrier and are excreted in breast milk. Folic acid absorption is also decreased. Barbiturates are pregnancy category D drugs).
The physician has ordered intravenous (IV) diazepam (Valium) for the patient in status epilepticus. During administration, which assessment is most important? Assessing respirations (Resp depression is common when diazepam is given IV & is the priority for assessment. Assessing respirations is a higher priority than assessing the LOC).
The patient asks what can be expected from drug therapy for treatment of Parkinsonism. The best response by the nurse would be: that symptom reduction can improve the ability to perform ADL's. (Pharmacotherapy does not cure the disease, but does improve the patient's ability to perform normal activities such as eating, bathing, and walking).
The patient's calcium level is reported as critically low at 5.6 mg/dL . The nurse should assess the client for: muscle twitching (Normal serum calcium level is 8.5 - 11.5 mg/dL. Signs of hypocalcemia include seizures, muscles twitching tremor, or cramping, numbness and tingling of the extremities, and possible convulsions).
The patient is prescribed phenytoin (Dilantin) for treatment of a seizure disorder. The nurse should implement all of the following medication administration principles related to route EXCEPT: When ordered parenterally, only give IM. (shd not be given IM to ↓ the risk of soft-tissue damage; shd be given in a large vein or central catheter (IV)to avoid tissue damage fr extravasation. MIxed w/ saline ONLY for infusion to prevent precipitate form
The patient experiencing gout asks why he should avoid consuming large doses of vitamin C. The nurse's response is based on the knowledge that: vitamin C may enhance kidney stone formation (Gout is a metabolic disorder characterized by the accumulation of uric acid in the blood stream of joint cavities. Pts shd avoid large doses of vit C bec they enhance kidney stone formation).
The patient begins therapy with a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and receives raloxifene (Evista). Which other medication would the nurse hold and validate with the physician? Atrovastatin (Lipitor) -used to lower cholesterol (Antilipids &hormones are the only medications contraindicated w/ raloxifene (Evista). There's no CI lisinopril (Prinivil), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), paroxetine (Paxil).)
The physician prescribes cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) for the patient. When doing medication education, what will the best information of the nurse include? the intake of fluids & fiber while taking this med this drug has anticholinergic properties & can cause constipation, so the client shd ↑ the intake of fluids &fiber while taking this med. There is no need to limit caffeine & Na+, no need to ↑ protein.
The patient receives dantrolene (Dantrium) for muscle spasticity. Which lab result is a priority for the nurse to assess? Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) &alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (Dantrolene (Dantrium) can cause hepatitis; the aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) are the priority laboratory tests for the nurse to assess).
Created by: rferris77
Popular Pharmacology sets




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