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Civics test

Study terms for the year 8 civics test

What does Terra Nullius mean? A legal term which the British used when they settled Australia. It means unoccupied or uninhabited. It was used by the British to take Aboriginal Land for Great Britain.
What is a bicameral parliament? It means two houses of parliament. In Australia, the Federal Government and every state has a bicameral parliament except QLD.
What is the difference between a civil and and criminal law? Civil law protects our rights and property and allows us to bring actions agains other people. Criminal law is designed to protect us and punish offenders for crimes. The police bring the action.
What is Federation? The uniting of all the colonies in Australia under one central government. It occurred on January first 1901.
What is a constitutional monarchy? A country which has a constitution to outline the rules and a monarch as a head of state.
What is a democracy? A democracy is where all citizens have equal rights and freedoms, elect representatives to make laws
What are the separation of powers in Australia In Australia this was set out by the Constitution to stop one area of government from becoming too powerful. Powers in Australia are separated by the Parliament, the executive (Prime minister and cabinet), and the judiciary (courts).
What is a constitution? A document that outlines the rules by which a government is run
Who is our head of state? Queen Elizabeth II
What is the court that hears cases interpreting the constitution? It is also the highest court in Australia? High Court
I I commit murder what court would I be tried in? Supreme Court
What is the form of voting used in The House of Representatives? preferential
What is the form of voting used in the Senate? Proportional
The house of representatives is what colour? green
The senate is what colour? red
The leader of the Federal Government is? This is currently? The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.
The leader of the state government is? In Victoria this is currently? Premier, Daniel Andrews.
Our local federal seat is? Our local member is? The party they belong to is? Indi, Helen Haines. No party she is an independent
Our state seat is? Our local member is? The party they belong to is? Ovens Valley, Tim McCurdy. Nationals.
The two major political parties that could form government in Australia are? The Australian Labor Party and the Liberal Party.
What three things are needed to form a political party in Australia. 500 members, an application to the Australian Electoral Commission
What is the role of the House of Representatives? Government is formed. members represent the views of Australians and discuss matters of national and international importance. national laws are made and changed by debating and voting on bills—proposed laws.
What is the role of the Senate? The Senate is a house of review and a powerful check on the government of the day
Section 52 of the constitution gives the Federal Government certain powers. Name 2. employment, trade, defense, airports, immigration, pensions, taxation, shipping, aboriginal welfare, foreign affairs, health (medicare), education (universities, colleges)?
The Constitution gives the State Government specific powers. Name 2. Health (hospitals), Police services, tourism, housing, state roads, education (primary and secondary schools), aboriginal welfare, environmental protection?
Local Government has some specific responsibilities. Name 2 Town planning, streets and bridges, sewage, water supply, swimming pools, public libraries, education (kindergartens), rubbish collection?
What is a coalition? When two political parties join together to form government.
What is an independent? A person who runs for parliament and is elected without being part of a political party.
Explain the difference between an Act and a Bill. A bill is a proposed law. An Act is when it has been passed by both houses of Parliament and given royal assent.
What is Royal Assent? Is when the Governor General signs a bill to turn it into an Act of Parliament (into a law).
What do you use to vote on? Ballot paper.
What is the legal age to vote? 18
Why is voting compulsory in Australia? To make sure that enough people vote so that the vote represents the majority of citizens.
What court hears the least serious cases and has the most number of courts in Australia? Magistrates Court.
What is the difference between a summary and indictable offence? A summary offence is less serious like traffic fines and is heard by the Magistrates Court. Indictable offences are more serious and are heard by the County and Supreme courts eg murder.
What is a referendum? A referendum is a national vote proposed by parliament on an issue to change the constitution. It has to be passed by a majority of voters in a majority of states.
What is a plebiscite. An issue put to the vote which does not affect the Constitution A simple national vote. The government is not bound by the 'result' of a plebiscite.
Name the 3 types of law Statute law, common law, customary law.
A type of voting where you have to number all candidates in the order that you like them preferential voting
Created by: traceylwalsh
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